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Leyenda / Arma cinética / Scout Rifle

¿Qué muerte escogerás?

Fuente: Sube de nivel en las listas de juego de la Vanguardia, el Crisol o Gambito


Armazón agresivo

Armazón agresivo

Gran daño, mucho retroceso.


Damage Falloff  
Velocidad de recarga
Reload Time  
Asistencia de apuntado
Eficacia en el aire
Direc. de retroceso
Disparos por minuto 120
Cargador 14
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Popularity: MW Bonus  

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Último Rito

¿Qué muerte escogerás?

Caiatl y Saladino están sentados a solas en la cámara del consejo. Hay dos cuencos metálicos con la inscripción "Perún" entre ellos. Cada uno contiene una pila de pequeñas piedras lisas que tintinean con el zumbido del motor del Eligos Lex V.

Saladino le da vueltas a una piedra con los dedos. Se inclina hacia delante y la coloca en una intersección de líneas grabadas en un grueso salvamanteles de cuero. Le da un golpecito a la mesa que hay debajo. "Estas piedras son como legiones que portan tu estandarte. Cada una que se coloca es una reivindicación".

Saladino se reclina sobre el respaldo de su asiento y le hace un gesto a Caiatl. "Te toca".

Caiatl sigue mirando el lugar donde Saladino ha colocado su piedra. Saca una piedra azul de su cuenco, la pone sobre el salvamanteles y después la empuja suavemente junto a la de Saladino.

"Agresivo. Pero el objetivo no es matar. Establece fronteras, mantén el territorio". Saladino mide sus palabras mientras coloca otra piedra como respuesta.

Caiatl se plantea una maniobra de flanqueo, después una línea defensiva, o quizás…

"Hablando de… fronteras", Caiatl flanquea. "Colocas demasiadas entre los legionarios y tú".

Saladino levanta la mirada y, después, vuelve a fijarse en el tablero.

Caiatl continúa. "Así elige morir Tarnth. Es mejor que osificarse y convertirse en un monumento inmóvil de hueso, transportado en un carro para que los jóvenes puedan escuchar su sabiduría".

Saladino le dirige una mirada y conecta una línea de piedras como defensa. "No soy un verdugo".

"Pues llevas un hacha enorme", le discute mientras coloca otra piedra al lado de la suya.

Él gruñe y coloca una piedra lejos del conflicto.

"Tarnth respeta tu autoridad y lleva tu Estandarte de Hierro", continúa Caiatl. "Morir a tus manos sería un honor".

Saladino suspira. "Yo no lo veo así".

"Porque no forma parte de tus costumbres. En la Era de las Conquistas, los guerreros cuya muerte estaba próxima se agrupaban en legiones y se les desplegaba en primera línea. Una última y gloriosa carga mortal que todos presenciaban".

Caiatl piensa en su siguiente movimiento.

"Calus suprimió la práctica. Les negó una muerte gloriosa a los más grandes de los nuestros. Se rodeó de una panda de ancianos petrificados e hizo todo lo que le decían. A los que se resistían, los llevaron a los fosos de gladiadores para reclamar el honor perdido. La mayoría de los soldados convirtieron Torobatl en su hogar para vivir en el imperio como civiles. Pero muchos prefirieron seguir muriendo en frentes de batalla lejanos cuando se les presentaba la oportunidad".

"Esto la reconforta". Caiatl captura la primera de las piedras de Saladino.

"Está bien. Pero es mi último ritual de demostración".

"Muy bien. Ella desea que muestres su cráneo blanqueado en el cuartel".

Saladino la mira y mueve para asegurar una esquina del tablero. "Estarás de broma".

"Sí", resopla. "Se va con su familia".

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Season 21 Icon

This ritual weapon is... interesting. As the second legendary DMT clone, it has the interesting traits of being hard hitting, having a VERY slow reload, and, of course, being absolutely abysmal when flinched or at close range. 120 scouts are essentially 120 hand cannons that dumped all their personality into range, and Last Rite does not buck that trend. So it sounds like I hate this weapon, right?

Nah, it's pretty good.

Being a ritual weapon, you're locked into four perks, and I'm gonna say this right now, COMPLETELY IGNORE THE TOP TWO IN ALL ACTIVITES. Keep Away and Opening Shot are great consistency perks, don't get me wrong, but with a weapon like this, you want ease of use and DAMAGE. So yeah, Reconstruction Focused Fury is the play.
If you're wondering why, Reconstruction completely deletes the reload downside and Focused Fury gives you a free damage buff for hitting crits, and with a scout why the hell would you not be hitting crits? This means a clean 20% damage increase, which is always great in PvE, and in PvP if you add Radiant or Surge on top, it can 2 tap. Nice.

Not much else to say about this one, genuinely. It's fun, but not going to turn heads, unlike some of the other weapons this season. That said, it has it's uses. Give it a try!
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
This might be my favorite kinetic weapon in the game. Dead Man's Tale is good, right?

Well, this is basically Dead Man's Tale, except it frees up your exotic slot (and can take mods--hello counterbalance stock!) and it has Reconstruction+Focused Fury for PVE and DPS. Only takes 7 out of 28 bullets to proc FF, so you're looking at a long sustained DPS out of this, and at 100 impact you're gonna' see some very nice damage numbers on each hit.

Crucible? It can 3 tap across the map (2 head 1 body) and if you're a scrub like me, 4 in the body will put down any opponent. Swap the perks to Keep Away/Opening Shot + One Quiet Moment for wicked fast reloads between kills, and with a 14 round clip you aren't pressured to reload in the heat of the moment.

Pair it with Duality for close/close-mid range encounters, and boom, you've got a loadout!
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Few issues with Last Rite. I really like the idea of introducing more Tex Mechanica weapons into the mix especially with how unique they look and feel.

That brings me to the Last Rite, god I wish I could like this thing. The PVP perks on this thing are decent; Opening Shot giving you a nice boost in aim assist and range and Keep Away to further boost that range and accuracy. Those two perks alone already boost the intrinsic 70+ meter scout range past Midtown lane distances. Besides Keep Away, it can be argued that Opening Shot isn't really necessary, but hey its a ritual weapon so it's meant to have decent perks, not god roll type perks. I can look past that, I love 120 scouts like DMT and Long Arm. I always used them like normal scouts which make them fun to duel with.

That brings me to what I think is the glaring issue of this gun: Full Bore. Why Bungie, just why. Full Bore adds on +15 unnecessary range at the cost of killing your stability and handling. You already have Keep Away and Opening Shot, which already gives it enough range. This thing feels like DMT but it can't duel like one. 27 Stability already makes it harder to duel with making 1v1's with this thing acting like a flinch simulator. They could have given this thing any other barrel and it wouldn't have made this weapon feel like shit to duel with. At the very least Bungie should have given this thing a stability MW to at least counteract the already horrible stability. SMH Bungie. 4/5 roll for PVP with full bore being my only issue.

PVE wise I wouldn't really bother with it, but its a fun option if you want to run it, I won't hold it past you.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
I'll be honest, this is not a good weapon. However, this weapon is SO FUN. I threw on fighting lion and went around terrorizing people in 6v6. Definitely recommend trying the same. Bungie pls add like 10 aim assist to this weapon and it'd be goated.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Now its my favorite kinetic weapon and... I thinking of unequip Ace of Spades... just to playing this beautiful gun.

In PvE with Vangurard's Vindication is beast, perfect to playing 4fun with friends or solo campaign.
However in PvP I thinking time to kill is quite a little bit too long compared to Hand Cannons, so its no the best but still its very very good.

Just go and check this gun. Have fun ~
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 24 Icon
Really FUN weapon in PvP with keep away opening shot and one quiet moment, 2 HS and 1 body and u kill (2 HS is enough if u have competent teammates that shoot at enemies and play 2gether) amazing weapon at mid and long range!

in PvE it's ok with focused fury and reconstruction, OK damage and thanks to focused fury only 7 bullets and u get 21 bullets with 20% bonus dmg (still i feel like the damage isn't amazing nor good but it is OK like a 4.5 out of 10) and reconstruction is always nice

That said I highly prefer this weapon in PvP and everyone should atleast try it out, it's fun trust me!
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 21 Icon
Overall it is alright but not quite at the top.

In PvP the gun is quite easy to use and shoot with, where it excels at mid range fights. In Gambit it does a decent job of clearing ads but lacks power against more powerful enemies and players. In PvE the damage is alright against ads but again falls off against stronger targets. The main downside across all modes is the lack of strong perks and slow reload which makes the weapon fall off. A solid (but not great) scout rifle.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
I don't play alot of PvE. So I cannot speak to its usefulness on that side of things. I'm sure it will get the job done in low-mid tier PvE activities when their is a Scout Champ mod with the Artifact.

On the flip side of things, Last Rite has performed quite well in PvP for me. With the combo of Keep Away/Opening Shot, it allows for a fairly consistent 3-tap. I personally feel like Keep Away is an under-rated perk. I definitely recommend Last Rite for PvP if your a fan of the archtype.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Not worth it, would be better if it has rapid hits and explosive payload.
None of the perks on this thing work great with this scout rifle maybe except keep away but the reload speed increase is barely notable:
-Reconstruction on primary is already a bad idea since you pretty much use them all of the time so the perk works really slowly or not at all
-Opening is okayish for pvp? But then why dont you just use dmt at that point
-Focused furry is the only damage perk on this thing which is why this thing is bad in pve since lever action scout reload is really slowly each time you can only reload only 2 bullets at a time so there is no way you reproc the perk in time unlike other scout which has 4th time the charm or rapid hit to help with the reload and they reload the entire magazine at a time. Now imagine the pain of shooting a shielded enemy.
-Handling masterwork.exe why?
Last Rite and Long arm are example of bungie doesnt know what to do with lever action scout in pve because they both bad or they just dont want them to be good.
This hurt me alot to write a bad review of this weapon since i was really hyped for this thing when they showed the picture because i loved my dmt in pve before they nerf the canial spike damage increase in pve from 40% to 15%
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Its alright. Perks are kinda boring but the gun "feels" cool. It is a very "future" bolt action kinda gun. Pretty unique and can kill pretty fast. In my experience my performance with this gun is inconsistent but its solid nonetheless.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
It's NOT good. Kids will downvote, but the truth has to be known.

I absolutely love Dead Man's Tale, and the Long Arm is okay with decent perks.

But holy, Last Rite does them both NO justice. The only saving grace is all the different origin perks, but I usually run Vindication for healing. I've only used it a few times in high level activities to kill adds quickly, but if you miss a crit due to the INSANE flinching, it's just better to use anything else (Hung Jury with kinetic tremors).

Only upside is it DOES hit pretty hard, and focused fury is nice. But if you're using a 120 scout, go with Dead Man's Tale for the crazy hipfire speed, or Long Arm for the arc synergy and bonus damage.

Glad they added it, fun to use for random patrols and lost sectors. Does not hold up comparatively in higher level activities without a major playstyle change.

3/5 PvE 2/5 PvP

If you downvote you obviously suck at the game. LOL
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago