Excepcional / Intrinsic

Al ser derrotados, los objetivos dañados por Aguja arcana emiten una detonación que aplica suspensión. Clavar múltiples Agujas arcanas en un mismo objetivo activa una detonación más grande y poderosa de inmediato. Derrotar objetivos suspendidos otorga energía cuerpo a cuerpo. Las Agujas arcanas son fuertes contra campeones de [Perforante] barrera.

Community Research

Grants Arcane Needles Shield-Piercing properties.

Scoring an Arcane Needle hit on an enemy marks them with a vertical mark for 10 seconds. Marked Enemies cause nearby targets to become Suspended on death.

Scoring 2 Arcane Needle hits on a Marked Enemy triggers a Explosion, dealing up to ? damage and Suspending targets within ? meters.

Arcane Needle Kills and Kills on Suspended targets grant Melee Energy based on Enemy Rank :
• Tier 1 (T1) Minors: 15%
• T2 Minors, T1 Elites: 22.2%
• T3 Minors, T2 Elites, Enemy Players: 33%
• T4 Minors, T3 Elites, and higher: 100%
Last Updated 2024-06-27




Arcane Needle causes suspending detonations.
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