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Excepcional / Arma energética / Sniper Rifle

Existen demasiadas maneras de matar a quien debe morir.

Fuente: Aventura excepcional Comodín

Exotic Perks

Venganza de Cayde

Venganza de Cayde

Reúne orbes de poder o asesta golpes de precisión para cargar la barra de súper de esta arma. Una vez llena, [Cambiar acción de arma] para disparar tiros de Arma Dorada.
Tirador certero

Tirador certero

Esta arma obtiene bonificaciones pasivas de adquisición de objetivos, velocidad al apuntar con la mira y resistencia al temblor. La bonificación aumenta cuando el modo súper del arma está activado.


Damage Falloff  
Vel. de recarga
Reload Time  
Puntería asist.
Efectividad en el aire
Direc. de retroceso
Disparos por minuto 90
Cargador 5
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Cacería inmóvil

Existen demasiadas maneras de matar a quien debe morir.

Cayde-6 pasa la primera noche de su renacimiento mirando fijo al hombre que lo asesinó.

El príncipe que solía conocer como Uldren yace de espaldas a Cayde, con la cabeza apoyada en el brazo. Reposa sobre el césped suave. Bajo el cielo sin estrellas, las piedras graníticas que están desperdigadas como canicas, rodeadas del pasto alto de la pradera. Un valle seguro y silencioso que nació en cuanto llegaron. El tiempo se había vuelto espeso sin los ciclos conocidos de la Tierra, y tras horas de conversaciones a medias y preguntas entrecortadas, el otro hombre se disculpó y se puso a descansar.

Uldren duerme profundamente. Es vulnerable.

Cayde está apoyado contra una piedra, con los brazos cruzados a la media sombra del fuego que los separa. Un impulso oscuro y salvaje trepa por su cuerpo.

Le tomaría tan solo un momento.

Podría atravesar la carcasa del espectro de un simple disparo. Luego, improvisar un garrote con un puñado de esa hierba alta y estrangularlo sin dejar de mirarlo fijamente a los ojos.

O podría aplastar al espectro con sus manos, pararse encima de la figura durmiente y revivir su propia muerte desde la perspectiva de su asesino.

O mejor aún, podría capturar al espectro, liberar al hombre y cazarlo en una persecución febril…

Cayde se estremece y se irgue para ver al espectro de su asesino flotando en el lugar, mirándolo, iluminado por las brasas titilantes del fuego que se apaga. Una mirada quieta y protectora.

Cayde entrecierra los ojos. Con lentitud, su mano se mueve hacia su arma.

El espectro y el exo se miran fijamente. El hombre bajo el espectro se remueve, pero no se despierta.

Luego, en un movimiento fluido, el espectro se desliza delante de la mejilla de su guardián, aproximándose en silencio hacia Cayde. Cada vez más cerca.

"Siento mucho lo de Sundance", le susurra el espectro.

Cayde se queda helado ante el nombre. Sus manos y su mirada caen al suelo, clavados ahora por una vergüenza muy pesada.

"Gracias", es lo único que alcanza a decir.

Mira al hombre durmiendo sobre el césped de dentro de un dios y no ve nada de Uldren.

El Cuervo, se recuerda Cayde.

Ese es el Cuervo.

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Season 24 Icon
6 crits or 12 orbs for the super, and synergizes with Nighthawk extremely well for massive burst damage from two Nighthawk goldies. Easy to keep that ball rolling because of just 6 crits. You don't even need to prepare it, either - rally banners also fully charge the sniper's Super. And in PvP, well... since the Super charge doesn't drop on death, you're bound to have it available eventually with no risk. Bungie is likely gonna patch that, though.

Anyway, my Nighthawk Hunter is never taking this thing off - it's telling when the Nighthawk-Still Hunt combo was used for Contest mode Salvation's Edge a ton without even using heavy for damage
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
The Hunt is on. Find your prey... and end them.

If there was ever any doubt as to the viability of this Exotic, look no further than the Contest Salvations Edge Raid Race. This thing featured HEAVILY in damage setups, and for good reason.

For the low low price of 6 critical hits (a SINGLE magazine) or 12 orbs of power, you too can hold Reload to cast a minature Marksman Golden Gun, with very similar damage. Nighthawk Synergy? Hell yeah there is! Can you say "free 1 million damage in two shots before you even use your heavy"? And Rally Flags fill the Caydes Retribution meter entirely, so you don't even need to prep it! It also has Synergy with Star-Eater Scales, though there is the downside that you can't proc Star-Eaters on both Golden Gun and Caydes Retribution like you can with Nighthawk, plus the latter literally requires no effort to pull off and gets you to heavy spam faster.

In PvP, its Exotic perk gives it bonuses very in-line with sniping, and given the meter doesn't decrease on death you could very easily carry a second super around with you all the time. The only downside is that it otherwise lacks your usual god-tier Sniper Rifle perks or the benefits of Exotics like Cloudstrike, but having a free long range delete button is probably worth the hassle.

And this is a Traveler-be-damned Special Weapon. Hunters, behold your new god. Equip it on your Nighthawk damage loadout and never take it off. Everyone else can get a lot of mileage out of what is basically an extra Super too. Now go, and make stationary bosses with big crit spots cry. For Cayde.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Great Sniper rifle. More so for pve, but can work in PvP also. Very fun gun to use!!! Excellent feel. 🫡
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
A beast of a weapon in PvE. Stellar intrinsic perk, very satisfying to use and deadly in any situation. An instant classic
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
PvE: buff persists through death + backpacking, is charged by rally banners, works with celestial nighthawk, and generates ammo. but yeah, honed edge needed a nerf i guess.

PvP: Beloved with snapshot, higher aim assist, lower flinch (remember that +350% screen shake in the patch notes? i do) and a free golden gun after 6 kills. cool
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Salvation's Edge was won by many Hunters with Celestial Nighthawk and with 2 Golden Guns.

There is nothing close to comparable for PvE. As long there is a crit spot this reigns supreme. And we have not even gotten exotic class items. Imagine Nighthawk with Stareaters.

Hunters be eating good.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
been having a really good time with this on abeyant leap prismatic/strand titan. been needing a good energy weapon and this is better than good, it's extremely powerful.

one thing i haven't seen mentioned is that activating the golden gun generates ammo out of thin air; you can burn an entire magazine to fully charge the bar then long press reload to refill the magazine and have 3 shots of golden gun ready to go. i haven't done extensive testing, but it seems the amount of ammo generated might vary a bit; i've seen as little as 3 and as much as 8 bullets. it's possible that in the fray i'm walking over special bricks but regardless, this is the closest thing we have to the D1 Ice Breaker and i absolutely love it. intrinsically having improved flinch resistance and aim assist from the unique sharpshooter perk also contributes to the outstanding power of Still Hunt. phenomenal weapon.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
This gun is so strong in PVE that I am seriously considering running Celestial Nighthawk on builds that don't have Golden Gun just to take advantage of it. (That might be a terrible idea, I take no responsibility if you attempt this! Specifically I want to use Whisper of Impetus, Thread of Ascent, or Facet of Command with Silence and Squall to get lots of reloads, combining this with Cascade/Bait Edge Transit to hopefully do a lot of boss damage.) As others have alluded to, most teams that beat Witness on Contest Mode had several Nighthawk/Still Hunt hunters in the fireteam to meet the very difficult DPS check at final stand. This also freed up several players to use machine guns etc. for mechanics on that fight.

It's a special weapon DPS setup that competes favorably against most heavy rotations in the game, which is wild--you only really saw high non-heavy-ammo DPS from Lucky Pants hunters and Navigator-12P Strand titans previously, maybe throwing in BnS Supremacy if your standards are lower or Merciless for solo players. Euphony from the raid might compete on a long enough phase or with really strong threadling generation, but the jury's out on that as far as I'm concerned.

Supposedly in PVP it gets more ammo per ammo transmat than a normal sniper, which I'm assuming is a bug that will be fixed, and I haven't played with it there so no rating. Heard good things though.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Feels good to use, easy to stack and works with Nighthawk. What's not to love?
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
No matter what you think, this is going to cop a nerf. Use Celestial Nighthawk with this for Izanagi's Burden without the large ammo consumption.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Congrats. You're a prophet.
Reply      Report Posted 5 months ago
Season 25 Icon
"You're my favourite, don't ever forget that."
Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Even after being nerfed, this is still up there for precision boss damage with Nighthawk. You can also just use it like normal alongside a different exotic-assisted super.
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 24 Icon
This is a great weapon, shame since it help raid teams defeat the witness.... This likely bound to get nerfed one day.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Feels so awesome and saw Gernader Jake use it so I got it and because it also looked good that's why I got it and imagine a catty on this and this is more of a PvE sniper not PvP
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Cayde turned himself into a gun, funniest shit I have ever seen.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago