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Excepcional / Hechicero / Brazos / Gauntlets

"Cuando se puede empuñar el fuego de las estrellas, ¿de qué sirven el hueso y la carne?".

Fuente: Engramas exóticos; objetos soltados extremadamente escasos.

Duplicate Warning

This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Added in Season 1

Exotic Perks

Espirales de helio

Espirales de helio

Aumenta la duración de las granadas solares y las bajas cuerpo a cuerpo solares otorgan energía de granada solar ilimitada durante un tiempo breve.

Community Research

Only works with the Solar Element Grenades named Solar Grenade equipped.

Solar Grenades have Fastball intrinsically and last 2 seconds longer (4🠚6s normally, 6🠚8s with Touch of Flame equipped).

Powered Melee Kills grant 5 seconds of Sunbracers Ready. Using your Grenade Ability while Sunbracers Ready is active grants the Sunbracers buff.

'Sunbracers' grants 20,000% Additional Base 'Solar Grenade' Regeneration Rate for 4 seconds. (Effectively recharges ~132% of a 'Solar Grenade' charge per second)
Last Updated 2024-12-19

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Brazaletes Solares

"Cuando se puede empuñar el fuego de las estrellas, ¿de qué sirven el hueso y la carne?".

"Gracias. Los reactores de helio siguen intactos. ¿Cómo los has llamado?".
"Mmm. Mala idea. Si voy por ahí diciendo ese nombre, seguro que los mercenarios salen de sus cuevas y me darán más problemas. Ya tengo bastante con esos bárbaros".
"Los quiebrasoles, antigua orden de titanes, ¿mercenarios serios, martillos de fuego? Existen desde hace décadas. Y se rumorea que han hecho un pacto con la Ciudad, así que seguro que hay más".
"No es más que un nombre".
"Eso díselo a ellos. Seguro que ofrecen una recompensa por tu cabeza para sacrificarte en su forja. Los llamaré 'Brazaletes Solares'".
"Llámalos como quieras. Para mí siempre serán los quiebrasoles".

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Season 11 Icon
Absolutely ludicrous with top tree Dawnblade. Float in air, get a kill with celestial fire, throw grenades everywhere, get celestial fire back due to in-air kills, rinse and repeat. Even better if you throw Monte Carlo into the mix. Toss on the Solar Plexus and Inferno Whip artifact mods to make it even easier. I have trouble getting consistent melee kills in PvP to like, do that, but in PvE it's pretty easy.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 18 Icon
Favorite exotic. If you don't have monte carlo, get a bxr with incandescant and pugilist
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 11 Icon
No slot for Witherhoard? Sunbracers got your covered. Melee/or fireball and enemy and throw grenades everywhere! Its a beast because you have mods like Momentum transfer, ashes to assets, or even better; a Monte Carlo
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 20 Icon
If you build enough you can literally have infinite orbs AND infinite grenades.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Starfire protocol getting nerfed
Sunbracers, its time to burn some poor souls.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
With the buff given to this thing around Lightfall, it's probably a go-to exotic for both boss damage and room clearing at the same time, especially when Starfire is obliterated by the nerf in Season of the Deep. As you may have seen, you can solo Riven using this thing. Do keep in mind, though, that you need melee kills to make this thing work. This is honestly a big issue is endgame content. For instance, in GMs, it's near-impossible to confirm a melee kill on an enemy because the damage is too low, even on ads. It's a similar issue in something like dungeons or raids. Unless you specifically call it out to your team to keep the ads alive to optimize your damage, you bet that your teammates kill them before you capitalize off of it. Hell, some bosses don't even have ads at all you can take advantage of... or they're out of range, something like that. But when the stars align... this thing is an absolute beast. And as COVID Slayer mentioned here, it's ideal to run Monte Carlo with this to get your melee back ASAP.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
The exotic is fun. Not super meta, but fun. Heres to hoping it will never be nerfed
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
Possibly the most ridiculous Dawnblade exotic, and the strongest.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 10 Icon
very useful, great build with monte carlo
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Orb Printer: Arms Edition
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 18 Icon
Run this with Monte Carlo, and after the rework of solar, equip the fragment that provides projectiles to your grenade, and you're golden, perfect for catching eyes. Relatively bad in terms of Boss damage since majority times you cannot find someone to proc it on, but in regular PvE modes, you can enjoy just spamming grenades like a mad man
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago