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Exotic / Hunter / Chest / Chest Armor

"Perfection is overvalued." —Ikora Rey

Exotic Armor Focusing

Exotic Perks

The Gift of Certainty

The Gift of Certainty

Activating Ascension or Tempest Strike throws bouncing explosives at nearby targets that jolt and damage them. Jolting nearby targets grants you damage resistance.

Community Research

Casting Ascension or Tempest Strike releases 3 tracking Arc Projectiles that each deal up to 200 [PVP: 40] Arc damage and apply Jolt on Hit.

Applying Jolt to enemies within 15? meters grants you a Damage Resist buff for 10 seconds that can stack 3 times.

Damage Resist granted with 1|2|3 Jolt applications (Resist x2|x3|x4):
25% [PVP: 5%] | 40% [PVP: 7.5%] | 50% [PVP: 10%]

Applying Jolt to multiple targets with a single activation of a Jolt source still only counts as a single application.
Last Updated 2024-11-16

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Gifted Conviction

"Perfection is overvalued." —Ikora Rey

The H.E.L.M. is quiet save for a few robotic sentries monitoring the systems close by. The tablet in Ikora's grasp beeps in response to her touch and a set of projections appears before her. She searches through the information on the Sol Divisive—models, weaknesses, radiolaria research, even Hidden-specific analyses of their habits and types.

She glides her index finger over the screen until she finds a recording of a troop of Goblins being felled by a Guardian. It's quick—a couple of shots at most before they crumble to the ground in a puddle of radiolaria and the recording stops. The dim eye of the broken Vex catches her attention and she becomes so lost in contemplation that she barely hears another enter the room. She turns her head.

"Mithrax," Ikora acknowledges with a small nod.

"Ikora," he says, returning the greeting. "Has your research proven fruitful?"

"Sadly, no," she answers. Her gaze returns to the screen, and she sighs. "I've spent hours investigating the factions most likely to support the Witness, but it all just feels like… a distraction. Like they're fodder for its end goal."

Mithrax hums in agreement, his attention on the Vex Goblin she'd previously been transfixed by.

"Why would the Sol Divisive consider throwing themselves into the line of fire for something like the Final Shape?" she asks.

"Maybe… they simply have faith."

"Faith?" Ikora huffs involuntarily, something akin to a faintly sardonic laugh. "We know the Sol Divisive are an anomaly among the Vex, but are they even capable of that?"

"What else would convince one to commit life and death to a cause, if not faith in said cause?" Mithrax's tone is one of self-recognition, of understanding. "The idea of a better future."

Ikora remains quiet. Her eyes find the single eye of the Goblin once more.

"They chose their path for a reason that gives them purpose. Not unlike ourselves," Mithrax elaborates, hand gesturing to the screen. "Perhaps that is how the Sol Divisive believe they can achieve perfection."

Ikora's head tilts up as she considers his words. His suggestion makes sense, and it is the sort of faith a Vex would embrace: the pursuit of total perfection. A natural feeling of defiance wells up in her at the thought. She's known the underlying gnawing of expectation in words like 'perfection' and 'faith.' The ideals that have driven her throughout most of her life, as she'd morphed into countless versions of herself in pursuit of them.

Ikora swipes her finger across the tablet and the recording disappears, replaced with a new set of combatants.

"It's never too late to re-evaluate your faith," she says.

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Season 24 Icon
If built right this thing slaps, works well with both prismatic and arc. gives a 2x resist upon jolting an enemy with Ascension or Tempest Strike, while the resist buff is active any additional jolts add 1x to the resist buff and refreshes the timer. at the maximum of 4 you end up with a whoping 50% DR.

not tried it in pvp, but i can imagine it not being great as both Ascention and Tempest strike have long animations that leave you very vulnerable to enemy fire.

Note; at the time of writing there are a couple bugs affecting this exotic. firstly, with this equiped your Ascension ability counts as a light sword attack when weilding a sword, any sword perks that do not require a heavy swing will buff Ascention. secondly it does not count as a class ability activation.

overall great exotic that makes you very tanky.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
i used a jolt perk on my bow/rocketsidearm and it also procs the damage reduction. but only if they are as close. funny i thing :D
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Well yeah, that is intended. The description itself reads "Jolting nearby targets" lmfao
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
The item description says the damage reduction is received when jolting "nearby targets". I'm assuming you're not getting too close to enemies when you use the bow, so I think this would have better usage with closer range voltshot weapons like Indebted Kindness or IKELOS SMG.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Yeah, after I finally realized it states "jolting nearby targets" will activate resist, it is a very good exotic. I've been building around it with the arc subclass obviously with jolting grenades, as well as the raid bow with voltshot. The one thing I will say is you have to play a little aggressive to proc resist, but if you can make that work you have a really good exotic. Still have to test in GMs and other high-end activities, but like I said keep in mind you do have to play a little aggressive. If you can go in and get an ascension off then follow up with your grenade or voltshot weapon, you can get that x4 resist pretty quick. I'd recommend having some mods helping your class ability like utility kickstart to keep getting ascension back or tempest strike, and then if you have a voltshot weapon an arc/harmonic siphon will be very beneficial. Overall, definitely good in PvE for any activity, I can imagine if it's used right, it will also work out pretty well in higher-end activities.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago