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Leyenda / Arma energética / Submachine Gun

Alza la voz y canta.

Fuente: Sube de nivel en las listas de juego de la Vanguardia, el Crisol o Gambito


Armazón de precisión

Armazón de precisión

El sistema de retroceso del arma es de una verticalidad más previsible.


Damage Falloff  
Velocidad de recarga
Reload Time  
Asistencia de apuntado
Eficacia en el aire
Direc. de retroceso
Disparos por minuto 600
Cargador 29
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

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The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Oído Absoluto

Alza la voz y canta.

"El Velo".

Se llama a sí mismo, como la mente humana se llama a sí misma, con el peso y la presencia del sonido en los labios, traducido en una forma que físicamente se puede comprender. Abarcar. Envolver.

Un toque de dientes y lengua.

La vibración de un tímpano.

El aire moviéndose a través de una caja torácica.

El sabor de la respiración.

Más que eso. No tanto como eso.

Ese fue el comienzo.

"Déjate conocer".

Ahora viene esto: ves la trama y la urdimbre, el lugar donde se une en una superficie plana e intacta de luz.

Hace una incisión y, de la herida de luz, brotan colores que nunca has visto. Eres pigmento, el pigmento más parecido a esos colores.

"Déjate ver".

Materia húmeda en contraste con esa luz, la luz que determina el color que eres.

Pero cada color es una nota, y cada nota es una mente. Eres un coro. Un coro. Abres la boca para unirte a él y te inunda el sabor del color, el sabor del sonido.

El sonido y el color que eres, traducidos. Un medio para que entiendas.

"Déjate escuchar".

Levantas la mano y la mantienes firme.

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Season 24 Icon
If you're new to this game, this is a must grab. Not only this thing is free and can be obtained by everyone, it also comes with fantastic perks.

For PVE, Subsistance + Incandescent is a god tier combo for ad clear smg as they allow you to never run out of ammo and deal AoE damage after every kill. Onslaught is also pretty fun perk and pairs well with Subsistance, but I wouldn't recommend it over Incandescent unless you're dealing with higher health enemies.

For PVP, I wouldn't recommend it over any other PVP focused smg. To The Pain might sometimes come in clutch during combat, but I wouldn't depend on it that much.

Also worth noting is that both perk columns can be enhanced, allowing you for even more firepower, so make sure to get it fully upgraded for the best results.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
it has subsistance+incandescent, what else is there to say. very fun and easy to use
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
This gun not only comes with subsistence and incandescent, which is incredibly good, but it is also the 2nd ever SMG to get onslaught (the 1st one is the prophecy dungeon SMG)

For PvE: you always want subsistence/incandescent on, which is quite good for add clear

For PvP: I'd recommend subsistence/onslaught, but I don't really think the SMG itself is insane in PvP, definitely worth trying though. (Also to the to the pain is there but the combination of subsistence/onslaught is miles better)
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Would like to point out that not only this has subsistence - incandescent, it also has vanguard's vindication as an origin trait!
Although this does not replace healclip, it is a significant survivability boost, especially with these main perks
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Oh boy, this thing TEARS through guardians like they're butter, its also pretty good in PvE, but i recommend it heavily in PvP.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Solar flavored Unending Tempest/Shayura's Wrath/etc. is always a fun addition to your arsenal, and it has three of the best PvE perks in the game (well, for what it's worth anyway): Subsistence on the 3rd column, Incandescent and Onslaught on the 4th. Have fun mulching ads with the 600 RPM Calus MT!

Worth noting that unlike Calus Mini-Tool, this is leagues easier to get especially with there now being 5 exotic missions in the rotator (Presage, Vox Obscura, Seraph Shield, node.ovrd.AVALON & Starcrossed), making the availability window of CMT smaller if it isn't being sold by Xûr by the blessing of Traveller and RNGesus.

For PvP, I personally wouldn't use this over the aforementioned SMGs, let alone The Immortal, your best bet is To The Pain (aka take damage for stability buffs) and Onslaught.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
this might be the best ritual weapon since null composure.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
We had a lot of incandescent weapons last season so this is kinda late to the party.

I mean Avalanche, Adhortative, Heliocentric and Luna's Howl is not enough for you? Just kidding.

Subsistence incandescent is never a bad combo for PvE, only outmatched by Heal Clip + incandescent in harder content.

It is like Epochal Integration in a way. A 4/5 weapon, not a 5/5 but you don't need to farm for it.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago