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Excepcional / Titán / Piernas / Leg Armor

A cada ascenso le sigue la caída.

Enfoque de armadura

Exotic Perks

Control del titiritero

Control del titiritero

Mejora Látigo de drengr. Los proyectiles rastrean objetivos más activamente y llegan más lejos. Obtienes Malla tejida cuando suspendes a un objetivo.

Community Research

Improves Drengr's Lash and grants Woven Mail for 10 seconds upon Suspending enemies.

When used with a Barricade:
Drengr's Lash creates 2 additional Lashes. Lashes gain stronger seeking capabilities and travel ?% farther.

When used with Thruster:
Created Strand Knot is launched towards nearby enemies with some tracking. Detonates and Suspends nearby targets on contact.
Last Updated 2024-09-28

Related Collectible


Salto suspendido

A cada ascenso le sigue la caída.

Lo que Rohan anhela recordar más que nada es su risa. Esas carcajadas que retumban, estremecen el firmamento y hacen temblar los huesos.

Resuenan ahora, mientras ella se inclina para poner su núcleo en las manos de la jefa archivista. Nada le quita a la Surcanubes Tramontane las ganas de reírse en su propia ceremonia de retiro; ni los intentos de la archivista por acallarla, ni la forma como su respiración le raspa en el pecho después.

La jefa archivista encaja el núcleo de Tramontane en el pedestal. Los nanitos salieron a montones de él, y se distribuyeron en capas ordenadamente hasta tomar la forma de su monumento. Los asistentes iniciaron un aplauso atronador.

Ese momento es un punto fijo en los recuerdos de Rohan: Tramontane, en toda su grandeza, echa hacia atrás la cabeza muerta de la risa en su propio homenaje.

Como también lo es esto: Tramontane, acunada en un nido de cables y tubos. Con la ruptura de cada uno de sus implantes, su cuerpo sigue el ejemplo, cada fallo conduce a uno más. Ella se apaga frente a su mirada.

Aquí no hay multitudes; la única compañía de Rohan en su vigilia es un pouka que sobrevuela sobre su hombro. Los doctores a cargo de sus cuidados paliativos entran y salen en lapsos cortos, sin decir nada. Rohan escucha el pitido de los monitores y las máquinas siseantes que bombean sangre a su corazón que flaquea, pero el cuarto está extrañamente en silencio.

Tramontane dejó de reírse cuando sus pulmones ya no se inflaron solos.

Su mano, consumida hasta los huesos, no tiene la bastante fuerza para crisparse. Rohan la toma en su mano y se acerca. Si ella articula alguna palabra, él podrá comprenderla interpretando la forma de su aliento.

Pero, al final, solo hay silencio.

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Season 20 Icon
Berserkers being able to shoot Suspend-inflicting Strand waves out of their Barricade was already a really handy thing, but Abeyant Leap takes it to near game-breaking proportions. The Suspend wave becomes a Dead Messenger 3-spread, their Aim Assist turns into outright homing and they have increased lifetime. Suddenly your useful-but-precise panic button as a Berserker (or ability to grab a small number of enemies for a setup) becomes one-button crowd control that only requires you then actually kill everything you caught.

In PvE, this Exotic is just plain monstrous. Enemy level is irrelevant; get in front of the pack, press your class ability button, and for several seconds, every non-boss enemy you can see is locked down and unable to do *anything* for several seconds while you (and ideally, your team,) whittle them away into nothing. Capturing a bunch of enemies and then shooting an explosive or throwing a Tangle into them never gets old. Though the increased homing can be counterintuitive at times, as two waves can steer themselves towards the same enemy, wasting effective Suspended-inflicting area.

In PvP, this Exotic is not as silly, but not useless at all. Lots of Strand-using players make the mistake of treating Suspended like new-age Frozen, which isn't true - the victim can still strafe around very slowly and hipfire their weapon. Suspension is there either for inherent synergies from killing a Strand-debuffed target, or to hold a target in place and briefly startle them. Valuable, but not a free kill, and Abeyant Leap makes it easier to do - most in the form of the increased range and homing to ensure you don't miss that one guy, but you might occasionally get more than one person. It's dangerous, rare and usually not huge, but... you can.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
I don't play PvP, so I can't speak for them there. I'm sure someone else will have insight about that.

For PvE at least these are amazing. Not only do they Suspend pretty much every enemy you're facing within short to medium range, but Suspending anything (like with your Barricade) gives you 10s of Woven Mail, which is about 60% DR. That's about 72% DR when combined with T10 Resil. Into the Fray benefits from this for additional melee cooldown uptime, which is not great if you only rely on shooting Tangles between their lengthy generation cooldown and the risk that your allies will sometimes get in the way of you destroying Tangles.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Favorite PVE exotic for strand. And strand is my favorite subclass now with the CC, survivability and DPS with Final Warning Exotic sidearm. Infinite suspend and woven mail is insane for easy to hard content, and Final warning is amazing ad clear and single target DPS. Beautiful synergy.

PVP its fun but there are better options.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Short Review because other people already went in depth. The TLDR is that woven mail is broken in PVE and can carry you through even -50 activities, so more ways to get it is great. Also with a short barrier cool down and some fragments, you can almost permanently stunlock anything and everything you want (including champs and Tormenters but sadly not bosses).
Viable in Endgame PVE with little competition
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Look, I get it, Heart of Inmost Light has been nerfed, so Bungie forced us to pick other Titan exotics. Having tried this thing for a bit... I feel like this'll be the next top tier Titan exotic for endgame content.

HOIL's ability spam was ridiculous, but honestly... this thing can spam just as hard, if not even harder. Using this thing with 100 resilience and discipline, Shackle Grenade, Thread of Continuity, Thread of Mind, and Thread of Generation and you already have a setup for quite literally infinite suspension. Ideally you also run Osteo Striga because, yes, the poison tick damage does work for Thread of Generation. So on top of suspending whole rooms, they slowly trickle to their deaths from poison damage while they're still in the air, while in the meantime you get your grenade and barricade back in an instant because of that. Placing my bets that this thing will inevitably get nerfed, it's an absolute monster against any enemy that isn't a boss, it's absurd.

(Oh, and did I mention that you're neigh unkillable with that same setup? Constant ability regen also means near-permanent Woven Mail uptime because of the suspensions. It can even trigger off of bosses if you throw that barricade wave or the Shackle Grenade on them, even though they don't actually get suspended)
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Unbelievably useful in PVE, Great for basically crowd controlling the entire game while giving you a 60% DR armor that can be reset easily, literally my only peeve with the exotic which isn't even my fault is that sometimes teammates can screw me a bit, you'd be surprised all the strong targets you can just outright keep in the air forever until they die. Easily one of my favorite PVE exotics and got me off my Cuirass addiction whenever I have to ad control. PVP i'm sure you can do some silly stuff but I can't speak on it almost at all since there's obviously better picks you could bring
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
absolutely incredible exotic, and makes me wish it was part of the titans default kit because of it, its one of the best and easiest ways for titans to get woven mail in PVP, and does incredible in PVE in every situation, my only downside is just how blasted ugly it is

i hope we get a ornament that give it a more techy/industrial design because i would buy that asap
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago