![Armazón de disparo rápido Armazón de disparo rápido](
Armazón de disparo rápido
Impacto | 18 | ||||
Alcance | 27 | ||||
• Damage Falloff | |||||
Estabilidad | 52 | ||||
Manejo | 42 | ||||
Vel. de recarga | 49 | ||||
• Reload Time | |||||
Puntería asist. | 72 | ||||
Capacidad | 54 | ||||
Zoom | 16 | ||||
Efectividad en el aire | 20 | ||||
Direc. de retroceso | 45 | ||||
Disparos por minuto | 720 | ||||
Cargador | 46 | ||||
Selected Perks | |||||
Popularity: Overall | Select 4 perks to see their popularity. | ||||
Popularity: Perks | |||||
Popularity: Trait Combo | |||||
Popularity: MW Bonus |
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations
The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.Learn More
Color Icon Game Mode Blue PVE Red PVP Gold PVE & PVP
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TIP: New Season & Popularity Ranks
It's a new season! Popularity ranks can change rapidly at the start of a new season, especially on new weapons.
Be careful jumping to conclusions for a week or so as the meta starts to shake out.
TIP: Popularity Ranks
The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations
The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.Learn More
Color Icon Game Mode Blue PVE Red PVP Gold PVE & PVP
TIP: API Perk Swap
The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.
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Amenaza velada
No dejes que cuelgue sobre ti.
"Gracias por hablar conmigo, Espectro", dijo Saint. El exo estaba sentado en el C.E.L.M., con el espectro del guardián flotando delante de él.
"No hay problema, Saint. ¿En qué te puedo ayudar?".
Saint se reclinó en su asiento, pensativo.
"Tu guardián y tú vieron a los vex con anillas en el cuello", continuó Saint y dibujó un círculo en el aire alrededor de su propio cuello con un dedo. "Osiris dice que son yugos".
El espectro asintió.
"Están atados a algo… que los hace actuar de forma extraña. ¡No parecen vex! No sabemos si se trata de una mente nueva o de alguna otra cosa. El origen parece ser lo que sea que chocó contra Nessus".
El espectro entrecerró el ojo, contrayendo su carcasa. Saint habló con cuidado.
"Me pregunto si es igual a cuando el Testigo habló a través de ti, cuando tomó el control".
El espectro alejó la mirada. Su ojo central lanzaba miradas fugaces. Zumbó mientras pensaba.
"No lo sé, pero no se lo desearía a nadie. ¡Ni siquiera a los vex! Fue horroroso". El espectro se inclinó hacia un lado y al otro a modo de énfasis, su carcasa tembló. Luego se sacudió de repente, como sacándose el recuerdo de encima.
"¿Hablaste de ello con Osiris?", le preguntó Saint-14. "Imagino que las experiencias de ustedes dos guardan ciertas similitudes… La de él con Savathûn, y la tuya con el Testigo".
El espectro sacudió su carcasa en señal de negativa. Saint lo miró de manera inquisidora.
"No quería hacerle pensar en malos recuerdos", admitió. "Y es difícil hablar del tema".
"Lo siento", respondió Saint. "Ahora estás a salvo con nosotros".
El espectro se quedó en silencio y contrajo las aletas de su carcasa mientras miraba abajo.
"Sé que te tomará un tiempo volver a sentirte seguro".
El espectro asintió. Cuando volvió a hablar, mantuvo la voz baja y el temblor de su carcasa se había detenido.
"Cuando era solo mi voz, la primera vez en Europa, me dio miedo. Me hizo sentir que no podía confiar en mí. Luego pasó de nuevo en Neptuno, y después se volvió mucho peor, con el Velo… Casi deseé que mi guardián…".
Saint estaba en silencio. Dio un breve asentimiento de aliento.
"¿Crees que en Nessus está pasando algo así?", dijo el espectro con preocupación.
"Espero que no", respondió Saint. Extendió una mano y le dio una palmada suave al espectro en su carcasa. "¡Es solo cosa de los vex! Estoy seguro de que no tenemos nada que temer".
For PVE, I used quite a few combinations and wasted resources so you don't have to. So let me tell you the best combos I felt were pretty solid on the Veiled Threat. These ombinations I felt more confident on this Auto Rifle are these listed down below:
Arrowhead Brake
Tactical Mag
Fragile Focus
Desperate Measures
Pairing with a Range MW
Arrowhead Brake
Accurized Rounds
Threat Detector
Pairing with a Range MW
I felt more confident in the first roll line than I do with the second and that's only because of Desperate Measures and Fragile Focus. 20 Range boost while you have your shields up and having the damage boost from using your melee/grenade abilities felt more good to use and I was consistent on getting my abilities back quickly to continue to keep the stacks rolling on Desperate Measures. The second roll I felt more was like having a bigger SMG, and I didn't really find myself being surrounded too much due to ad waves being cleared by teammates, abilities, or quick gun fight situations.
For PVP, I only used one roll the entire time and had a blast using it. I actually found myself enjoying this Auto Rifle way more this way than any of the other rolls I tested:
Corkscrew Rifling
Accurized Rounds
Fragile Focus
Pairing with a Range MW
If you can get the first initial kill and keep up the Encore stacks for this weapon, you're cooking. I almost found myself enjoying this weapon more than The Reposte. Fragile Focus gives you 20+ in your Range as long as you have your Shield Health up. Encore goes up to 4 Stacks, +2 if you land Precision Kills, +1 if you land Body Shot Kills. If you can reach the 4 Stacks and pair it to Fragile Focus, you gain 40+ Range, 32+ Stability, and your Accuracy stabilizes -5%. Initially Veiled Threat with this roll setup goes up to 92 Range and 89 Stability. With Fragile Focus down, you only go up 72 Range which is still up there if you have all 4 stacks of Encore active. Keep in mind Encore only stays active for 7.5 seconds, while Fragile Focus remains active until your Shield Health completely goes away.
All and all I found myself enjoying this weapon quite a bit, and these are my recommendations for crafting the weapon if at all you ever decide to craft the Veiled Threat. This weapon could use improvements, but not all Seasonal Weapons or DLC Drop weapons are perfect right out of the gates. And there's nothing with that, especially for this Auto Rifle at a 720 RPM stance. The biggest issue I found myself having with this weapon, is that it takes up a lot of the screen. During gunfights, there would be moments I couldn't see an enemy/opponent creep up because this beefy Auto Rifle would block that view. I know there won't be any improvement to the design, but I can only hope for this one. Not a bad 720 RPM overall, but I would also say it could use improvements for sure. More towards the design rather than the Perks right now