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Excepcional / Arma cinética / Sidearm

Hay cosas más frías que el frío.

Fuente: Archivo de excepcionales de la Torre

Exotic Perks

Ráfaga de nitrógeno líquido

Ráfaga de nitrógeno líquido

[Cambiar acción de arma] para cambiar el modo de disparo después de un golpe final y activar un tiro cargado.
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Los impactos directos con tiros cargados congelan instantáneamente al objetivo. Los impactos indirectos congelan a los combatientes y ralentizan a los guardianes rivales.


Damage Falloff  
Vel. de recarga
Reload Time  
Puntería asist.
Efectividad en el aire
Direc. de retroceso
Disparos por minuto 260
Cargador 12
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Crioestesia 77K

Hay cosas más frías que el frío.

Se agachó detrás de una roca de arenisca en la cuenca del cañón y trató de concentrarse con desesperación.

Juntó sus manos inferiores y las apretó. Sentía cómo la presión la aplastaba; era imposible ignorar la sangre que emanaba por la herida de su tórax. Pudo oír a los vex acercarse, sus pies de metal chirriaban contra la roca.

Levantó su mano dominante. Las delgadas fibras de su guantelete Simbionte se ajustaron con un crujido y comenzaron a girar. Vio la Luz que rodeaba…

Su rostro hizo un gesto de dolor mientras los disparos impactaban contra la roca a sus espaldas. Giró mientras la piedra enorme se partía en pedazos y, por un instante, entre los escombros ardientes de arena y polvo asfixiante, divisó a un ejército.

Cerró sus ojos.

Vio a los vex apuntar un despeje de campo sobre ella, con destellos de color blanco y carmesí. Bastó un movimiento de su mano para que cientos de disparos salieran por todo el lugar.

Sintió como docenas de espacios con forma de vex aparecieron en el aire detrás de ella y se consolidaron. Los vex se materializaron en la misma ubicación, y la masa de metal fusionado golpeó el suelo con fuerza.

Miró hacia el brillante campo de enemigos. "La Luz provee", pensó, y la siguiente lluvia de fuego vex pasó en una curva a su alrededor.

El guantelete en su muñeca vibró y un pequeño portal se abrió en el aire frente a ella. Al cruzarlo, sintió la figura conocida de un cubo de confluencia cortical de corto plazo e imaginó cómo lo aplastaba con su mano.

Un destello de luz apareció en los ojos rojos de los vex y avanzaron en paralelo. Buscaban un objetivo que no podían ver.

Dio un paso al lado y pasaron de largo.

Una vez que el último minotauro se alejó del cañón, volvió a cruzar el portal. Materializó su conocimiento de Misraaks en sus dedos. Vio una imagen de su esquife mientras sobrevolaba el hielo, fijo en las mentes de los vex de Europa. Imaginó su consciencia como un plano cristalino y lo vio quebrarse en fragmentos de…

Dentro del portal, su muñeca se envolvió con hilos oscuros. Los vio romperse mientras luchaba por sacar su mano, pero estaban pegados como brea. Vio cómo sucumbían ante la potencia de la Luz, pero el polvo se empapó con su sangre y se secó alrededor de su mano. Vio la Luz, pero solo sintió la fría oscuridad que la congelaba con rapidez.

A lo lejos, los vex se giraron como una unidad.

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Season 14 Icon
PVE it is ok a bit of a gimmick. PVP seek better alternatives like testicular torture.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 18 Icon
This review is outdated, now its a fun and good pvp weapon
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Before the rework, this gun was painful to use. Slow fire, inconsistent damage, and a near useless ability. Post rework, this gun has done a 180. It's exotic perk is now its most valuable trait, being able to freeze an entire group of enemies from a pretty respectable distance, due to it now being an aoe. I strongly recommend that you reconsider its usefulness in pve. It now packs a serious punch.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
After it got buffed this season it's an absolute monster. In pvp it is very good with high range and damage, along with the freezing/slowing burst which has a lot of utility. In Pve it synergizes perfectly with Stasis builds, being able to freeze enemies basically for free without using an ability is extremely powerful after the ability nerfs.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 18 Icon
PvP - this came out in a sandbox where stasis was broken, and this gun was considered balanced. With stasis tuned down significantly and the Cryosthesia getting major buffs, you get to relive the old days of instant freeze whenever, wherever. Today marks my 10,000th kill in the crucible with it, so I'm the most qualified to give this review.

The first kill is fundamentally the hardest to get. This is the balancing factor. This is why the gun is not used as much. While this can be seen as a negative, it means it won't get rebalanced. If the first kill was easy, it would get nerfed to the ground. With this being said, there are ways ways to get the first kill easily. Positioning is the most important; learn to backpedal and stay away from corners to not get shotgunned instantly, but not too close that they don't rush out at all. A grenade launcher is amazing to pair with it, as it is the ultimate primer. Unfortunately, since the Cryosthesia is stasis, disruption break doesn't work. With the mindset of wanting to land the final blow with the sidearm every time, a wave frame GL is the best to pair. Prefiring is amazing, and when the wave hits the opponent, your sidearm is out, ready to shoot. Between the GL hitting for 130 and 2 bodyshots, the TTK is .23 seconds. Sidearm kill achieved.

Now, you need to reload. RELOADER MODS ARE A MUST HAVE, with one exception; I'll get to this later. Reloading faster allows you to freeze faster. The special reload animation is longer, too, so you need to get used to this.

Once you have a freeze shot loaded, you can be hyper-aggressive and charge into the next duel, or be ultra-passive and wait for a better time to come. This next kill is what makes this gun as broken as it is. In half a second, your enemy is frozen. No primary can outduel the charge time if you are on your game. The enemy is out of combat for a second and a half, allowing you to do whatever you want to secure the kill. Here are notable methods.

1. Just use the sidearm. This works well enough to get the kill, but watch out for 1v2 situations. Doing 23 damage for a headshot sucks, but they are below half health when they unfreeze so 2 more shots typically kills. There is also a lockout period where you can not shoot after shooting the freeze shot. Remember, the ttk is over 3 seconds, but for majority of that time the enemy can not shoot back. Also, since you once again landed the final blow with the sidearm, you can freeze the next opponent as well. The lockout period is what sucks the most about sidearm-only gunplay, but that is where special weapons come in to play.

2. Special weapon swapping after freeze. Snipers are what you typically see people use with this gun, as you can get an easy headshot from wherever after freezing. You can also body shot an opponent and clean up with 2 bodyshots of the sidearm to get the initial kill. If you can aim even decently, it's a guaranteed kill. After all, the enemy can't move. However, you are back to an uncharged sidearm, and if you body shot cleanup again, it's likely you don't have ammo to insta-kill the next frozen target. If this is the case, find a close opponent, freeze and punch them, or resort to method 1 to load another freeze if nobody is nearby.

3. Hybrid approach. I mentioned the wave GL before, but here is why I like the playstyle so much. During the lockout period after you freeze, you can swap to the GL, shoot off a shot (the enemy is on the ground because they can't jump), then swap back for an easy 2 shot cleanup. This allows you to kill the guardian before they unfreeze, as you are now dealing 130 damage while that lockout period is engaged, but by the time you swap back you can shoot again. The best part is that you are landing the final blow with the sidearm, and can do this method to chain freeze the entire lobby back to back to back.

4. Ability kills. An uncharged melee will always kill a frozen target. Shatterdive is amazing, as airborne gunplay is viable since the freeze shot doesn't need to be a headshot. Cryoclasm works too, but if you're that close anyway it's better to punch. Throwing knives work, especially the lightweight knife; it can kill even with a bodyshot.

Best builds: Mechaneer's tricksleeves offers the most benefit BY FAR. This is the best way to bypass the reload issues I mentioned earlier. Swap weapons faster, essentially lowering your TTK. The best part: be able to jump freely. You are guaranteed to land that freeze shot if your reticle is over a guardian, as the airborne effectiveness stat goes from 28 to 78. Only 60 is needed. This build allows the most aggression and the ability to combat 1vX situations purely because you can reload faster.

Assassin's cowl is funny, too, as knife final blows grant invis.

Stasis warlock in general with iceflare bolts are great too.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 18 Icon
<Below minimum vote threshold — click to view>
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 18 Icon
Charlemagne me. Manstrual#7852.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 14 Icon
imagine if you didn't have the season buff and actually had to kill 50 guardians with this lmao
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 18 Icon
pulled this out again in season of plunder now that there's an annoying quest to kill 100 guardians with stasis damage, with the improvements to this exotic and sidearms in general the crystosthesia is actually much better. When this gun launched sidearms were in a really terrible place, you could only hold the LN shot for 10 seconds before it went away, and it only froze a single target. Now it's pretty decent in both PVP and PVE. You still have to charge the freeze up like a fusion rifle and there are better sidearms for PVP but it firmly upgraded itself from a "meme gun" to a "meme gun that is perfectly usable".
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Holy shit this thing is cracked
Our fears have been realized
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
<Below minimum vote threshold — click to view>
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Why dont you find out for yourself?, its a ton of fun to use.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Not as bad as some people say. With the catalyst it allow a near perfect gameplay loop of kill-freeze-shatter-repeat. It can self proc Hedrons, which also a huge boon, and can chain into other Stasis abilities. Don’t sleep on this weapon, there’s potential here.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 19 Icon
At launch, it sucked. Press-and-release trigger was annoying, the charged shot was abysmal and could only freeze one thing. Just terrible all around. Then Bungie decided this thing needed a rework. And by God did they rework it.

This dinky little pistol is without a doubt one of the most fun primaries to use in PvE. It's quite simple to get the hang of, and used alongside a Stasis subclass you can freeze the world on your command.

Fragments that boost shatter damage and radius. Shatterdive for the Revenants like me. Pop an enemy, swap to the charge shot, freeze all who oppose you, shatter their frozen bodies and reduce them to nothingness, then watch as the catalyst conveniently reloads the entire magazine for you. Rinse and repeat. Absolutely a beautiful weapon.

I don't play Crucible.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Pre buff, the gun was horrific to use. But now? this gun freaking slaps, being able to shut hive guardians out of their supers IMMEDIATELY has got to be one of the most useful things ever. the catalyst? if your playing a stasis build your never going to have to reload. This is a great exotic primary with a wonderful exotic perk, that does aoe freezing, that's right folks, AOE freezing every time you get a kill. And the freeze lasts a freaking long time. This gun is a slept-on amazing sidearm with buffed-up chill clip and its a must-have in anyone's arsenal.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Crysthesia post buff is a very valuable asset in pve. The area of effect freeze is a very potent ability and it allows both hunter and warlock stasis builds to really accelerate in effectiveness. I reccomend a sidearm reloader whenever appropriate as switching to the alt fire is tied to the reload speed stat. For pvp it is a precision frame sidearm which are infamous for not being great but also not terrible. Unlike legendary sidearms it cannot be equipped with icarus grip which is significant disadvantage as mobility is a great asset for the sidearm playstyle. After a freeze shot there is much trolling to be had however the freeze does not last all that long so be prepared to follow up.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 19 Icon
Now I don't know what everyone's is talking about because this thing it's incredible in both PvE and PvP since last adjusts and with primaries having infinite ammo there's no downside
Thankfully it's extremely underrated, meaning Bungie probably won't nerf it anytime soon
Great for killing guardians using theirs supers
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 14 Icon
The gun sucks but at least we have elemental weapons in the kinetic slot again. Also good for completing the Stranger’s weekly.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 18 Icon
In the right hands, this thing can be absolutely filthy. But the right hands are few and far between, and being good with cryosthesia in pvp is kinda like being good at teaching Latin.

Good perk. Really good perk. Get 1 kill and you get to shoot an infinite range freeze shot with a slowing AOE anywhere you want. With a moderate charge time. Downside is you have to get a kill. And as someone who's favorite sidearm is lonesome, I can tell you right now that you're gonna have a rough time getting said kills. These things need major range buffs.

As for pve, it's actually super satisfying and gives a great flow to any of the 5 stasis hunters that are left playing revenant in pve. So I'd highly suggest it there. It's a great time.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
Me, a Latin student who uses this gun
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
POST REWORK: this sidearm is phenomenal. Pairing this exotic with the mantle of battle harmony + stasis shards creates amazing synergy with the stasis warlock subclass. The exotic perk works perfect - when you need to clear out trash mobs it shreds in tandem with the catalyst, and when you are up against a orange bar it does fantastic damage with the shatter and other passive buffs you can pair it with. This exotic really shines when you mix it in with a build, and although it is good on it's own, I recommend you search up a quick build tutorial in order to bring out its true potential. Overall, the gun deserves to have 5 stars in PVE and 4 in PVP. It feels great in PVP thanks to its rework and I know I have had people breaking keyboards and controllers over this piece of iron (ex freezing a thundercrash mid super).
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 18 Icon
The Furtive CRYOSTHESIA 77K , So Easily Forgotten...
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Fun freeze gun go Brrrr in all seriousness though it’s fun to use but better options however I wish you luck in crucible when working on its catalyst quest
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 18 Icon
Good for stasis bounties and area of effect freezing
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 14 Icon
I might be a part of a small group but I actually really like this gun now that I have the catalyst. My biggest issue with it was the reload time and the catalyst lets you skip the reload by shattering a frozen target. So that means that it does not have to even kill the target, the stasis on the enemy just has to be made shatter with damage with any damage source that I so far have tested and you get 13 ammo right into the clip from reserves. Handy for some stasis fragments.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Pve : Can debuff boss and very good recoil. But slow reload and 13 bullets. PVP: Brokes like stasis. But it avaible to freeze only in 13 or 10 seconds. (My first review that I typed first)
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 14 Icon
I think its kinda clunky, the slow reload doesn't help and I find it a bit bouncy. I can see situations where this would be good, but tbh its just too situational for me to warrant using. If you want to use an exotic sidearm Travelers Chosen is a better pick. I dont play PvP so im just going to give it a 3
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Not a great one but not a useless gun too.
Sadly without preparation a lot of other pistol are better.
With a hunter reload escape + MECHANEER'S TRICKSLEEVES + mod + catalyst i ve made 3 great pvp game in a row. (This gun is'nt made for pvp) but it's honest in PVE .
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Very fun to use in gambit and pve content, revenant gets a buff for boss damage next season. Pair with mechineers tricksleeve, pop super and don’t even have to reload. Will try using unstoppable mod next season if bad delete forever
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 21 Icon
the cryo charged shot is freaking satisfying no doubt about it, problem is the weapon feels clunky to use especially its crosshair, and the charged shot disappears the moment you switch to a different weapon than staying

and with the introduction of chill clip on stasis weapons, this also makes this weapon feel less and less useful if the weapon were to get buffed one of the best things is changing its frame to a lightweight frame and or just make it where the charged shot doesnt disappear the moment you switch to a different weapon or using any abilities

if it were to be reworked it should just function like the DR, where you can just get a kill and then hold down the trigger to charge up and fire the charged shot, that would make less clunky and on pair of other exotic sidearms
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 22 Icon
Been using this for 2 weeks now, here's my thoughts as of Season 22.

Obtaining the weapon is a little bit of a slog in and of itself. The weapon is a reward at the end of Beyond Light's campaign, and if you've been developing a Stasis build for the quests you'll find that this weapon slots nicely into whatever meta you're running.
The catalyst is worth it at first glance -- on killing a frozen enemy, it reloads the mag. It's a neat cherry on top to this weapon's niche and certainly doesn't hurt, but it's more of a small upside than a game-changer. Don't even get me started on the catalyst quest which requires way too much grinding.

To the actual gameplay: in PVE this thing slaps. If you're running any Stasis build, especially shards, an insta-freeze and kill combo on ADDs feels great.
In end-game content, Champions are susceptible to its powerful LN2 shot, too, so if you kill a singular Thrall you'll have a free Champion pause button. I can't say much more as Stasis in PVE is already amazing, but considering the pool for kinetic Stasis weapons with actual functioning exotic perks (looking at you, Wicked Implement) is looking empty, definitely consider it.

In PVP, you're going to have to adapt around this weapon entirely if you want to get the most out of it, but that's a fun tradeoff considering Season 21's weapons.
Here's what I've been using as a Revenant: Mask of Bakris, Cryosthesia and Targeted Redaction.
Use all of your abilities on chokes and points, dodge for the Bakris buff, get your first pick, then you'll have Unsated Hunger proc on Targeted Redaction; it makes that hand cannon function like something resembling its older cousin Spare Rations, but on crack. Since Stasis has a long charge on abilities and supers anyway, Unsated Hunger will be on almost all the time, specially including this season's artifact mods that improve it directly.
I've also heard that GLs can soften up a player readily for a quick kill on Cryothesia, but I've been having too much fun with TR to take it for a spin so you'll have to see for yourself.

The LN2 shot freezes guardians instantly. Instantly. Even if they're supering. You've probably seen the funny clips of a Thundercrash getting frozen in mid-air -- that can happen more than you think if your aim is true!

TL;DR: If you're running Stasis, try it out. If you aren't, try it out. If you're a fan of sidearms, try it out. If you want to use it in any gamemode, It's good as hell. All hail the freeze ray.

Important notes:
The LN2 shot will go away *only* if you actually enable it with the charged reload. You can get a kill and swap to another weapon for cleanup and keep the shot ready to be loaded.
The Airborne Effectiveness on this gun is incredible. Jump-peaking corners in PVP will get a kill often, and if you feel like putting on Tricksleeves for dual-sidearm action you can easily get LN2 shots to insta-freeze. Rinse and repeat.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 24 Icon
Great with the stasis warlock in PVP but i works with stylish executioner from the Hunter ervery frozen kill with this gun makes you invincible and with the Kill you get a new freeze shot perfect chain for the Hunter
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
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