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Einfach / Trait

Todesstöße mit anderen Waffen verbessern kurzzeitig den Schaden und die Leistung dieser Waffe.

Community Research

Upon readying the weapon within 3 seconds of getting a Kill with a different weapon:
Grants 20% increased damage and 15 Handling for 7 seconds.
Last Updated 2024-04-11
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Season 15 Icon
In PvE try to pair it with Fighting Lion. Take a kill with lion, swap, take a kill with kinetic weapon buffed with harmony which auto reloads lion, swap back to lion rinse and repeat. It's fun. I wish we had more choices on that slot though
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
I initially thought it was one of the worst perks in the game which I was very wrong! It give a 20% damage increase plus 15 handling for 7 seconds! It's basically the reintroduction of Master of Arms (The OP perk of the recluse) for all kinds of different weapons! You can pair this perk with either two weapons with harmony each to constantly get the buff OR pair it with some weapons that deal AoE damage. Overall this perk is absolutely incredible in PvE I highly recommend you give it a try!
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Master of Arms 2.0, arguably better, as if you have harmony on both your kinetic and energy weapons, you can have a constant damage buff across both. Even better if you have a power weapon with the perk as well
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
I love this perk, encouraging weapon switching is super super cool. This is easily going to be a 5 star perk as soon as we see a pairing with auto loading holster and it becomes more common on stasis/kinetic weapons for that fighting lion pairing.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 23 Icon
Previous bottom-comment-holder for Harmony here. I'd like to sincerely apologize for leaving an extremely stupid review back in Season 15 saying Harmony was bad; two years, a lot more experience, and - admittedly unrelated to myself - lots of changes to the game itself later, I genuinely don't think that anymore. It's... it's good, yeah.

Apparently Season of the Lost Silvoom thought the player's hands are made of concrete or something, because "get a kill with another weapon then quickly switch back to this one" is a *really* easy activation criteria in most cases, in PvE especially.. Maybe I wish the 3-second activation window was 7 like Discord instead, but, it's... livable. Especially with the Handling bonus making it easier to whip the Harmony-bearing gun out in time.

+20% damage isn't *that* unique anymore in this Season of the Wish world we live in, but it's still great. Pick off a Minor real quick to give your Special or Heavy more damage against a bigger target, or to cleave through even more trash mobs even faster; run it on two weapons at once to create a perpetual cycle of uptime while engaged in combat. Again, it pairs well with other Traits that encourage you to leave the gun holstered for a little while - Auto-Loader, Reconstruction, Envious Assassin - or, for the rare few weapons that have the combination, Discord, which is basically this trait but utility instead of damage. Other perks are better for when you want to use that one weapon on its own for prolonged periods, but only better, because I mean... just switch weapons. +15 Handling. You're a big Guardian, it's not hard, I promise.

...Again, sorry about that old review that got a combined total of -32 reputation for being stupid. I'm genuinely embarrassed I said all that.
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago