Exotic / Quest Step

Search for clues about the thief in the Dreaming City.

Track your quest, bounty, milestone, and exotic catalyst progress on The Director

Let's Go

Part of Quest "Darkness in the Light"

1. The Seething Heart

Speak to the Drifter at the Tower.

2. City of Secrets

Search for clues about the thief in the Dreaming City.

3. The Corrupted

Help the Drifter track the thief who stole from him. Complete the mission variant of strike "The Corrupted."

4. Depleted Weapon Core

Deliver the depleted weapon core you found at Callum's grave to the Drifter.

5. Business as Usual

Deposit Motes. Dropped Motes subtract x2 score. Win Gambit matches.

6. Lights Out

Have an ally invader defeat four opposing Guardians in a single invasion three times, OR defeat four opposing Guardians as an invader. As an invader, defeat 25 opposing Guardians in Gambit.

7. Dark Weapon Core

Speak to the Drifter at the Tower.
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