Impacto | 49 | ||||
Alcance | 36 | ||||
• Damage Falloff | |||||
Estabilidad | 67 | ||||
Manejo | 51 | ||||
Velocidad de recarga | 30 | ||||
• Reload Time | |||||
Asistencia de apuntado | 89 | ||||
Capacidad | 44 | ||||
Zoom | 12 | ||||
Eficacia en el aire | 12 | ||||
Direc. de retroceso | 94 | ||||
Disparos por minuto | 300 | ||||
Cargador | 16 | ||||
Selected Perks | |||||
Popularity: Overall | Select 4 perks to see their popularity. | ||||
Popularity: Perks | |||||
Popularity: Trait Combo | |||||
Popularity: MW Bonus |
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TIP: Popularity Ranks
The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations
The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.Learn More
Color Icon Game Mode Blue PVE Red PVP Gold PVE & PVP
TIP: API Perk Swap
The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.
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Acercaos, grandes heraldos de la muerte.
"Esto es una idiotez", dice Mithrax con las manos extendidas y vacías.
El silencio reina en el bosque de Trostlandia hasta que tres elixni salen de sus escondrijos con armas que chisporrotean con energía de arco. Dos escorias y un vándalo. Llevan el sello de la Casa de la Salvación.
"Misraaks, el Renegado", dice un escoria que blande una lanza. "¿Has venido a matarnos?".
"No", dice, mirándolos fijamente. "No os haré daño".
"Mientes como un humano".
Mithrax ve al escoria cambiar la lanza de mano justo antes de arremeter. El kell evita su estocada, agarra al escoria por la cabeza y lo machaca contra el suelo. El vándalo saca una pistola. Mithrax se lanza contra él, lo agarra por la muñeca y gira el arma hacia arriba. El vándalo usa la mano inferior para apuñalar a Mithrax en su parte blanda, entre el caparazón, con un cuchillo. Apenas nota nada. El kell de la Luz lo agarra por la garganta y lo estrangula hasta dejarlo sin vida.
El tercero se escapa. Mithrax lo deja ir.
El kell se quita el cuchillo del costado y lo deja caer entre las agujas de los pinos antes de presionarse la herida con la mano.
Quizás cuando llegara el momento de dejar de lado la violencia, el futuro que pudiera darles a los elixni haría que todo hubiera merecido la pena. Quizás justificara todo lo que había hecho. Cada muerte, cada acto de crueldad…, de bondad o de amor.
Sabe que Eramis quería lo mismo.
Por el momento, Mithrax debía dejar a los dos elixni en el lugar en el que yacían. Volvería más tarde para sus ritos funerarios.
Sidearm/Drang enjoyers may want to take a gander at this carrion bird
Adaptive Frame Sidearms have a 0.60 Optimal TTK (4 headshots). Drang has an aim assist stat of 70, this has a whopping 89 base. That's nuts
A range MW, Full Bore, Ricochet Rounds and Rangefinder, it will reach out and touch people at 18m. Toss in Encore in there? You're looking at ~19m with 4 stacks (2 precision kills).
While in range, you'll out duel a god roll Immortal. The generous aim assist stat combined with even 1 stack of encore is going to make landing precision shots wildly easy
This is going to be a monster and don't say I didn't warn yall
Kinetic Tremors with the current season's anti-barrier makes this crazy good. Overflow will be great to keep those tremors proc's rolling without reloading
Crucible - Range MW, Full Bore, Ricochet Rounds, Encore, Rangefinder
PvE - Any barrel/mag with Overflow, Kinetic Tremors
1. Kinetic tremors has no range falloff, allowing this sidearm to be more effective at ranges a sidearm normally wouldn't be.
2. Best sights you can have on a sidearm in my opinion.
3. Kinetic primary, which got a buff from 1.05 to 1.1 in lightfall against unshielded targets.
4. Shield-piercing sidearm this season makes this thing a MENACE against barrier champs, and will overcharge it in any activity with an overcharge weapon modifier.
1. Struggles with add clear, kinetic tremors isn't actually super great for add clear because this gun requires 12 shots to proc so most adds die before you can trigger it. Any enemies that don't get one-shot by this but will die before you hit 12 shots start becoming a problem.
2. The tradeoff with kinetic primaries is that while they give a free 10% damage against unshielded, they have no synergy with darkness subclasses. In a season obviously focused on Strand, this hurts a little.
PvE: A Solid Option
Kinetic Temors' damage scales off of combatant rank multipliers which vary for each weapon and allows bungie to tweak weapons easily against certain types of enemies aka red bars or minibosses or elites etc. It has the highest combatant rank multipliers of any weapon that can currently roll Kinetic Tremors meaning it also does the most damage from the perk. 12 shots to activate I recommend pairing with Overflow/FTTC.
PvP: Let's Compare It To Drang
Buzzard has +1 range, + 6 stability, -20 handling, +19 aim assist, -1 zoom, -3 mag size, -11 AE.
Okay so it connects with targets easier but has less handling and zoom, BUT, this gun can roll with both perpetual motion AND rangefinder, making it outperform Drang in virtually every important stat category as well as having an adept version for even more range! A god roll of drang vs god roll adept buzzard, the buzzard outperforms in pretty much everything, having more range, zoom, max stability, equal handling way more aim assist, better recoil direction. Easily going to be my go-to adaptive sidearm for pvp from now on! Get that Perpetual Motion + Rangefinder roll and go wild!
(imo) militia's birthright is one of the more useless ones, powercrept by Pardon-o.-d. , Wilderflight, Ignition Code and probably way more GL's i don't remember rn.
Having Kinetic tremors and overflow is amazing together, while i admit that Sidearms are ass to control in Full-auto, i also think that the DPS makes more than up for that.
Keep in Mind the Damage boost guns are getting soon and you have an outstanding option for Red Bars up to Orange Bars or Champs.