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Leyenda / Arma energética / Fusion Rifle

Cristalino y frío, por siempre.


Armazón de alto impacto

Armazón de alto impacto

Disparos lentos y daño alto. Esta arma es más precisa si permaneces inmóvil, te mueves lentamente y apuntas con la mira.


Damage Falloff  
Vel. de recarga
Reload Time  
Puntería asist.
Efectividad en el aire
Direc. de retroceso
Tiempo de carga 960
Cargador 5
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

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Item has recommended perks from trusted community theorycrafters. Learn more      Hide Recommendations
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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Popular Trait Combos

This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
Bajo presión
+ Hora de cerrar
18.74% of Rolls
Lobo solitario
+ Hora de cerrar
12.15% of Rolls
Bajo presión
+ Reservas de alto impacto
4.76% of Rolls
Mejora deslizante
+ Hora de cerrar
4.23% of Rolls
Asesino codicioso
+ Explosión controlada
3.7% of Rolls
Asesino codicioso
+ Ráfaga de reserva
3.45% of Rolls
+ Ráfaga de reserva
3.42% of Rolls
+ Explosión controlada
3.36% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 42.1K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
  • 18.8%
  • 14.2%
  • 11.4%
  • 11.2%
  • 11.1%
  • 10.5%
  • 10.3%
  • 7.9%
  • 4.2%
  • 23.6%
  • 20.2%
  • 16.5%
  • 15.5%
  • 14.9%
  • 9.1%
  • 26.8%
  • 19.4%
  • 14.4%
  • 13.2%
  • 11.2%
  • 7.6%
  • 7.0%
  • 39.3%
  • 13.1%
  • 12.6%
  • 11.6%
  • 11.3%
  • 7.0%
  • 4.7%
  • 66.0%
  • 33.9%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 43.0K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 43.0K+ copies, 2.4K+ (5.6%) were fully masterworked.
Vel. de recarga
16.1% of Rolls
18.4% of Rolls
18.7% of Rolls
21.7% of Rolls
Tiempo de carga
24.8% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 25.2K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
42.6% of Rolls
Cargador auxiliar
22.9% of Rolls
Contrapeso de culata
11.8% of Rolls
5.9% of Rolls
Calibrador de puntería
4.6% of Rolls
Acceso rápido
3.6% of Rolls
Empuñadura a pulso
2.2% of Rolls
Mejora del buscador de munición pesada
1.9% of Rolls

Your Rolls

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.
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Season 25 Icon
Let sound the Youtuber intros! Ragnarok has come once more, and a Great Glacioclasm falls upon us all!

Glacioclasm is the undeniable winner of every dawning, every year. Last year, it got Controlled Burst. This year, it gets so much more.

First, lets cover PvP. You could use Slideshot or High-Impact Reserves, but there's one clear winner of a combo added by this reprise - Lone Wolf/Under Pressure + Closing Time. Closing Times activation requirements naturally synergise with the PvP Special ammo economy, meaning that you will see most of the benefits of its Range, Handling and Accuracy boosts a significant amount of the time. As for pairings, Lone Wolf offers a hefty buff to ads and aim assist, but Under Presssure is a true classic, offering a notable Stability and Accuracy bump just for fufilling the same conditions as Closing Time. Pair these off with a Ballistics mod and one of either a Range masterwork or Projection Fuse, and Closing Times full effect will let you cap out Range. You can cap out range without Closing Time, but its benefits can't be understated, especially since you can reinvest the MW/Barrel/Mag elsewhere depending on your choices/luck.

As for PvE, well this thing isn't any less monstrous. Realistically, you have 3 options - dps, ad clear, or utility, depending on your column 4 perk of choice.
- For dps, Controlled Burst slashes down your charge time and ups your damage, allowing you to more quickly unload into an enemy. High Impacts damage usually makes them the best pick (see - The Eremite). Pair it with Overflow or Envious Assassin, depending on how much effort you want to put in overflowing your magazine for best dps effect.
- For ad clear, Reservoir Burst is the clear favourite, offering boosted damage and elemental explosions for every first burst and every overflowed burst to boot. Subsistence and Slideshot are highly useful here, allowing you to instantly reload that crucial first shot when killing/sliding. Air Trigger may also be in your interest, though its not nearly as effective. The overflow perks also do wonders here - its really up to preference.
- For utility, new perk Withering Gaze is where its at for on demand weaken. As for the column 3 perk, same deal as Reservoir Burst - pick one of those 4-5. You can't really go wrong, they're all solid.

Overall, Glacioclasm has somehow gotten even better, continuing its constant self improvement with each dawning come and gone. Next year, I expect Air Trigger to be replaced by Repulsor Brace and Vorpal to be replaced by Chain Reaction.
Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago
Season 25 Icon
I think next year could also have another change: replace Subsistence with Destabilizing Rounds. It should work with Withering Gaze: imagine weakening a strong target and then spreading volatile from its quick defeat, rinse and repeat (with the requisite pause between shots to apply weaken). Could also work with Reservoir Burst, perhaps with explosions spreading the initial volatile blast even further or at least getting a volatile target to explode that much quicker! Destabilizing Rounds + Chain Rxn is pretty nuts, as well (currently only obtainable on 2 Brave weapons from Onslaught, both of them heavies and one better suited to boss DPS).

Repulsor Brace + Destab is also fairly common to void weapons now and can be a game changer in a stronger weapon like this one. It seems Bungie sometimes puts only one of those two perks, or both in the same column, to "balance" a weapon.

Subsistence is still good here, but potential combos with it -- Reservoir & Controlled Bursts, Desperate Measures, for example -- could be acquired on all other Glaciocasms (including this year's) and crafted on the void FR from Garden of Salvation.
Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago
Season 25 Icon
PVP vise i agree on the most popular combo of Under Pressure/ Closing time.
1. However i can also recommend the Slideshot/Closing Time. It is VERY underestimated.
2. High Impact reserves are not very good. Had also 2 rolls (Lone Wolf and Under Pressure) with High Impact and both sucks (in my opinion).
3. Accelerated coils and Closing time seems to be must to go for PVP vise meta. Range masterwork or Charge time
Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Now the Dawning was bugged and glitched, and lawsuits were over the morale of the company. And the company of Bungie was hovering over Eva Levante. And Bungie said "let there be counterplay to shotgun apes," and there was counterplay to shotgun apes. And the PvP tryhards saw that the [Lone Wolf/Under Pressure] + [Closing Time/HIR] + [Ballistics/CQC High Optics] Glacioclasm were good, and the Lighthouse separated the PvP gods from the jims.
Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Again, Bungie, you call this "RNG FIXED"?
Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago
Season 25 Icon
I've got 3 of the pvp god rolls for this and the god roll of Minstral Lift on my 3rd try. So how's the RNG not fixed???
Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago