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Leyenda / Arma energética / Pulse Rifle

"No hay estrellas arriba. Es mejor no mirar allí". (Amanda Holliday)

Fuente: Actividades de temporada del episodio Resurgimiento
These do something now! Give it a try


Armazón de disparo rápido

Armazón de disparo rápido

Más reservas de munición. La recarga es ligeramente más rápida si el cargador está vacío.


Damage Falloff  
Vel. de recarga
Reload Time  
Puntería asist.
Efectividad en el aire
Direc. de retroceso
Disparos por minuto 540
Cargador 33
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

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Item has recommended perks from trusted community theorycrafters. Learn more      Hide Recommendations
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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Popular Trait Combos

This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
Abrazadera de rechazo
+ Rondas desestabilizadoras
18.92% of Rolls
+ Rondas desestabilizadoras
9.44% of Rolls
Momento zen
+ Buscacabezas
7.79% of Rolls
Lobo solitario
+ Buscacabezas
5.93% of Rolls
Movimiento perpetuo
+ Buscacabezas
3.63% of Rolls
+ Frenesí
3.49% of Rolls
Momento zen
+ Rondas desestabilizadoras
3.17% of Rolls
Abrazadera de rechazo
+ Frenesí
2.91% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 66.3K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
  • 21.2%
  • 15.7%
  • 14.0%
  • 11.4%
  • 10.5%
  • 8.6%
  • 7.4%
  • 7.1%
  • 3.7%
  • 20.1%
  • 14.7%
  • 13.8%
  • 12.0%
  • 11.7%
  • 11.2%
  • 9.7%
  • 6.4%
  • 27.9%
  • 19.8%
  • 17.2%
  • 13.6%
  • 11.2%
  • 10.0%
  • 39.2%
  • 24.0%
  • 11.9%
  • 9.2%
  • 8.4%
  • 7.0%
  • 100.0%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 67.1K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 67.1K+ copies, 3.5K+ (5.2%) were fully masterworked.
23.6% of Rolls
Vel. de recarga
23.8% of Rolls
25.0% of Rolls
27.4% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 32.9K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
Cargador auxiliar
28.8% of Rolls
25.7% of Rolls
Contrapeso de culata
12.9% of Rolls
8.3% of Rolls
Mejora del buscador de munición pesada
6.4% of Rolls
Calibrador de puntería
4.5% of Rolls
Remodelación automática completa
3.4% of Rolls
3.3% of Rolls

Your Rolls

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
Learn More

TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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"No hay estrellas arriba. Es mejor no mirar allí". (Amanda Holliday)

Escuchó algo y se despertó. Allí estaban de nuevo aquellos pies llenos de garras, deslizándose sobre él. De inmediato, cogió su fusil de pulsos que estaba cerca de la puerta y salió a investigar.

Lo único que vio fue el bordo del techo alquitranado contra el ondulante cielo nocturno. Eso no significaba nada… después de todo, todos sabían que podían volverse invisibles. Podría haber uno, dos o una docena mirándolo.

Buscó con la mirada cualquier rastro de siluetas relucientes, pero su visión estaba atiborrada con la bamboleante malla del cielo de color morado oscuro. Levantó la vista mientras una onda cruzó por encima de su cabeza; la malla parecía acercarse más hacia él, como una enorme hoja que cubría la Ciudad.

Una onda de presión se abalanzó y la sintió en los senos paranasales. Presionó una mano contra sus ojos. Una profunda vibración llenó su cabeza y oyó sus garras en los muros alrededor. Era su risa sibilante.

Se giró hacia la calle. Su arma estaba lista. Sintió que su corazón retumbaba dentro de su pecho y cómo el sudor recorría su espalda.

Y otro sonido: detrás de él, alguien golpeaba un vidrio.

Giró y vio a uno de ellos en su casa, mirándolo por la ventana. Sus dedos sudorosos trataron de quitar el seguro del arma conforme abría su boca…

"Papá", gritó el caído, "¡estás parado sobre el jardín!".

Bajó la mirada, atónito. Los pequeños tomates yacían aplastados bajo sus pies descalzos.

Su hijo volvió a gritar. Ya no era un caído, solo estaba molesto y casi dormido. "¡Vuelve adentro!".

Con sus manos temblando, salió del jardín. Resistió la necesidad de mirar hacia el cielo al entrar a la casa.

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Season 25 Icon
Void pulse rifles are few and far between, so this reissue is much needed. Thankfully you have some awesome rolls for both PvE and PvP.

I'm not the biggest fan of destabilizing rounds, but there's the ever popular combo of that + Repulsor Brace. The roll I'm personally searching for is Demolitionist + Desperate Measures or Frenzy. I think this rolls plays into the void sublass better.

You've got Zen moment + Headseeker which I think is the chase here. MKC is also a decent roll for 6's and pairs quite well with the origin trait.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
It's rated as an "F" roll, but elemental capacitor and perpetual motion feels so so good with arrowhead and high cal rounds.
Reply      Report Posted a month ago
Season 25 Icon
This is a superb niche PVP roll, yes.
Reply      Report Posted 17 days ago
Season 25 Icon
First ever drop was Arrowhead/ Extended Mag/ Demo/ Destabilizing Rounds, with a Reload MW. My grind is done. I loved this weapon before the reissue, and now it's even better with the origin trait and better perks.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
I really like the Demo+Destab roll. I didn't get it with arrowhead though.
Reply      Report Posted a month ago
Season 25 Icon
"It's no good, Skipper! I don't know the god roll!"
"Don't give me excuses! GIVE ME RESULTS!"

You want results, get this Void Pulse! Origin Trait, good for PvE, also PvP tbf, but only if you don't swap weapons much. Perk pool, solid on both accounts:
- PvE: Repulsor Brace + Destabilising Rounds is a classic, Demolitonist is also here along with Desperate Measures or Frenzy.
- PvP: both Zen Moment and Lone Wolf are excellent on this gun (the latter fully procced will outright cap Aim Assist), on the other column Headseeker is a classic with Frenzy/Multi-Kill Clip being other options.

Overall, this gun is really good. Take it into whatever you please and you'll be having Ice Cold Sushi for dinner, boys.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
As someone who is garbage at PvP, and relies on either niche weaponry, cheese tactics, and hiding behind my allies for most of my wins, this weapon is a must have in PvP for those who know the secrets.

It's a rapidfire pulse, which in PvE, is eh, you have better options from Elsie's Rifle, to Veles-X, to even Yesteryear (as old as it is). It does roll the coveted Void combo (Repulsor+Destab) but this only really holds up in at level content, as rapidfire pulses are notoriously weak on their own with no direct damage perk. If you want that on a pulse, just farm yourself an Elsie's Rifle - It's easier to focus and farm because you won't need the tonics to focus it.

However, there are two things to note about Rapidfire Pulses.

1) They have some of the highest aim assist values in the game, next to Rapidfire ARs and 120 Handcannons. Gridskipper has 80 (you may already know where I'm going with this).


2) Of all pulse rifles, Headseeker damage will carry over from the last shot because of their 540rpm (this works with Lightweight pulses but they dont have the aim assist. Can't wait for Stay Frosty). This allows for your headseeker damage multiplier to be a 1 body 5 crit (all 5 crits buffed from 27 damage to 30) where with regular pulses you'll need that 1 body 2 head for it to kick in.

On this, for those who are bad at aiming and need the help, Lone Wolf+Headseeker is an amazing combo, and combined with Flinch bullets you could very easily outduel someone better than you just by virtue of spray and pray in their general direction. The frame AND foundry help with emergency reloads in pvp, and lone wolf will get you back in there with an extra ADS speed modifier of 0.9x.

For those who are a bit better, grab Frenzy on the frame instead and you get a .73 ttk guaranteed on all tiers with a 7 crit 1 body. Lone Wolf is a must, because it'll pull your Aim Assist up the 90 even with allies. If you're playing 6s, run an aim adjuster and 1 void targeter on your helmet for 100, and if you're in trials or comp, just step a bit away from the team and you have 100 AA.

But yeah, in PvE, just grab yourself an Elsie's Rifle. This may have Demo but Elsie has it built in for light subclasses, and you get all the same damage options (better in regards to KC) and better third column options.

Good luck farming it.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Back and better than ever.

Repulser/Destabalizing for PVE and Zen moment/Headseeker for PVP.
Ricochet rounds for some extra stability and range and your favorite barrel make it shred harder then Shawn White down a snowy mountain.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago