Legendary / Quest Step

Spider is trying to reach you on radio. Head to his bar to intercept a message.

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Message heard:


Part of Quest "Act III: Kell of Kells"

1. Act III: Kell of Kells

Spider is trying to reach you on radio. Head to his bar to intercept a message.

2. Act III: Kell of Kells

Speak to Eido at the holoprojector in the Last City.

3. Act III: Kell of Kells

Bring the weapon frame to Fikrul's fortress. Complete the Exotic mission "Kell's Fall."

4. Act III: Kell of Kells

Bring the Hangman's Flail to the Tonic Laboratory.

5. Act III: Kell of Kells

Speak to Eido in the Last City.

6. Act III: Kell of Kells

Your tracker indicates Crow is attempting to reach you on radio. Head to the Last City to receive his call.

7. Act III: Kell of Kells

Debrief with Eido in the Last City.

8. Act III: Kell of Kells

According to your tracker, Eido is reaching out to you on radio. Head to the Last City, near Eido's Tonic Laboratory, to take her call.

9. Act III: Kell of Kells

Complete the mission "Kell's Fall: Distortion."

10. Act III: Kell of Kells

According to your tracker, Eido is trying to reach you on radio. Take her call in the Last City.

11. Act III: Kell of Kells

Return to Eido in the Last City.

12. Act III: Kell of Kells

Speak to Eido at the holoprojector in the Last City.

13. Act III: Kell of Kells

According to your tracker, Variks is trying to reach you on a City frequency. Head to Eido's lab in the Last City and answer his call.

14. Act III: Kell of Kells

Put Eido's new tonic to the test. Complete the mission: "Kell's Fall: Diffraction."

15. Act III: Kell of Kells

Speak with Mithrax at the holoprojector in the Last City.

16. Act III: Kell of Kells

Speak with Eido in the Last City.

17. Act III: Kell of Kells

Crow and Spider are trying to reach you by radio. Take their calls in the Last City, or head straight to the holoprojector to speak to Eramis.
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