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Exotic / Intrinsic

Protegerse con Vara de arco no consume energía de la súper adicional. [Súper] para cancelar Vara de arco antes de tiempo, lo que aumenta temporalmente el daño con armas de arco y crea una ráfaga cegadora. Los ataques reflejados aumentan el daño de la ráfaga, alargan la súper e infligen daño adicional.

Community Research

While in Arc Staff Super:
• Blocking doesn't consume Super Energy
• Reflected projectiles deal 400% increased damage
• Reflecting projectiles refunds Super Energy

Arc Staff can be deactivated at any time to preserve a portion of unspent Super Energy: 75% refund at 100% Super Energy and linearly scaling down to a 50% refund at 0% Super Energy.

On Arc Staff deactivation:
• Triggers a Blinding explosion in a ? meter radius around you that deals 300 to 575 [PVP: ? to ?] damage based the the number of projectiles reflected
• Grants 4 Stacks of Arc Weapon Surge for 21 [PVP: 16] seconds
Last Updated 2024-11-09


Voltaic Mirror

Voltaic Mirror

Attacks you redirect with your Arc Staff deal massively increased damage.
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