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Base / Trait

Infligir daño con todos los perdigones de una ráfaga de dispersión aumenta la velocidad de recarga y mejora el manejo y la estabilidad.

Community Research

Hitting a target with 11 of the 12 Shotgun Pellets in the spread improves Stability, Handling, and Reload Speed for 7 seconds.
Last Updated 2024-08-12
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Season 24 Icon
Is this not just worse threat detector?
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
I genuinely don't know what the point of this trait is. Even without having the numbers via Community Notes, just using this trait on Someday and Riiswalker shows me it's just like... not worth it? Not only is this a worse Threat Detector on paper (Remover activates on a meatshot vs Detector activating by just being near an enemy, stronger near two - both with the same range, but one requires ammo expenditure and one is passive), but it's marred by an even worse issue that isn't obvious at first blush; the stat boosts don't even last long enough to reload a full magazine! It's VERY brief, deceptively so, and on Riiswalker at least, I often have the perk shut off before I've reloaded from empty. The Reload bonus, therefore, is only really useful for topping off the magazine. ...Making a direct downgrade to Threat Detector's. Just in case I hadn't made that clear.

And that's just the PvE use. In PvP? Imagine any passive Handling perk - Quickdraw, Slickdraw, Threat Detector, Surplus - and now imagine that they only function for a little while after you've just meatshot (and killed) an enemy player. That's not useless per se, but... why even bother??

I don't even know what to say in the realm of suggesting how to buff this Trait. Just replace it with Threat Detector on weapons that don't have both, or take it off ones that do.
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago
Season 24 Icon
i feel like this was made to be a replacement for grave robber for 12p yet fails at it, grave robber just reloads your ammo whereas this just gives you threat detector which only works with 12p and i wouldn't recommend on 12p shotguns anyway (and the 2 shotguns with threat remover and 12p have better options (grave robber for compass rose and pugilist for perfect paradox)
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
This paired with barrel constrictor on Someday allowed me to go flawless against my wife’s boyfriend
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago