Excepcional / Intrinsic

Usar tu habilidad de clase canaliza la Luz defensiva hacia dentro y otorga una granada que crea una barricada al impactar.

Community Research

Replaces Grenade Ability with Barri-Nade on Class Ability usage. Barri-Nade is lost if Class Ability fully recharges.

Barri-Nade spawns your selected Barricade type on the impact location and inherits the benefits of Aspects such as Bastion and Drengr's Lash. Non-barricade class abilities default to Towering Barricade and match its cooldown.

Enemies within 5? meters of the Barri-Nade's impact location are disoriented. Spawned Barricade deals no Contact damage within 2 seconds of its creation.

Barri-Nade has no collision with enemies.
Last Updated 2024-10-21




Using your class ability grants a Barricade grenade.
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