Legendary / Quest Step

Collect five Dark Ether Tinctures.

"See how they feed their totems blight and bone? They believe it worship. They believe this ground sacred. Their small desires feed my power. Feed… you, O vengeance mine." —Hefnd, Blighted in Vengeance

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Dark Ether Tinctures found:


Part of Quest "In the Shadow of the Mountain"

1. In the Shadow of the Mountain

Complete the "Warlord's Ruin" dungeon in the EDZ.

2. In the Shadow of the Mountain

Collect a corrupted Ahamkara Bone.

3. In the Shadow of the Mountain

Collect five Dark Ether Tinctures.

4. In the Shadow of the Mountain

Find and restore three lost Bones of Hefnd: - First Bone: Across the bridge inside the first fort, before an arresting Knight assails you. - Second Bone: Across from imprisonment, after ascending through the ceiling. - Third Bone: At the top of the summit, face back from the cliff and find shelter.

5. In the Shadow of the Mountain

Find and restore three more lost Bones of Hefnd: - Fourth Bone: In the snowfallen maze, through the broken wall, seek the banner of kings. - Fifth Bone: Cross into the Tempest, through the portcullis, at the sewer's mouth. - Sixth Bone: At summit's base, find shelter off the beaten path. Too far, and the Taken will descend upon you.

6. In the Shadow of the Mountain

Find and restore the three final lost Bones of Hefnd: - Seventh Bone: Within the maze, stride spanning a pitfall, light calls through the window. - Eighth Bone: The Taken roil at cave's bottom sends you to scurry over boulders into a ruined alcove. - Ninth Bone: Within a tunnel on the broken cliffs, brave the Taken storm.

7. In the Shadow of the Mountain

Gather Blighted Wishing Glass and Dark Ether Tinctures to empower the portal in the Blighted Keep.

8. In the Shadow of the Mountain

Return to Hefnd's Cairn.

9. In the Shadow of the Mountain

Return to Ikora and report your findings.
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