![Raketentragendes Gehäuse Raketentragendes Gehäuse](
Raketentragendes Gehäuse
Explosionsradius | 31 | ||||
Geschwindigkeit | 60 | ||||
Stabilität | 35 | ||||
Handhabung | 40 | ||||
Nachladetempo | 35 | ||||
• Reload Time | |||||
Zielhilfe | 70 | ||||
Inventargröße | 25 | ||||
Zoom | 18 | ||||
Effektivität in der Luft | 14 | ||||
Rückstoßrichtung | 75 | ||||
Feuerrate | 100 | ||||
Magazin | 9 | ||||
Selected Perks | |||||
Popularity: Overall | Select 4 perks to see their popularity. | ||||
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Popularity: MW Bonus |
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations
The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.Learn More
Color Icon Game Mode Blue PVE Red PVP Gold PVE & PVP
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TIP: New Season & Popularity Ranks
It's a new season! Popularity ranks can change rapidly at the start of a new season, especially on new weapons.
Be careful jumping to conclusions for a week or so as the meta starts to shake out.
TIP: Popularity Ranks
The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations
The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.Learn More
Color Icon Game Mode Blue PVE Red PVP Gold PVE & PVP
TIP: API Perk Swap
The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.
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Der Ruf
„Wir gehen gemeinsam.“
Aus den Motoren der Grauen Taube kommt ein keuchender Rauchstoß. Das Triebwerk kann nicht gestartet werden und fährt herunter.
„Wann hast du diese Rostkarre das letzte Mal warten lassen?“, fragt Osiris sich laut und fährt mit der Hand über die pockennarbige Seite des Sprungschiffs. „Oder noch besser, wann bist du sie das letzte Mal geflogen?“
Der 14. Heilige ruft etwas Unverständliches aus dem Cockpit. Daraufhin ertönt ein hämmerndes Geräusch, dann ein weiteres leidiges Heulen der Motoren, bevor der Auspuff eine staubige Rauchwolke ausspuckt. Osiris gibt ein leises kehliges Geräusch von sich und duckt sich unter einen der Flügel.
„Sag nichts“, platzt es aus dem Heiligen heraus, als er aus dem Cockpit kommt, was Osiris davon abhält, die Treppe betreten zu können.
„Du brauchst ein neues Schiff.“
„Du solltest nichts sagen und übst trotzdem Kritik“, grummelt der Heilige und trampelt die Treppen hinunter. „Sie ist ein guter Vogel, der gut fliegt. Es ist einfach schon ein Weilchen her. Sie ist … schläfrig.“
Osiris streift mit einem Finger über die Hydraulik. „Das ist sie definitiv“, witzelt er, während der Heilige aus der Nähe liebevoll finster dreinblickt. „Hast du nicht Fräulein Holliday …“ Er hält inne und senkt den Blick. „Ach ja …“
„Ich vertraue den Handgriffen anderer nicht so einfach“, sagt der Heilige, als er sich Osiris nähert und beide ihre Finger ineinander verschlingen. „Und … ich hatte noch keine Zeit, das Schiff selbst instand zu setzen.“ Osiris lehnt sich in die Berührung und drückt seine freie Hand auf die Brustplatte des Heiligen. „Aber ich muss bereit sein, der Aufforderung von Zavala zu folgen, wenn es so weit ist.“
Osiris schüttelt den Kopf und sieht in die Augen des Heiligen. „Wir folgen der Aufforderung gemeinsam. Ich werde dich nicht noch einmal allein lassen, damit du in eine andere Dimension verschwindest.“ Er zieht seine Hand auf der Brust des Heiligen zu einer Faust zusammen. „Nie wieder.“
Der Heilige will widersprechen, aber er weiß, dass er diesen Kampf nicht gewinnen kann. Stattdessen hebt er die Hand, die er hält, zu seinem Mund hoch und küsst Osiris' Fingerknöchel.
„Nie wieder.“
You get a guaranteed red border during the campaign, one from one of the post-campaign ghost-hunting missions, and can easily earn the right to focus one. Between that, random drops, and all the engrams you can earn for the vendor, you can have a pattern to craft in no time. And oh boy, do you have options. A perk for every occasion, you could say.
From Column the Third: You want to never reload when slaying adds? Subsistence. Want to spam Class abilities? Strategist. Want to never be short of ammo? Lead From Gold. Want to neuter enemy damage? Slice. Want to aim as little as possible? Beacon Rounds. Want to throw more grenades? Demolitionist. Want general stat bumps for shooting things? Stats for All.
From Column the Fourth: Maximum damage when fragging? One for All. Want a more instant damage buff you can boost and extend with abilities? Desperate Measures. Want a stacking damage buff you can max out with a Grenade Kill? Adrenaline Junkie. Want a permanent 15% damage bonus against anything Boss or Boss-adjacent? Vorpal Weapon. Want the biggest buff possible through ability kills? Golden Tricorn. Want to loop kills into damage repeatedly? Multikill Clip. Want Strand Synergy and Threadlings? Hatchling.
In terms of Combinations, much ado is being made of One for All (an easy proc on an explosive weapon), Combined with Subsistence or Demolitionist. Lead From Gold also has previously proven viability on Indebted Kindness, effectively allowing you to use this as a Primary and maintain a solid ammo economy. Truth be told, it would be quite hard to go wrong with this gun, but these are what will likely be most potent in the field.
As for PvP... its alright, I suppose. The travel time of its shots does it no favours, nor does the lack of PvP perks, but if you can make this archetype work, I welcome you to try.
As of the time of writing, Episode Echoes has Unstoppable Sidearm in its artifact, making Sidearms or a Scout Rifle a must have. Titans have a new Exotic chest piece that buffs the damage of both Rocket Launchers and this archetype of weapon. Still Hunt is a god-tier Exotic for damage, and pairs excellently with this despite the double-special combo. Whenever you read this, get yourself a pattern ASAP, and answer The Call today!
This has no business going so hard, was stuck to my loadout for the campaign and by God I will bring this to the Day 1 raid.
Find yourself a roll with One for All + Lead from Gold / Subsistence and thank me later.
I give you... Volatile Launch | High Velocity Rounds | Demolitionist | One For All | Blast Radius MW
Throw on the 'Facet of Balance' fragment too and you've got a whole lot of fun and killing ahead of you!
Using this on prismatic titan with artifact mods radiant orbs and shieldcrush with the prismatic facets hope and bravery, gives you amazing uptime on all of your abilities, but most importantly your class for that easy suspend.
Universal Pick: Subsistence + One For All
Combos really nicely with Prismatic Warlock with Verity's Brow (boosts your grenade threadlings) running with the fragment that gives unraveling on melee and volatile on grenade
Open with a melee kill for x2 desperate measures, then shot various enemies to start the unravel chain then once Death throws is at x5 throw. You can then keep the chain rolling or pull out a void primary (like Graviton Lance) with volatile rounds to keep from dumping all your ammo.
The blast radius and velocity trade off feels like personal preference however one thing to keep in mind is how damage gets split wide for high blast radius so if you want the most single target damage you want to keep that low or the opposite if you want crowd control. Personally I'm going all in for reloading
Being a rocket sidearm automatically elevates this to an extremely high level as far as add-clear weapons go. It hits hard without even considering any perks, and the ammo economy is good enough to use it like a primary. But anyone who has already used Indebted Kindness knows all that already.
The juicy perk combo that takes this from good to great is probably Subsistence + One For All (or maybe Desperate Measures, but that's down to personal preference). Since most basic enemies die in one shot, Subsistence can keep the gun fully loaded without ever needing to manually reload. The 35% from OFA is extremely strong and makes it chunk the bigger enemies even harder. Makes for an absolutely perfect pairing as a Darkness weapon when running prismatic because of how quick it can fill up the bar.
I threw on quick launch and high explosive ordinance so I have good blast radius and good velocity. i prefer lead from gold over beacon rounds so I can use it more often but to each your own, demo might also be good on this but I use this almost as a second primary so I need the ammo. Final collum I like One for All but desperate measures or hatchling might be nice for an easier but lower damage buff or a threadling build, I would stay away from vorpal since it only has that 15% against bosses and 'm using this against red and orange bars mostly. the origin trait on this isn't OP but a much nicer buff than most origin traits are. The other reason this is so nice however is this can be paired with SUNSHOT, which is still a monster despite the nerf, and this combo helps with the going transcendent more often.
I've tried the arc rocket sidearm in PVP and since it's projectile not hitscan I didn't vibe with it and this was a similar experience, I'm sure you can make plays with it but not my preference.
for my titan players allow me to introduce hazardous propulsion, gives extra damage to rockets(including the call(Mabey quicksilver))and sends a volley on class ability use based on precision hits.
here is the fun part escalator land lovers, enhanced strategist, 100 resilience, thruster. this as a base for any titan build will do wonders, me personally i got luck and already have one crafted.
idea, use base build, bomber 3x, momentum transfer 3x, special ammo scout, strand surge( if you want to do more damage with the call). recommendation just look at all the perks and try to think outside the big damage box every now and then.