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Común / Enhanced Trait

Derrotar objetivos con otras armas antes de sacar esta transfiere munición adicional de las reservas al cargador. Este efecto puede desbordar el cargador en función del número de objetivos derrotados.

Community Research

Upon readying the weapon after scoring Kills with your other Weapons:
Refills and/or overfills the Magazine from reserves based on the amount of Weapon Kills scored.

Maximum total overfill amount is 200% of the Magazine Capacity. Each activation can only load up to 100% of the Magazine Capacity into the magazine.

Loaded ammo per Kill by ammo type (rounds up):
• Primary Weapons: 🡅 12.5% of Magazine Capacity
• Special and Power Weapons: 🡅 22.5%

🡅 Loaded ammo per Kill is increased by 2.5% of the Magazine Capacity (e.g. 10%⁠🠚⁠12.5%).
Last Updated 2023-03-05
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