Base / Class Ability

Crea una gran barrera que puedes usar para reforzar una posición poniéndote a cubierto y atrae el fuego enemigo cuando te encuentras tras ella.

Community Research

Only usable while on the ground.

Grants 20% Damage Resistance during the Cast Animation.

Creates a tall, slightly curved, see-through barricade in front of you that blocks all projectiles fired at it.

Lasts 20 seconds, has 500 HP, and has 80% Damage Resistance against PVE Combatants.

Grants 20% Splash Damage Resistance against PVE Combatants while standing behind the barricade.

Enemies that pass through the barricade continuously receive ? non-lethal damage every ? seconds. PVE Combatants that pass through the barricade are temporarily disoriented.

Standing extremely close to the barricade consistently prevents enemy melee attacks from hitting you through it.
Last Updated 2023-11-16
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