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Excepcional / Arma energética / Trace Rifle

Calibra la realidad. Busca la inevitabilidad. Encarna la divinidad.

Fuente: Una aventura o desafío excepcional.

Exotic Perks



El daño prolongado con esta arma envuelve al objetivo en un campo que lo debilita y lo desestabiliza. Efectivo contra campeones de sobrecarga [Perturbación].


Los objetivos que permanezcan el tiempo suficiente bajo los efectos de Juicio reciben una ráfaga de daño.


Damage Falloff  
Velocidad de recarga
Reload Time  
Asistencia de apuntado
Eficacia en el aire
Direc. de retroceso
Disparos por minuto 1000
Cargador 194
Selected Perks
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Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

Community Research

+30% Global Damage debuff. Creates precision sphere on target. Min 0.65s fire to proc. Lasts 1.5s after fire ends. Damage ticks on sustained fire. Explosive & Fusion weapons benefit from damage amp, but not precision. Tap firing usually most efficent use.

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The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Calibra la realidad. Busca la inevitabilidad. Encarna la divinidad.

Lisbon-13 bajó la mirada hacia el lugar en el que habían dejado a Yardarm-4. Siempre parecía un error que el equipo se separara, pero Rekkana necesitaba reunirse sin interrupciones con la alta sibila y, si los vex habían detectado su aterrizaje forzoso en el Jardín Negro, Yardarm-4 le concedería ese encuentro.

"Deberéis actuar con rapidez", le dijo la sibila a Rekkana. Lisbon-13 compartía su canal secreto porque Rekkana confiaba en él. "La Vanguardia ha descubierto que nuestra orden sigue existiendo, como predijo Osiris".

"Entonces, enviarán una escuadra para atraparnos".

"Y a todos los Criptocrones que encuentren. Pero vuestro camino es más peligroso que el de la mayoría. El Círculo ha augurado que numerosas escuadras seguirán vuestros pasos. Podéis encontrar el conocimiento que busca la orden en el Árbol".

"¿Podemos? ¿No lo haremos?". Por primera vez, Rekkana parecía preocupada.

"El Círculo no ha tenido mucho éxito al atravesar el velo que envuelve el Jardín Negro, así que la orden prefiere no ofrecer certezas. Dicen que un grupo de guardianes descubrirá los secretos del origen del Jardín Negro en el Árbol. El Círculo Oniromante no ve razón para creer que no se trate de los kentarchos 3".

"Ni yo. Pero...".

"Hay otro hilo en el tapiz que enlaza con este. Los vex, o una de sus facciones, venera u honra allí a... cierta divinidad".

"¿El Corazón Negro? Fue destruido".

"Sí, pero esto es algo diferente. Un objeto. Como una reliquia antigua. Es importante para los vex por razones que todavía no podemos comprender. El Círculo ha decretado que es peligroso...".

"¿Un arma vex?".

"Tal vez". La sibila parecía molesta por la interrupción. "Rekkana, el Círculo ha determinado que es un peligro para ti".

"¿Para mí? Pero, entonces, ¿por qué me han enviado a esta misión?".

"Cuando el Círculo soñó con el objeto, tú estabas junto a él".

"Muy bien. Vamos a ver en qué destino nos acabamos encontrando. Sibila...". Rekkana hizo una larga pausa. "No sé si volveremos a vernos de nuevo".

"Con el velo que rodea el Jardín Negro, la influencia de los vex... nunca se sabe. Yo elijo creer que nos volveremos a encontrar".

"Entonces, no me despido", respondió Rekkana antes de cerrar el canal.

Rekkana se quedó con los ojos cerrados durante un rato. Lisbon-13 esperó.

"Lisbon, cuando lo encontremos", dijo mientras abría los ojos, "deberás llevarlo tú".

"¿El objeto? ¿La divinidad?".

"No se me ocurre nadie mejor que tú".

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Season 13 Icon
I present to you: necessary, the gun. Pretty much a must-have for any higher end content. Thought you may not be the highest damage dealer on your team, you’re still the reason they can do all that damage. When you use this, you’re the cornerstone and foundation.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 18 Icon
not really, play with what you think feels right, now what others say you have to play with.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 18 Icon
imagine getting downvoted cause u support fun
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 18 Icon
One of those guns that you take for granted until someone asks to do a Div run
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 8 Icon
Essential for speed running Master Nightfalls. Have one player with Divinity and two players with Izanagi’s Burden. Make sure everyone also has special finisher on the class item. No need for anti-barrier mods with this method.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 8 Icon
Fantastic gun, a must have for any raid or six man activity. Greatly helps in the ordeal as well.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 8 Icon
Must have gun for all pve content but crashes game in crucible
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 14 Icon
A gun that causes the target to take increased damage from all sources *and* is an Anti-Overload weapon. Nothing else about it matters - that sentence alone should tell you everything.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 18 Icon
A fabulous weapon. It's damage increase in PvE is incredible and the cage it applies allows you to shoot enemies in the crucible with ease. I have over 650 crucible kills with it and I plan to rack up even more. EDIT: I can happily say that I'm sitting at a comfortable ~1,400
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 11 Icon
Amazing PvE gun. Just take note the debuff is lower than that of a tether, but it can last throughout the entire damage phase and also applies the crit spot which does wonders on bosses with a small crit spot.

Good option for Consecrated Mind, Old School Riven cheese, Kalli, GM nightfalls.
Bad option for Gahlran (tractor/tether), Sanctified (on a team with xenos), Morgeth (big crit spot).
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 18 Icon
"Explosive & Fusion weapons benefit from damage amp, but not precision."
This is False. I had did my own testing runs with Divinity and a friend of mine, Grasp of Avarice, the specific date was September 16, 2022; as for the time, I was in the middle of work during the testing run, so it was around 15:00-16:45, around the time I would clock out and head down to the Military base. I had dragged my friend onto Destiny to test and see if Divinity's Weakening effect only affects the bubble, or the entire body. I know that it affects the entire body, because I used the analogy that: "It's like you're shooting Shadowshot, but still deciding to hit the body and not the Precision weak point."

I know that it may be hard to believe this, and I know that many don't care what I have to say because I could be wrong. That is fine, I did these testing runs out of spite because of a scenario like this happening. I figure that if no one cares what I have to say, might as well project it so that at least others are aware of it and can choose what to do with that information. I had my friend record these testing runs, he was an Arcstrider Hunter, while I was a Gunslinger. There were no other weakening effects involved besides my Divinity, as I'm the only one who has it. The way that we performed the tests, was to have it be done across four intervals, and each completed interval, would be a wipe so as to not interfere with the numbers. These four intervals were, using his Stormchaser:

Two Bursts to the Head w/o Divinity: 20,735/shot
Two Bursts to the Body w/o Divinity: 6,026/shot
Two Bursts to the Head w/Divinity: 26,955/shot
Two Bursts to the Body w/Divinty: 7,833/shot

As you can see, the damage numbers change drastically, when shooting the body and the head of the target under Divinity's effects. To be precise and certain with the testing runs, when it came to the body with Divinity, I specifically made him target the cage, so that when it came to the head, there would be no interference with the damage numbers. I was also told that the Divinity's weakening effect only applied to the cage and not the whole body, I hope these recordings will be enough to help persuade everyone to aim for the Head if at all possible (Unless it's Atheon, shoot the chest). Send me a Friend Request over on Discord, I will gladly provide the evidence in the form of the original uncut videos.

Discord ID: 5ÆM#3252
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 8 Icon
Amazing in Pve for dps and in pvp to literally lazer people
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 8 Icon
Amazing choice for any PVE activity and has disruption rounds. For PVP there are better options, but it can work somewhat well.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 9 Icon
Perfect support gun, bring 2 fireteam members with hard hitting precision weapons and you are set for any challenging content.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 10 Icon
PVE, one of the best, actually worth and exotic slot
PVP, ok for a trace rifle , better then coldheart and prometheus lens
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 20 Icon
grows grows grows grows garden grows grows grows grows
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 17 Icon
DIVINE weapon, helps with dps against bosses in all activities.With arc 3.0 coming out soon(with the realease of season 18) it will definitely be a top 3 weapon as it will create blinding explosions with the right fragment and it will make you amplified.It's also very good for pvp as it creates an additional prercision spot for you and your team and makes opposing guardians easier to kill.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Good gun for taniks would recommend
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 14 Icon
a great gun for pretty much any pve content, especially raids, i also pairs very nicely with a lasting impressions rocket launcher for solo content
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Great I mean great for a support for dps and absolutely shreds in pvp
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Good. Might not be your cup of tea if you like to be the guy in the raid with big damage numbers but it is UNDENIABLE that it gets the job done. It's only competitor is Lumina, and if you don't see why this gun is better if you're playing a support role than I suggest you look at their stats again.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 18 Icon
Love the gun. Great for endgame content speedruning and fun in all other areas. Plus overload is nice.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 18 Icon
Invaluable in multiplayer endgame content. Increases your teams DPS and makes it impossible to not hit precision shots. As an added bonus, being the div bitch ensures you get the easy job in raids, which is nice.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Reaaly strong, the distanced debuff of a wapping 30% is crazy good.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 25 Icon
6 hours of your life can get you what you've always wanted: to be a cornerstone of your fireteam. You'll need to keep this in your back pocket in case, like me, you're at the boss encounter of a raid and have nothing that can compete with the DPS of the rest of your fireteam. This combined with the Garden overhaul gives a pretty solid reason to actually do the raid, even if you do it just once. Would I do it again? Probably not. But, hey, I've got Div now!
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 10 Icon
I need the ornament please thank you
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
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