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Leyenda / Arma cinética / Shotgun

Con muchas prisas y poca visión de futuro.

Fuente: Sube de nivel en las listas de juego de la Vanguardia, el Crisol o Gambito


Armazón ligero

Armazón ligero

Manejo excepcional. Te moverás más rápido si tienes equipada esta arma.


Damage Falloff  
Velocidad de recarga
Reload Time  
Asistencia de apuntado
Eficacia en el aire
Direc. de retroceso
Disparos por minuto 80
Cargador 6
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

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TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Imprudencia Temeraria

Con muchas prisas y poca visión de futuro.


No puedes obligar a la colmena a someterse ni amenazarlos con dolor. Llevan el dolor en la sangre, viven para el dolor. Sin embargo, su punto débil es la soberbia.

Glint se desplaza para tener mejor ángulo. "Tienes suerte de que esa cuchilla no te cortara por la mitad".

Cuervo entiende el peligro. Glint está harto de decir que, gracias a su conocimiento, muchas escuadras se libran de las emboscadas de la Colmena Lúcida. Al diablo la autodestrucción; los resultados no mienten.

"Que pueda revivirte no significa que no debas protegerte", apunta Glint. La lluvia se mezcla con la sangre acumulada en los huecos de la armadura de Cuervo. Se oye un trueno, pero no ve ningún destello.


Cuervo intercambia golpes con una maga de la Colmena Lúcida hasta que ella lo derriba con una lanza de arco. Él se retuerce en el suelo. La maga promete que sacrificará su Luz en honor a un portador de la Boca del Infierno. Él finge suplicar. La maga suelta una risotada y se le escapa el nombre de su comandante en la Luna. Cuervo se lo agradece con una certera acometida de su espada solar. Glint se materializa y Cuervo llama al Gavilán.

"Eso no es lo que haría Saladino".

Cuervo hace una mueca de dolor mientras Glint sutura la herida de su cuello con un hilo de Luz.

"La colmena debe creer que va ganando", dice Cuervo con los dientes apretados.

Hablan como si sus palabras fueran una tortura. Se ríen de él, van soltando información mientras se burlan, porque creen que él está acabado. Y él se lo permite. Va tomando nota de la verdad para hacer algo útil con ella.


Cuervo ve a más de treinta combatientes de la colmena emergiendo de la Boca del Infierno. Dos caballeros portaluces van en cabeza. Gritan y posan sobre el cadáver de un guardián al que acababan de drenar.

"Deberías irte", le dice Cuervo a Glint. Se quita el casco y lo deja sobre la piedra, junto a sus pies. El fino aire lunar está cargado de partículas. Se lanza hacia el enjambre.

"¡Al menos, ponte el casco!", protesta Glint. "¡Iré a por ayuda!".

La Luz solar fluye a través de Cuervo. "¡Venga! ¿Queréis cogerme? ¡Aquí me tenéis!".

Coloca la mano sobre la empuñadura de su cañón y un chisporroteo de llamas emana del cilindro. Los proyectiles ígneos brotan del Arma dorada de Cuervo. Descarga tantos como puede hasta que la colmena acorta las distancias. Eso basta para incinerar al caballero y a su Espectro, pero no al ejército de lacayos que sigue abalanzándose sobre él. Cuervo prepara una Granada trampa mientras las garras de los lacayos lo destripan.


Cuervo abre los ojos. Glint lo sobrevuela y se acerca a una extraña mujer.

"Llevaste una vida de derroche, príncipe del Arrecife", dice ella con desaprobación.

"No me llames así". Cuervo se incorpora sobre un rastro de polvo lunar que indicaba que, seguramente, ella había arrastrado su cuerpo hasta allí desde la Boca del Infierno.

"No le gustan los apodos", susurra Glint.

"Vale. Soy Eris Morn, una amiga", anuncia la mujer extendiendo la mano.

"Claro". Cuervo acepta la mano extendida y se pone de pie. "Tiene sentido…, con el…". Cuervo se señala los ojos, pero Eris no reacciona. Cuervo carraspea. "Ikora dijo que… estabas en Europa. Y en Marte, creo".

"La colmena avanza hacia la Tierra. Algo se aproxima y voy a descifrar su curso. En cuanto a los planes de Savathûn y a los caprichos de las reinas, imagino que nuestras motivaciones son similares".

Cuervo suspira. "Bueno, estoy harto de ir de un lado a otro siguiendo los planes de la gente".

"Los poderosos tienen planes para todos nosotros. Es mejor ver de qué tratan", dice Eris.

Cuervo le lanza una mirada furibunda a su Espectro. "Parece que alguien ha vuelto a irse de la lengua".

"Ya te conozco y he oído hablar de ti". Eris tira de su manga y lo acerca hasta invadir su espacio personal. "Tus recuerdos se convertirán en lecciones a su debido tiempo…, cuando hayas agotado tu venganza y tu autocompasión. Confía".

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Season 16 Icon
Finally got this after grinding strikes for ages and boy is it worth it, not only do you get a sexy looking shotgun it feels really snappy with snapshot as well as being great for all my fellow shotgun apes as it comes with perpetual motion. The sights are also really clean and doesn't take up to much space on the screen, not the best but a-lot better then some other sights (I'm looking at you Astral Horizon). In PVE since it is a shotgun its uses in endgame content are limited but if you really like to use shotguns in PVE this thing is also good with swashbuckler you just melee an ad then full 5x then you can blow the face right off most majors. Its vanguard origin trait also can help with survivability especially with a shotty but I still would be cautious when running into a group of enemies since it still isn't the most health. Overall I would say it is a solid pick for any shotgun lover out there but if you have a good roll of the new Häkke shotgun or a good Riiswalker I would probably more gravitate towards that in PVP but if you don't have one of those this thing still slays in crucible.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
I got this shotty a few days ago and OH......MY........GOD. I'm not gonna say it's the best but it does feel amazing and that's what really matters.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
In PvP: This weapon is basically *fine* and reflects the new design approach for ritual weapons from Bungie - an easy to acquire, solid weapon, that is just outperformed quite handily a solid roll of an RNG drop. In this slot/archetype, that means Wastelander M5 and Riiswalker. With how IB works at the moment and strange coins being far more limited, both those weapons are quite annoying to get good rolls of right now, so if you don't have one of those with a good roll yet: this'll do. The perk combos mean it'll be snappy and fast, and you'll easily take advantage of full choke. It'll do an OK job. But it won't excel like those other weapons can with the right perk combos.

I really like lightweight shotties as cleanup weapons with the occasional OHK potential, so if you're into that it's well worth using this as an easily acquired solution until you get something better. If you already have a Full Choke/Accurized or Assault Mag Riiswalker or Wastelander with high range or opening shot though, it's hard to see much use for this - they'll easily compete for handling and be more consistent in their killing ability.

For PvE: The handling focus here isn't so useful from the third column and you'll want swash from the final column. There's no perks here that really excel for PvE though. The most fun you can have with this type of shotty in PvE is with stuff like 1-2 Punch or Subsistence, so I don't see this thing being all that useful.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
God dammit Eris is such a fucking baddie.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Ok I’m here to help this poor boy, because while definitely not the best, it’s still a great shotty. Snapshots allow you to use full choke more often, where other guns can't use it because of a 1 second ads animation, and perpetual motion is a great perk, considering this is a lightweight frame.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Got it griding out strikes, nothing too special about it. It's an okay PVP shotgun, riiswalker and the wastelander m5 are better light-weight shot guns but it's a decent alternative if you don't have a good roll of one of them. Disappointingly non of the perks are great for PvE ending in a pretty average gun all around.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Got the shotty after grinding nightfall but accidentally deconstructed it and I can't get it back from the collection, it says the gun has random rolls. Kinda stuck now =((
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
You can get another one from either getting max Gambit rank or Crucible Rank. I’d recommend Crucible since during the week of my reply, there’s double Crucible XP and Iron Banner is also active
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
I'm loving it in pvp. Don't listen to other reviews. Snapshot and fullchoke are an amazing combo + pm means it handles like a dream. Very fun gun to use in PVP. Haven't tried it in PVE, but it seems very alright in that regards.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
it's lightweight, has built in perpetual motion, and you can get OHK's at pretty good distance without ADS'ing. not sure if I like it better than the wastelander, but it looks awesome and it's fun to use.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 21 Icon
For PvP it is an alright shotgun. With limited perks and a overall lower damage, don't expect too many 1-shots. In PvE it doesn't really perform super well and at it's best it is a overall okay shotgun.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Feels like a world drop. A lot better options out there
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
to me it feels like a less cool version of python, but in pvp its ight
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
There's really not much to say about this, it's just a lightweight shotty with an okay roll. Might want to give this one a miss, unless you somehow have nothing better.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
It finishes off a pve solar assassins cowl warmind build nicely when running with ticuus and ascendancy. Ticuu is a distance ad clear, ascendancy for stronger enemies surrounded by ads. If you get overrun swap to RE, use a ranged melee on an ad and you’re invisible with a shotgun doing +33% damage. More than that if you have the radiant dodge.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago