Exotic / Warlock / Head / Helmet

Mighty are they of the stormcloud thrones, and quick to anger, but bounteous to those whom they love.

Source: Exotic engrams; extremely rare world drops.

Duplicate Warning

This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Crown of Tempests
Added in Season 1

Exotic Perks

Conduction Tines

Conduction Tines

Arc ability or jolt final blows increase the recharge rate of your Arc abilities and extend the duration of Stormtrance.

Community Research

While you have at least 1 Arc Ability equipped:
Arc Ability and Jolt Kills grant Conduction Tines for 7 [PVP: 4] seconds. Maximum of 3 Stacks.

Conduction Tines 1|2|3 grant the following:
• 167.5%|335%|502.5% additional Base Grenade, Melee, and Super Regeneration Rate
• 22%|44%|66% Decreased Passive Super Drain (with the exception of Chaos Reach)
Last Updated 2024-06-27

Related Collectible


Crown of Tempests

Mighty are they of the stormcloud thrones, and quick to anger, but bounteous to those whom they love.

"This is written that you may understand. The time of kings is long since gone from this world. Yes, their reign does linger—these shallow, frightened, aged men, clinging to their grand delusions of relevance in a world that has long since passed them by. But their reign is a lie, a fleeting charade that will crumble beneath the weight of their greed. In the end, though they may conquer the lands and seas and the fragile flesh upon which they trample, their empires will collapse and their graves will beckon. And the crowns of old will find new heads to bear the weight of their power. And the strong will be made to suffer as their weakness is brought to light."

—Author Unknown

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