Impacto | 22 | ||||
Alcance | 40 | ||||
• Damage Falloff | |||||
Estabilidad | 7 | ||||
Manejo | 53 | ||||
Velocidad de recarga | 19 | ||||
• Reload Time | |||||
Asistencia de apuntado | 29 | ||||
Capacidad | 34 | ||||
Zoom | 14 | ||||
Eficacia en el aire | 15 | ||||
Direc. de retroceso | 92 | ||||
Disparos por minuto | 720 | ||||
Cargador | 29 | ||||
Selected Perks | |||||
Popularity: Overall | Select 4 perks to see their popularity. | ||||
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Popularity: Trait Combo | |||||
Popularity: MW Bonus |
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations
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TIP: API Perk Swap
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Rangefinder effectively increases a weapon's zoom by 10% - so Cold Front over here goes from a zoom stat of 14, to 15.4. This is in line with other top tier SMGs w/ Rangefinder like Funnelweb, Out of Bounds, and recently IKELOS SMG 1.0.3.
Bear in mind that the only non-sunset SMG with a zoom stat higher than this (off the top of my head) is Tarrabah at 16 (RIP Shayura's).
So is Rangefinder mandatory in PvP? Uhh... yes... but this applies for ALL SMGs capable of rolling Rangefinder, so this is absolutely not an issue relating specifically to Cold Front; Bungie has failed to address the insane influence the zoom stat has on SMGs in general.
As a MnK player, I do not care about stability. At. All. Never have, never will. You don't need it. Most SMGs have a base recoil stat of 90-100, meaning you can just pull down on your mouse a little and be totally fine. For my joystick twiddling fellas out there though, you're probably gonna want some help. I personally don't know how much stability you'd need, but I can say you're in luck thanks to another perk: Tap the Trigger.
This perk is phenomenal on this weapon, regardless of your input method. +40 Stability, -50% recoil kick, and a 10% tighter Accuracy Cone, all for 0.6 seconds. What's this weapon's TTK you ask? 0.67 seconds for Guardians with less than tier-8 Resilience. This is in line with the popular Lightweight 900RPM SMGs. Your TTK will go up to a still respectable 0.77 beyond that, whilst maintaining more forgiveness than the aforementioned Lightweights, which now also have a slower TTK (0.73s) against high Resilience, and have a steeper damage & Aim-Assist falloff.
So for 8 out of the 9 bullets needed to secure a kill, Tap the Trigger will be active. I shouldn't have to tell you that's crazy.
My personal god roll I'm hunting for, as a MnK PvP player: Full Bore, Accurized, Tap the Trigger, Rangefinder, Range MW. I'll probably put an Icarus Grip mod on it. That's 23.46 metres of full damage, which beats the likes of Funnelweb, all while having a lesser falloff penalty. You're going to beat any Lightweight at the upper ranges, and still compete up close.
Controller players, sacrifice as much stability for range as you're comfortable with. I'd say Smallbore would be a nicer looking pick than Full Bore, but other than that, T-t-T should have you covered.
One last thing: remember to use the Quick Charge mod, for ALL SMGs. +25 Handling for SMGs, Shotguns, Fusions, and (for some reason) Sidearms. You won't be needing more than 75 Handling ever.
SMGs are great in most activities in PvE; refer to some of the other reviews for a more in-depth PvE analysis.
But when it comes to PvP... dead on arrival? Hell nah! Put some respect on Cold Front!
Like I said, sacrifice as much stability for range as you're comfortable with, but this thing has really low base stability to begin with so Tap the Trigger is realistically the best option you've got