Earn Rare Emblems and Help a Great Cause!

Raised: $0.00 Goal: $15,000.00


Legendary / Titan / Head / Helmet

Complete the Nightfall Prestige at or above the bonus threshold.


Solstice Helm (Resplendent)

Sometimes you have to become the weapon.

"Bah." The Red Legion invader said something in its unknowable language. It gestured with its right hand toward a Guardian who lay still, groaning and trying to get up. Even from his perch on the balcony above, Theus-7 knew mockery when he saw it.

Below him, chaos. Crowds cowered in the archways of collapsing buildings. Cabal rampaged around the open courtyard, shooting and throwing and overturning. Nothing, no one in their way was untouched. The Cabal closest to Theus drew his sidearm, aiming at the still-sputtering Guardian beside him.

Theus drew his hand cannon and got the shot off before it could, then got a clean shot on another Cabal terrorizing a group of children. It wasn't long before the Red Legion focused fire on the balcony—he was a Sentinel, though, and he knew what to do.

He leapt down, drawing on the power of the Light to form his shie—

But the Light's gone out.

The air left his body. The ugly face of the Red Legion got closer. Nothing left to do.

He shouted at the crowd to run as he primed a grenade.

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