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Exotique / Arme cinétique / Grenade Launcher

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Source : Récompense du Pass saisonnier

Exotic Perks

Pic récolteur

Pic récolteur

Cette arme tire un Pic récolteur. Les frags avec cette arme créent un Vestige à l'emplacement de la cible. Empaler des combattants plus puissants avec le projectile projette un flux régulier de Vestiges hors de la cible.
Alchimie résiduelle

Alchimie résiduelle

Cette arme gagne de l'énergie lorsque vous ramassez des Vestiges et vous permet de créer des munitions au point d'impact du projectile pour vous et vos alliés. Le mode munitions spéciales se déverrouille à 50 % d'énergie et le mode munitions lourdes à 100 % d'énergie.

Pour transformer des Vestiges en munitions spéciales, [Action d'arme alternative] et parcourez tous les modes de tir disponibles.

Pour transformer des Vestiges en munitions lourdes, [Action d'arme alternative] et parcourez les modes de tir une seconde fois.


Rayon du souffle
Reload Time  
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Efficacité aérienne
Direction du recul
Coups par minute 90
Chargeur 1
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Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

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The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.
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« Oh, j'ai toujours aimé celle-ci », annonce Pétra. Elle commence à lire :

« On raconte que Nedhi fut la première à essayer de cartographier le monde. Plus tard, ses descendants compteraient parmi les scribes de Gensym et les corsaires des clairières de sel, mais en ces temps reculés, Nedhi n'avait qu'une seule obsession : prêcher la sixième doctrine des Éveillés. Pour connaître et aimer le cosmos, elle devait trouver et nommer tout ce qui se trouvait dans son univers. »

« Nedhi avait une foi sanguine en notre propre perfection tenace et cristalline, et en la noblesse de l'observateur. La création d'archives sur l'existence de l'Autre se devait de refléter le Soi tel un miroir. Ainsi, en nommant tout ce qui constituait le monde, elle décrirait l'identité éveillée par excellence. »

« Elle donna des noms à la flore et à la faune, aux forces tectoniques et aux marées. Aux nouvelles terreurs immortelles et aux objectifs cachés des actions invisibles. Elle devint célèbre, au point de devenir une destination de pèlerinage. Nedhi était capable de clarifier n'importe quelle émotion indescriptible. En leur donnant un nom, elle rendait vos problèmes, vos peurs et vos maladies supportables. Contenus par l'ontologie. »

Eido gazouille avec enthousiasme. « Donc ce sont des métaphores », devine-t-elle.

Pétra hausse les épaules en souriant. « Difficile à dire, n'est-ce pas ? Comment peut-on en être sûr à moins que quelqu'un n'ait été présent pour écrire la vérité ? »

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Season 25 Icon
Some PSAs for people "sleeping on" this weapon or any seasonal newcomers: this does have a projectile motion trajectory (parabolic arc for the mathematically-inclined), but it's very far. At first, users might think that they need to directly hit their targets with this weapon's "icicle" grenade projectile, but it also explodes and can kill weak red bars within its modest blast radius. If you want to use heavy ammo generator, make sure you hold the reload TWICE to cycle it from the "white/grey" normal mode (no ammo brick generated) to the "green" (special ammo brick) to the "purple" (heavy brick). You can tell what mode it's in by the colouring of the weapon's crosshairs/reticle -- just be sure to look at the weapon itself, not your HUD's aiming reticle. I know some of this info is implied or explicitly stated in the game, but it's easy to forget when you're in the fray.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Might be my favourite of the two primary ammo grenade launchers ( Even after the buff on fighting lion ) It allows you to build into ammo regeneration, which is pretty unique compared to it's void counterpart
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Aeons Sect, say hello to your new best friend and partner in crime. Being a micro missile primary grenade launcher, it was bound to have strong add clear potential and power, but adding on its exotic traits of passively allowing you to generate more heavy ammo for your team is going to make this a common pick for raid teams who want to max out ammunition on encounters with bosses. Run it with a loader mod on your arms to really keep the missiles flying.

The main thing to note is that it generates finder bricks, so they're going to be smaller than other, naturally occurring bricks. Just like with those finder bricks, though, that means the ammo economy for rocket launchers will be more generous than other weapons. Thing is, Alethonym will generate bricks fast enough that your team can probably use whatever heavy they want while you just piss bricks wherever you please.

Another huge benefit this weapon has over Cenotaph Mask and Aeon's Cult is that this weapon doesn't rely on bosses or other high rank opponents for ammo generation. This will generate ammo just for hanging out and shooting things. This doesn't mean the weapon excludes either of those exotics though, oh no. You can still use a legendary trace in your secondary slot with Cenotaph or just anything and Aeon's Cult if you want to lean into and maximise that ammo generation. Even without those, though, you'll still generate quite a lot of ammo.

Though, speaking of bosses and high rank enemies, shooting them (not killing, just shooting) will cause them to spit out a steady stream of vestiges. If you play your cards right, you could generate ammo DURING a dps phase. I haven't tested on immune bosses yet, but if hitting them counts for spitting out vestiges, that's an easy supply of constant vestiges and ammo

Its only real weakness is that it lacks any stasis keyword generation. Personally, I'm quite alright with that. All that means is it'll slot more readily and easily into whatever your preferred builds are, no matter the subclass. If you want stasis keywords, you should go back to Ager's Scepter and Verglas Curve.

All around, this weapon has the potential to utterly change the ammo economy going forward, and I wouldn't be surprised to find that day one teams are bringing this into their raid attempts
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Buy its nature of being a primary ammo grenade launcher it was always going to be good, but the fact that it also helps by generating special and heavy ammo for you aswell? Extremely good utility wise and will fit into many stasis and ammo heavy builds alike.
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Very fun weapon to use honestly, but I wish the catalyst had perks that give a huge blast radius on like the 6th kill.
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 25 Icon
A primary doing special ammo damage that can also print ammo bricks and works like mountain top?
Need I say more...

But in all seriousness this a great utility weapon that also packs a punch.
my only complaint with this weapon is how it doesn't really play into stasis very much, this could've been a kinetic weapon and it wouldn't have changed a thing.
From what I've heard the catalyst gives One for all to the weapon which is a bit of a shame, I believe giving it either Chill clip or Rimestealer would've allowed it to play more into the stasis fantasy.
But that aside...
This weapon is honestly amazing and deserves to be on any loadout.
(Haven't used it in PvP so I can't give it a fair rating there sadly)
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 25 Icon
yeah i wish there was more of a stasis element to this, like let it freeze enemies on precision hits to play up how this seems to be a sort of "crossbow" in line with the seasons theming since it has a very straight trajectory and they talk of it "impaling" enemies.
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 25 Icon
You can make that argument for a lot of weapons.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
as a hunter main and a big fan of the "vampire hunter" theming of this season, I love that we now have a crossbow of sorts, since buried bloodline always has that weird "still really a rocket pistol" feel to it. the downside is the perks dont feel all that unique. I would have preferred something more based in increasing weapon damage than the ammo generation
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Making it Stasis is pretty arbitrary seemingly, without it directly synergizing with Stasis verbs, but with the sheer amount of Void, Solar, and Arc weapons that 'just are' their damage type, I don't think it matters. Funky, fresh, unique, and fun.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
One of my new favorite non-heavy Grenade Launchers, and since i generally tend not to like non-heavy Grenade launchers, that's saying something. The ammo generation perk is insanely useful, both for solo and co-op play. The high velocity shots make it easy to aim, and the harvester spike explodes on hit (which i prefer to bouncing) making for easy vestige harvesting and kills. It's also one of two grenade launchers that uses Primary ammo instead of Special ammo, which is always a plus as it removes the need to worry about ammo consumption and how it could affect the weapons perks. Lastly as a bonus, despite what some people are saying, Alethonym does indeed have Synergy with your stasis class, it works with the Diamond Lance aspect and can generate Stasis Lances.
Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Tons of cool and quirky perks with this grenade launcher and a great mobility tool. My favorite exotic :)
Reply      Report Posted a month ago
Season 25 Icon
Yeah, its cool. I like the perks, and catalyst too.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Primary ammo Micromissile GL. Generates special/heavy ammo for your team. Looks and sounds fantastic. AND it has prenerf mountaintop jump height (although it seems to do a lot more self damage compared to mountaintop which has got me killed quite a few times). worth picking up 100%. Did I mention that, similar to Fighting Lion, it does 40% extra damage to red bars instead of the usual 30% damage increase?
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
an amazing jack of all trades GL I just wished it had a larger blast radius so it can work better in PVP
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 25 Icon
It has max BR though. Why even take a PVE oriented weapon into PVP in the first place?
Reply      Report Posted 25 days ago
Season 25 Icon
Honestly, it's awkward. Projectiles are slow and the reload time is clumsy. It has no stasis features. It's a pretty handy way to squeeze extra resources out of a bad guy, if you didn't build for it in your headgear, or your finisher mods, or weren't a warlock with cenotaph, and/or have a way to reload your holstered weapon. And honestly, you'd rather be shooting the special ammo or heavy ammo weapon you're trying to generate ammo for; why are you spending all your time reloading?
It's not bad, per se, just bad at doing its specialty.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago