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Común / Enhanced Trait

Recoger recolectables elementales o lanzar una maraña de cuerdas otorga un periodo de daño inicial aumentado más largo y un periodo de daño aumentado acumulable mejorado.

Los recolectables elementales pueden ser ánimas ígneas, rupturas de vacío, fragmentos de estasis, rastros iónicos y marañas de cuerdas.

Community Research

Elemental Pickup Interactions grant 20% [PVP: 10%] increased damage for 🡅 8 seconds. Can be activated while stowed.

Additional Pickup Interactions extend the duration by 7 seconds up to the maximum of 12 seconds.

Elemental Pickup Interactions:
• Throwing Tangles (or Elemental Orbs)
• Collecting Firesprites, Ionic Traces, Stasis Shards, or Void Breaches

Does not trigger with Stasis Shards generated from Facet of Awakening or Facet of Command.

🡅 Initial buff duration is increased by 1 second.
Last Updated 2023-05-24
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