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Leyenda / Arma destructiva / Sword

Sir Palomides siguió a la criatura eternamente, pues hizo de ella su propósito.

Fuente: Sube de nivel en las listas de juego de la Vanguardia, el Crisol o Gambito


Armazón de lanzador

Armazón de lanzador

[Ataque pesado] para lanzar un ataque de proyectil pesado.
Los ataques pesados son más fuertes con la energía completa.


Velocidad de golpe
Eficiencia de protección
Resistencia protección
Recuperación 50
Cap. munición 60
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The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Fuego Caballeresco

Sir Palomides siguió a la criatura eternamente, pues hizo de ella su propósito.

"Debería ser elegante", dice Zavala mientras golpea su coraza con el puño. El sonido hace eco en la habitación. "Los representantes de la Vanguardia se ajustan igual de bien a la diplomacia que al combate. Ese es nuestro punto fuerte ante la variedad de aliados que tenemos, ya sean Ahamkara o cabal.

El firme gesto de negación de Shaxx termina con su mano contra una estantería. Un frasco con una marca de Omolon se cae y rueda por el suelo. "Debe ser una fuerza imparable en forma de espada, ¡y debería escupir fuego! Además, debería ser rojo".

"No, no", dice el Nómada desde la puerta. Le da una patada al frasco rodante sin mirarlo. "Soy un ciudadano respetuoso de la ley. Pago mis impuestos. Puedes confiar en mí. Necesita un aspecto malvado. Quieres que la gente lo vea y piense: "Están más locos y son más malos y ambiciosos que yo. No me pelearé con ellos".

Banshee-44 se rasca la mandíbula con el boli con cierta incredulidad. Levanta la mirada de la libreta para mirar a sus clientes.

"Son un montón de elementos en un solo diseño. ¿No puedes quitar un par de ellos?".

El taller estalla en gritos apasionados.

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Season 23 Icon
Finally... another Caster Frame sword. A void one. At long last... and it isn't too bad.

Relentless Strikes is always a good perk on a sword for extra ammo when swinging, and Repulsor Brace naturally synergises with Destabilising Rounds and Void builds, allowing you to cast a shot into a group of adds, watch them all explode and get an overshield out of it. Attrition Orbs is great with Relentless as you can continuously smack an enemy and get orbs out of it for a good while. As for the origin traits, Vanguard Vindication is alright - low HP restore, but you can proc it a lot with the Volatile explosions. Gun and Run is interesting for moving fast in combat, while One Quiet Moment got a change to work with swords and grants faster movement speed OUT of combat instead - which honestly probably makes it the best of the Origin Traits here.

Overall a very nice addition to the Caster frame family. Casters in general aren't really meta among swords, but its a lot of fun nontheless.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
I am absolutly loving this sword. It does work. The void cast is like a buzzsaw that does a good chuck of damage. Also running it with necrotic grip and it pair nicely. It's really surprised me and I'm excited to build craft more with it.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
Chivalric Fire is a returning caster frame sword that comes with proper origin perks that help it a ton. I have really used this blade well in PvP. One Quiet Moment gives you a good chunk of speed when out of combat, use that speed to slide cast around corners into oncoming opponents with little to no warning or sprint quickly around the map for rotations into the enemies spawn to slide cast right into them. I highly advise to let the sword energy be completely filled before each casting, as it produces a small void cloud that damages enemies in it which guarantees the kill and maybe more with destabilizing repulsor brace whilst also letting you get off scot free.

In Pve, you have no better combos to pair it with because attrition orbs takes too long to proc and entirely situational. Its either run relentless for sustained damage through light attacks, or lean more into the heavy with repulsor. Gun and Run or Vanguard's Vindication for your choice of running or staying alive in a prolonged encounter with ads. Its a little more of a light weapon that can work up to legend and maybe master nightfalls. Do not run it for boss dps unless you can take the stomps and run sustain with attrition orbs with void surge or rejuvenation and even then, running light attacks with heavy will drain ammo quickly.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago