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Excepcional / Arma potente / Trace Rifle

Todos le debemos nuestra existencia a un momento único, hace mucho tiempo.

Fuente: Exploración del Corazón Desalentado

Exotic Perks

Rayo paracausal

Rayo paracausal

Dispara un rayo de luz cinética que inflige daño adicional masivo a los escudos.
Persuasión paracausal

Persuasión paracausal

Los golpes finales con esta arma otorgan energía de súper. Esta arma obtiene daño extra cuando la súper se termina.


Damage Falloff  
Vel. de recarga
Reload Time  
Puntería asist.
Efectividad en el aire
Direc. de retroceso
Disparos por minuto 1000
Cargador 74
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Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

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Todos le debemos nuestra existencia a un momento único, hace mucho tiempo.

Temperatura: -65° C
Clima: Tormenta de polvo
Precipitaciones: 0%
Humedad: 67%
Viento: 40 km/h
Dióxido de carbono: 95%

El tiempo pasa. El metal se corroe. El polvo se acumula. Deterioro. Deterioro. Deterioro.

Temperatura: -100° C
Clima: Despejado
Precipitaciones: 0%
Humedad: 108%
Viento: 48 km/h
Dióxido de carbono: 94%

Cambiar la naturaleza de un mundo entero no es algo insignificante. Las manos mortales no logran afectarla. Las cianobacterias, las pequeñas trabajadoras incansables de las profundidades, tardan millones de años a la luz del sol para hacer el cambio más sencillo y necesario: la oxidación.

Temperatura: -54° C
Clima: Niebla
Precipitaciones: 0%
Humedad: 98%
Viento: 0 km/h
Dióxido de carbono: 95%

Pero llega el punto de inflexión. La explosión. Una vez que se alcanza, hay un equilibrio. Todo lo demás fluye con más libertad y más facilidad, cada vez más rápido, pues el desarrollo sigue su curso. La atmósfera se condensa y el calor ya no se escapa, la lluvia cae y las bacterias que nacieron gracias a un único rayo se convierten en organismos multicelulares, y así sigue. Verde, brillante, crece, crece y crece…

Temperatura: -10° C
Clima: Nublado
Precipitaciones: 26%
Humedad: 67%
Viento: 11 km/h
Dióxido de carbono: 50%, en caída rápida

Es para eso. Ese es su propósito: el momento de transformación y creación, abrir lo que estaba cerrado, la primera lluvia cae sobre la tierra intacta. En esa fracción de segundo hay potencial, allí está el comienzo de cada pequeña vida que habrá de llamar hogar a ese mundo. Desde la singularidad del punto de inflexión hasta la magnitud de los futuros, por siempre en espiral.

Temperatura: 17° C
Clima: Lluvia
Precipitaciones: 86%
Humedad: 78%
Viento: 22 km/h
Atmósfera: 20% de oxígeno, 80% de nitrógeno, rastros de otros elementos

Qué privilegio dar testimonio de ustedes, en ese momento y en ese lugar, mientras elevaban sus rostros protegidos hacia la lluvia.

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Season 24 Icon
Since it's a Kinetic weapon, it can also proc the effects off Chromatic Fire with precision kills!
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
I was gonna say. Has anyone tried this with Chromatic fire and Blast furnace with firefly/kinetic tremors?
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Its been a long seven-ish years to reach this point... first, Coldheardt in Vanilla D2... then Legendary Traces in Dares of Eternity... a Kinetic Slot Trace in S23... and now, a Heavy Trace. Finally, I have them all.

Memes aside though, this is a perfectly decent Exotic. Unique in being both the first Kinetic damage Heavy Weapon, and the highest damage Trace Rifle (eat your heart out, Agers Scepter). Damage testing shows this thing can put out respectable DPS for what it is, though it won't exactly be competing for a Meta spot with the likes of Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, and various Exotics jockeying for the top spot. Still, it'll do fine at melting the face off of a boss in your average content, maybe even at higher levels, but don't expect it to match up to a good meta pick.

Otherwise, this weapons value lies in utility. It utterly blitzes shields, being useful in situations like Legendary Campaigns or higher difficulty content with robust shields that you lack the element-match for. Its exotic trait gives it a Thresh effect on kills, and grant it a hefty damage bonus after your Super cast ends.

In PvP... its a big eff off laser. Pretty fun to melt Guardians with most likely, but I doubt it'll be the most ammo efficient gun out there compared to an LMG, and not as viable when a ton of Exotic Primaries are jockeying for your attention.

Overall, its a fun gun. Could do with a potent Catalyst to up its damage or usefulness in general, but a good enough time otherwise. Now we just need Festival of the Lost to come back, and my Traveler Cosplay shall be complete...
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Very fun to carry a large laser
From what I can tell, this weapon can (sometimes) melt bosses, and is a decent option, however it more fits a niche due to much better exotics like Dragon's Breath being out there. For it to be good, it needs something more. Either something that incentiviseses breaking shields (as that is the weapons main perk) or something else that increases damage along with the trait (maybe for breaking a shield?)
Really funny to use in PvP and melts players, but it's not very practical. Could also be good in Gambit, but I never play it so I'll never know.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
this thing is basically if you took one of those extremely expensive particle beam weapons you see from naval battleships and armored vehicles but made it into a portable weapon, IT'S FREAKING AMAZING, it just bores through anything you point it at especially after you activate your super or activate transcendence, probably one of the best jack of all trade heavy weapons in the game, aside that it could use a ammo reserves increase it burns through any chap in crucible, along with every fodder and champion and even boss with ease, and it's pinpoint accurate, basically the sibling 1K voices.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
It's not displayed anywhere on the weapon's actual perks, but this weapon is EXTREMELY good against Subjugators since their damage resistance is under the hood considered a shield!

(not good against tormentors though as those are not considered shields for whatever reason)
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
not sure if this is a bug but this also breaks anti barrier and does unstoppable.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Good bye Thunderlord, hello Microcosm. Yes the damage is basically nuts and practically no recoil since it is a giant laser pointer.
While not as synergistic as Still Hunt with Golden Gun, a Warlock/Titan dumping their nova bomb/twilight arsenal can amp the damage by a fair margin.

Also this absolutely destroys subjugators, so bring it along.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
In PvE this is a good ad clear and respectable total damage weapon.
In PvP, this thing absolutely fries people.
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago
Season 24 Icon
One pretty interesting interaction this weapon has is against lucent hive shielded by moths. This allows you to stack precision damage on top of whatever damage buff you have and that 250% damage against shields of this weapon as long as the moth persists, sometimes yielding a staggering 20k damage for one single shot. Other than that though its pretty situational despite our enthusiasm, though the total damage it provides should be sufficient for normal and legend activities. If this thing ever got disruption break it can prove really useful as a master add clear option.

pvp wise-if I am not mistaken, like 70-80% of your health is actually a shield. This WILL kill you if you are on the receiving end.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Do not sleep on this bad boy. Want easy DPS on certain raid / dungeon bosses? Pull out this alongside the Solipsism with the star eater perk and you'll get some juicy DPS if you control it properly. Why? Simple, the trait; Paracausal Imbuement.

Although not as viable as Still Hunt, this beautiful kinetic trace rifle is worthy of a DPS option far greater than Thunderlord because of it's synergy with your super and dealing mass amount of damage, even in such circumstances, Microcosm can be a decent add-clear weapon if you play your cards right.

Not to mention, this thing SHREDS Subjugators and Tormentors. Making the first half of the Encore mission a breeze even on expert.

Do not sleep on this weapon, I beg of you.
Reply      Report Posted 5 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Given the fact that outside of Bosses, it has a base 15% bonus to weapon damage since its kinetic, it's a great option for any activity that isn't a riad or dungeon. You could find some functionality as a DPS weapon with surge mods and using the 20% percent damage boost after using you super, but here are better exotics to use for DPS.

In terms of PVP, this thing absolutely melts given the fact that it does extra damage to even shields. It's probably one of if not the best heavy option to use for Gambit invaders, given the ease of use and range on the weapon.

Now if it ever gets a catalyst that gives it Disruption
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Disruption break would not be that good for Micro
Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago
Season 24 Icon
the ammo economy is so poor, you run out of ammo by the first damage phase, it's so hard to get heavy ammo with microcosm equipped as well
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Just put on a finder and scavenger mod and your problem is solved
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago