Leyenda / Arma energética / Hand Cannon

"¿Quién?". (Osiris)


Armazón agresivo

Armazón agresivo

Gran daño, mucho retroceso. Optimizado para disparar a larga distancia.


Damage Falloff  
Velocidad de recarga
Reload Time  
Asistencia de apuntado
Eficacia en el aire
Direc. de retroceso
Disparos por minuto 120
Cargador 8
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

Perk Playground

Random Curated
Crafted Enhanced
    • {{perk.Name}}
    • {{mod.Name}}

TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
Learn More

Curated Roll

Not all curated rolls actually drop in-game. Learn more

Random Rolls

Item is eligible for random rolls. Learn more
Item has recommended perks from trusted community theorycrafters. Learn more      Hide Recommendations
This item is craftable. Hover over perks below to see the requirements to craft a roll with them.
Show Enhanced Perks

Popular Trait Combos

This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
Fuera de la ley
+ Munición desestabilizadora
14.6% of Rolls
Fuera de la ley
+ Carga explosiva
9.95% of Rolls
+ Mantener lejos
7.89% of Rolls
Asesino envidioso
+ Carga explosiva
4.25% of Rolls
Triple impacto
+ Munición desestabilizadora
4.25% of Rolls
+ Carga explosiva
3.85% of Rolls
Triple impacto
+ Carga explosiva
3.66% of Rolls
Fuera de la ley
+ Armonía
3.04% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 24.6K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
Crafted versions of this weapon below Level 10 are excluded.
This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
  • 18.2%
  • 13.5%
  • 12.7%
  • 11.7%
  • 9.6%
  • 9.0%
  • 8.6%
  • 8.2%
  • 8.0%
  • 33.7%
  • 15.3%
  • 14.2%
  • 13.5%
  • 10.2%
  • 8.0%
  • 4.8%
  • 34.5%
  • 17.8%
  • 16.0%
  • 10.4%
  • 7.7%
  • 7.6%
  • 5.6%
  • 28.3%
  • 26.5%
  • 18.0%
  • 8.6%
  • 7.1%
  • 6.4%
  • 4.7%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 22.6K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 22.6K+ copies, 2.6K+ (11.6%) were fully masterworked.
17.9% of Rolls
Velocidad de recarga
22.9% of Rolls
26.5% of Rolls
32.5% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 13.2K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
Cargador auxiliar
47.4% of Rolls
Calibrador de puntería
17.3% of Rolls
11.4% of Rolls
Culata de contrapeso
4.6% of Rolls
Empuñadura de Ícaro
4.3% of Rolls
Cargador de acceso rápido
4.2% of Rolls
2.6% of Rolls
Retroadaptación automática
2.5% of Rolls

Your Rolls{{RollCountString()}}

Show Tips

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
Learn More

TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

Sign in to see the rolls you own for this weapon
and compare them against community suggested rolls!

Let's Go

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Censura Dirigida

"¿Quién?". (Osiris)

Saturado de luces neón, el horizonte de Neomuna brilla en contraste con el cielo nocturno. San y Osiris están sentados en silencio sobre un tejado con vistas a una plaza rodeada de árboles. Siempre que pueden, intentan sacar tiempo para verse en los márgenes de su vida, dejando de lado sus responsabilidades en la medida de lo posible.

"¿Y bien? ¿Está mejor?", pregunta Osiris tras varios minutos de silencio. "Sloane", aclara.

"Cada día un poco más", explica San. "Y eso, aunque parezca poco, es algo de lo que estar orgullosos".

Osiris asiente mientras contempla las luces centelleantes en la distancia. "Es casi un milagro que haya sobrevivido todo este tiempo en Titán. Una parte de Asher Mir también parece haber sobrevivido a su inmersión en el Piramidión. No pierdas la esperanza en los momentos más complicados", dice mientras junta su mano con la de San.

"Sí. Tal vez aún haya esperanza incluso para el hermano Vance", contesta San.

Osiris se le queda mirando en silencio durante un buen rato.


San tose y cambia de tema educadamente.

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