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Común / Enhanced Trait

Lanzar una granada o impactar a un objetivo con un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo cargado otorga una mejor bonificación a la estabilidad, manejo y alcance del arma que se acumula.

Usar una súper otorga el máximo de acumulaciones.

Community Research

Grenade Ability usage and Elemental Melee hits grant 1 Stack of Well-Rounded for 15 seconds. Super Ability usage grants 2 Stacks. Maximum of 2 Stacks.

Each Stack grants 🡅 12 Range, 🡅 12 Stability, and 🡅 12 Handling.

Clarity tooltip editor's note: We're replacing the previous Powered Melee term with Elemental Melee. The former is now exclusively used for perks that require the consumption of a Melee Ability Charge. This note is temporary and will be removed in the future.

🡅 Stat bonuses are increased by 2?.
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