Exotic Perks
![Miroir voltaïque Miroir voltaïque](https://www.bungie.net/common/destiny2_content/icons/011ceced7088a20d9c6d217694d3971a.png)
Miroir voltaïque
Community Research
• Blocking doesn't consume Super Energy
• Reflected projectiles deal 400% increased damage
• Reflecting projectiles refunds Super Energy
Arc Staff can be deactivated at any time to preserve a portion of unspent Super Energy: 75% refund at 100% Super Energy and linearly scaling down to a 50% refund at 0% Super Energy.
On Arc Staff deactivation:
• Triggers a Blinding explosion in a ? meter radius around you that deals 300 to 575 [PVP: ? to ?] damage based the the number of projectiles reflected
• Grants 4 Stacks of Arc Weapon Surge for 21 [PVP: 16] seconds
Related Collectible
Infection réfléchie
Il reflète tout ce qu'il voit, peu importe la laideur.
J'ai remercié Dieu pour ce masque un nombre incalculable de fois. Il reflète tout ce que je veux, me garde du bon côté de tout ce qui peut m'arriver. La plupart du temps...
La tempête de sable ne m'a pas laissé le choix. Je suis allée m'abriter dans un petit camp de réfugiés d'Éleuthéria. C'était pour la plupart des ouvriers de la vieille usine BrayTech, et ils n'étaient pas vraiment heureux de voir une Exo. L'un d'eux s'est mis à jouer un air triste sur un instrument à cordes fait de rebuts. Je n'ai jamais pu oublier ce qu'il a chanté :
Laisse-moi t'raconter
La fois où l'Diable est passé par l'entrée
J'ai dit laisse moi t'raconter
La fois où l'Diable est passé par l'entrée
Y avait ni rien ni personne
Qu'aurait pu m'en empêcher
L'était à moi et rien qu'à moi
L'Diable m'a donné c't'anneau doré
L'était à moi et rien qu'à moi
L'Diable m'a fait rire et chanter
Mais peu à peu
L'Diable m'a tout pris
Et qu'ça hurlait et qu'ça grinçait
Quand l'Diable faisait son sale boulot
Et qu'ça hurlait et qu'ça grinçait
Quand l'Diable faisait son sale boulot
Moi, quel crétin j'avais été
De m'croire au-dessus d'ce bourbier
C'est dans la boue qu'ils ont fini
J'en étais vert de voir ce sang rouge
C'est dans la boue qu'ils ont fini
J'en étais vert de voir ce sang rouge
L'Diable montra aucune pitié
Me laissa pas d'place pour m'allonger
Seigneur, aide ce Diable
Pourquoi donc qu'il est si cruel
Seigneur, aide ce Diable
Pourquoi donc qu'il est si cruel
Cette saleté de vieux démon
C'était l'idiot d'un autre diable
Ce masque reflétait les visages émaciés des survivants, mais il ne me cachait pas. Je sentais les larmes chaudes couler le long de mes joues. Ils voyaient en moi leur propre douleur. Puis les regards accusateurs disparurent, et ne resta qu'une entente silencieuse. Car nous savions tous que cet endroit ne serait plus jamais le même.
Combined with Spark of Amplitude (amped kills generate an orb) and Power Preservation (additional orbs generated on Super kills), you can become an orb vending machine for your teammates while deflecting attacks and killing enemies with Arc Staff. Combine this with the respectable add-clear capabilities of the Super, and you can easily spawn in 10+ orbs (of varying strength) for your allies per cast. Pretty nice, as the only other Super capable of this orb generation is Sentinel Shield, so hunters can play a pseudo-Sentinel role in this regard (minus the safety and weapon damage bonus).
In something like Gambit, where I feel this helmet can actually shine a little (the envoys can melt themselves easily while deflecting their fire attacks), this can help during those back-and-forth moments, but outside of that, and fun in free roam or strikes, I still would not use this for any serious end-game content. With friends who are aware, sure, and again there is some potential with it nowadays, but you're better off using Raiden Flux or another neutral exotic if you really wanted to use Arc Staff in GMs, raids, and dungeons.
It has potential. It just needs something to really push it forward into relevancy more.
Hear me out. Eruption came out this week, you get your super quite often. Arc is the element of the challenges, so you might as well pick arc. Hunter has several arguably good neutral game exotics, but the buffed electric stick lasts for quite a while, and if you don't really like throwing it away but instead running around with it like you always did, there are three different exotics to make it great. Raiden flux is a pve exotic and serves no purpose in pvp, and the generally accepted "good" exotic of the three is raiju's harness, because you can block anything and run around blocking forever. And then there's this thing. So, if you've decided that you do want to make your arc staff better, here's why blight ranger is, imo, a decent pick.
Why it's as good, if not better, than raiju's harness in pvp gamemodes where you get your super a lot:
You're almost invincible while you spin your staff, but you can't attack targets on bigger/more open maps, because arc staff is a melee super. Raiju's harness allows you to keep the super longer, but often you're mostly left passive. Blight ranger turns the arc staff into a ranged super, because ANY reflected damage will one-shot an opposing guardian (there will always be some doofus that'll try to shoot you anyways).
Overall it's still isn't great, highly situational, but it is pretty fun. 3/5 in pvp. Also, it looks cool.
Blocks damage, redirects it with increased damage and generates orbs of power, good for a high super uptime and good survivability if run with competent teammates or in low-end content.
One of the 3 useable arc staff exotics, the other ones being raiden flux and raijus. I think this exotic was designed to be the polar opposite of raiden since its completely defensive compared to raiden and it does what its supposed to do.
The big problems are that better arc exotics exist and arc staff unfortunately isnt worth using over Gathering Storm in any encounter.
Survivability and defensive play has one biiig issue: Why survive when killing everything else makes you survive anyway.