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Excepcional / Arma energética / Sword

Silencio. Silencio. Silencio.

Fuente: Explora el Débil Corazón
These do something now! Give it a try

Exotic Perks

Armazón de espada de ondas

Armazón de espada de ondas

Los ataques pesados generan un gancho propagador que lanza al usuario por los aires.

Si se realiza un golpe inmediatamente después, se ejecuta un ataque dirigido que persigue a un objetivo de forma agresiva.
Duelista trascendente

Duelista trascendente

Esta arma recoge menos munición. Los golpes finales con esta arma mejoran el control de la Luz y la Oscuridad.
Inflige más daño cuando trasciendes; al derrotar objetivos, la duración de Trascendencia aumenta.


Velocidad de golpe
Eficiencia de protección
Resistencia protección
Recuperación 30
Cap. munición 39
Selected Perks
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Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

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Item has recommended perks from trusted community theorycrafters. Learn more      Hide Recommendations

TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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Popular Trait Combos

Conductor de arco
+ Armazón de espada de ondas
7.29% of Rolls
Conductor de arco
+ Armazón de lanzador
5.6% of Rolls
Munición lupina
+ Armazón de lanzador
4.33% of Rolls
Munición lupina
+ Armazón de vórtice
3.91% of Rolls
Munición lupina
+ Armazón de espada de ondas
3.86% of Rolls
Quinto perfecto
+ Armazón de lanzador
3.63% of Rolls
Conductor de arco
+ Armazón de vórtice
3.51% of Rolls
Munición lupina
+ Armazón ligero
3.08% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 224.7K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
  • 35.4%
  • 23.1%
  • 20.8%
  • 20.5%
  • 45.7%
  • 26.0%
  • 11.7%
  • 10.9%
  • 5.4%
  • 35.8%
  • 25.5%
  • 16.1%
  • 12.7%
  • 9.7%
  • 24.7%
  • 24.0%
  • 19.5%
  • 16.1%
  • 15.5%

Your Rolls

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Ergo Sum

Silencio. Silencio. Silencio.

Eres un niño que despierta de un largo letargo sin sueños. ¿Seguimos en el mismo día o has dormido hasta mañana (y pasado, y al otro, hasta que las arenas del tiempo te han enterrado)? Unas delicadas manos retiran los granos, pero tu voz es tan débil que no pueden oírte por encima de los latidos de sus propios corazones.

Eres una luna. Te sientes pesado, demasiado, pero, para quien observa, flotas ingrávido. Cuando te llaman los contemplacielos, tú no respondes. Darían su vida por ti; renunciarían a todos sus sueños por ir contigo. Les profesas amor, pero jamás permitirías que hiciesen algo así.

Eres un farero. Vigilas un tranquilo pueblo costero, y se acercan nubes de tormenta. Haces parpadear la luz de alerta, cada vez más rápido y con más intensidad, pero los vecinos no se inmutan. Estás atrapado en una isla, en una torre. Avisas desesperadamente de que Él viene y, aun así, nadie huye. Van a morir… Y, como no corras, tú también.

Te encuentras en el mar. A veces, los peces te acarician los dedos, como si creyeran tocar algo divino. Otras, baja la marea y los peces no conocen más que tu ausencia. Hoy, luchas con todas tus fuerzas para llegar al agua, porque Él ha llegado, la inmensa sombra del tiburón que corta las aguas como un cuchillo. No puedes advertirles, pero debes hacerlo. O al menos intentarlo. No soportarías perder a nadie más.

Llevas una pila de libros. Si leyeras un título por segundo, no acabarías antes de que el universo dejase de existir. Cada año, cada día, cada minuto, sus manos añaden otro libro al montón. Un hombre se acerca a ti e intenta coger uno de los libros. Deseas con todas tus fuerzas que lo haga, darle la mano y decirle que debéis soportar, para siempre, el recuerdo esculpido en cuarzo, pero tienes las manos ocupadas.

Eres prisionero. La celda es tan pequeña que a duras penas puedes respirar. Él te exige a gritos que compartas tu don. Tú no se lo darías a nadie así. Es una carga, un peso terrible que ya has pedido a muchos que soporten, que se dejen aplastar por él. Podrías quejarte de la crueldad del destino, pero no lo haces.

Estás llegando a un abismo en el que desembocan un sinfín de caminos, como una red de arterias. Intentas ir con la gente que hay al otro lado, pero no tienes forma de alcanzarlos. Los ves girarse, uno por uno, y caminar hacia el abismo, hasta que Él los consume por completo. Te sorprendes tanto como cualquier otra persona cuando vuelve uno de esos viajeros, apestando a descomposición, y se te acerca.

Te ahogas. El agua se agita, te arrastra a las profundidades, y estás cansado, muy cansado. El océano, profundo y oscuro, se te ha metido en los pulmones, gotas de tinta dispersándose en sangre plateada. Piensas que esta Él vez ha ganado. Pero, cuando miras hacia arriba, ves una figura que se lanza a por ti. Lucha por abrirse camino a través de las olas sofocantes y te extiende la mano como tú has hecho por ella tantas otras veces.

Apenas te quedan fuerzas, pero no te rindas. Aún te queda una última bocanada de aire en el pecho. Alargas el brazo y, en tu mano, aparece una espada.

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Season 24 Icon
This is not a review but I am here to inform people to use the following on Titan.
Precious Scars on the titan + arc conductor Ergo Sum. + all the sword mods from Episode 1 + Radiant on orb pick up mod + Arc surge mod + arc/harmonic siphon mod + 1 Time Dilation mod + 1 stack on stack + Prismatic super Thundercrash.

Try: Heavy attack -> pick up orb -> run into enemies. Hits 25k each jolt.

PS. Posted on reddit, noone cared. I am too lazy to make a fancy video. let the content creators make money off this.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
I gave it a whirl and it is an interesting build. It's definitely not intended for boss damage. One issue with it is there seems to be a limit to how many jolts arc conductor is allowed to put out in a single instance of jolting. So massive groups of enemies won't all die at once, but large portions will. And the jolts are single target, so they'll go to one and then be done. I think what this suffers from the most is how Ergo Sum intentionally gains less special ammo on pickups. So its use needs to be for specific scenarios of combat and not constant uptime like I was trying to do. (tested with a special ammo finder equipped)

However, it's group clearing capability is not to be neglected. In a level 4 overthrow final boss phase, this build not only kept groups of enemies off my team mates but also provided healing from Precious Scars. Take into consideration though, I think the restoration AoE only proc'd on sword kills like light and heavy attack and not arc conductor kills. But it was hard to notice, might need more thorough testing.

A really fun build, thank you for sharing!
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Thanks for trying it out. My arc conductor Ergo is on heavy frame, not sure if that increases the damage of jolt but when a yellow bar pops up the heavy frame slam hits for 120k+ I was able to survive the first part of the seasonal activity at 2020(the last part I don't think any build can survive unless using invisible). At first I was unsure if it was endgame viable, But after running this in Salvation's Edge on all non boss encounter, its a breeze with constant heal with scars.
I will highly suggest to equip all the listed mods in my initial comment as they are all "mandatory"

Note: If you are running out of ammo either you are heavy attacking too much or don't have the Blade Stamina mod equipped. If played right you will get surplus ammo instead of loosing ammo
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
<Below minimum vote threshold — click to view>
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
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Season 24 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Yeah, I'm happy he posted this here, please keep this to yourself next time :)
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 25 Icon
"He's out of line, but he's right!"
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 24 Icon
you're thinking about this the wrong way, man. wave frame GLs got nerfed? this is a wave frame that does 2x+ the damage with optional telesto bolts, chain lightning, explosions, or wolfpack rounds(for you AND your friends). not even mentioning the infinite ammo or insane damage output on prismatic, or just having a sword in the special slot in the first place!
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Easily the coolest weapon from TFS, though there are tons. There are a multitude of uses because there are so many combinations:

-Perfect Fifth + Ember of Ashes on a caster frame can cause an ignition if all ten hits of the heavy attack go off on one target. Could be fun for unstoppables.
-Wave frame is unique to this sword and the raid sword for now, providing a strong close-range AOE option and adding lunge speed into the mix too. Ammo for it is bugged in PVP right now, but the wave apparently oneshots players, and the followup swing can also kill someone if you have Riskrunner's perk
-Speaking of Arc Conductor, you can use it to greatly increase the ammo efficiency of this gun via the Episode 1 artifact perk Blade Stamina, which refunds 3 ammo for every three kills. Just run through a pack of enemies and you basically get your heavy back. I like it on lightweight frame for the extra movement speed, but any of them are good
-Only source of an aggressive frame sword for non-Titans
-Telesto perk swords have different bolt spread patterns depending on the frame, so get a few and see what you like. Vortex frame is pretty funny in particular, they just go in every direction. They also hit decently hard
-Wolfpack Rounds count as sword hits for your heavy sword, triggering everything from Relentless Strikes to Cold Steel to Whirlwind Blade to Attrition Orbs
-Stronghold is now freed from the chains of requiring a niche heavy--the wave frame seems like a good option to get the Restoration up and running
-with The Call coming in the same expansion, that and this are more than efficient enough to run double special with no additional help--Ergo Sum gets one ammo refunded for every three kills with your other weapons. Though if you're still struggling with ammo on that setup, consider Special Finisher, Aeons (finishers on orange bars generate special!), Cenotaph and a trace, or just Lead from Gold.

Some of the perks I'd personally avoid: Gathering Light seems way too ammo-hungry to work as well as it does on Traveler's Chosen, Perfect Fifth and Sacred Flame are very frame dependent, Stormbringer just seems redundant because it keys off rapid kills but then spawns its AOE on the stuff you already killed, and Colony perk just seems like bootleg Chain Reaction (though in that case maybe it's just a matter of needing more add density than where I tried it).
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
>>> Perfect Fifth + Ember of Ashes on a caster frame can cause an ignition if all ten hits of the heavy attack go off on one target. Could be fun for unstoppables.

I haven't had a chance to test this out because I've been using my caster Perfect Fifth with Mataiodoxia since seasonal Overload on sword and Arcane Needle covers the bases for all champion types. Can confirm that Perfect Fifth on a caster frame does absurd amounts of damage. I was blessed enough to get an Anarchy on my last Scourge of the Past run before it was vaulted, and that was always my Exotic for melting bosses. My Ergo Sum already feels more powerful, and I haven't even thought about tying it with Ember of Ashes (or the Dawn Chorus I recently acquired thanks to finally being able to focus engrams on new Exotic armor), so there is definitely potential there.

I haven't tested it against my Sacred Flame Vortex Frame for raw damage, but the caster frame also has the advantage of being able to project force while hiding like a coward (discretion is the better part of valor 🤣)

Edit to Add: a little casual testing in onslaught suggests that Perfect Fifth on Caster Frame seems to obliterate health in a way that Sacred Flame spends a lot more ammo for, especially if also running Dawn Chorus
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Can roll with Aggressive Frame.

Literally my favorite sword type but was unavailable for my favorite class (warlock) for almost a decade.

Currently roll I was blessed with: Aggressive Frame, Heavy Frame, Hungry Edge, and Sacred Flame.

This roll does scary DPS, if you pair it with (1st) Transcendence and (2nd) Song of Flame.

Literally melt some bosses today with it.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Long term, I hope we get a good ammo gen catalyst for this. Because I feel like outside of this seasonal artifact, we could see this dip out. Manage to get an Arc Conductor, Heavy Frame, and dealing OP crowd dps. Could go forever with the seasonal artifact. I did notice I was doing better single target dps with SF blade with my build. 100,000 > 80,000

Also got a caster too...... I don't know, feels overrated. Was doing around 8,000 damage with it. (while the other two aggressive were doing 60,000 and more.)
I guess depends how your using it.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Todays your lucky day because that's pretty much what the cata does lol.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Well, This comment aged like a fine wine
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Don't really understand what happened with this page, but it isn't displaying all of the perks that the Ergo Sum can get or what the community suggests using, anyways.

My Ergo Sum that I have is the following, Wave Sword & Arc Conductor, I also happen to have Hungry Edge on with Balanced Guard and so far, I feel like I just run through enemies, massacring them left & right in PvE, I have been getting a few copies with Wolfpack Rounds, but always end up with lackluster Sword Frames such as Aggressive or Lightweight Frames. I personally haven't tried many or any Caster Frames, not sure how good those are to be honest, mostly, cause I haven't gotten any.
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago
Season 24 Icon
>get a solar caster frame with perfect fifth
>basically out damage every special ammo weapon in the game

yeah this thing is bloody beautiful you can just cause constant ignitions and heavy scorch damage, basically a warlock dawn blade for any class to use

and if you want to be a mobile bug zapper tesla tower just get a roll with arc conductor and perfection
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Void + Agressive or Wave frame + Unplanned Reprieve + Volatile rounds is a group eraser with really good miniboss DPS. One of the most fun weapons they've ever made.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Great sword, pain to farm out tho.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Perfect Fifth - Caster Frame is super slept on. I find that one much more fun and useful than the Wolfpack Rounds. Granted if you’re with other sword users then yea I’d use Wolfpack Rounds. But just me, Perfect Fifth with Caster Frame. One projectile will proc the solar explosive that scorches the enemy. Definitely try it if you are lucky enough to get that roll especially on a solar subclass
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
In theory a scattered mess. A jack of all trades, master of none. In practice this is one of the most interesting exotic weapon ideas in a while, and well executed at that. Ad clear, sustained damage, support, it does all these well.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Amazing sword with great combinations. There really are no wrong options here.

That said I highly recommend Sacred Flame on a Wave Frame. Everything hit with the wave gets marked and the free follow up attack can proc the explosion. If in higher tier content where you don't want to be in the thick of it you can simple throw the wave out to mark a few then swap to any of your other weapons. The mark lasts a decent amount of time and will explode on death even from firearms.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
i stg arc doesnt exist. i am not exaggerating when i say this, i have in the last week or so squired over 70+ rolls. ONLY 3 OF THEM WERE ARC ELEMENT
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago
Season 24 Icon
<Below minimum vote threshold — click to view>
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Bud has never heard of strongholds in his life aint no way + gjhalli works with guillotine.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
To be fair, roughly 94% of the possible rolls of the sword are hot garbage. However, there are exactly 2 rolls that are worth using, and 1 roll that is unmatched by anything in its slot.
Wolfpack Rounds with Caster - Use for sword damageable bosses in a group setting, or when you are using a heavy sword for dps yourself.
Arc Conductor with Caster - Use for a combo of taking out medium health targets, while the Arc Conductor finishes off the smaller stuff. Best of both worlds.
Perfect Fifth with Caster - Use the heavy attack like a Witherhoard for boss DPS, only about 2-3 times more frequently. If on prismatic, try to have Transcendence activated for every damage phase. If you can't do that, run it on Solar with Ember of Ashes for similar damage.
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago