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Legendär / Powerwaffe / Machine Gun

Der Ehre verpflichtet.

Quelle: Verdiene Ränge in Vorhut-, Schmelztiegel- oder Gambit-Playlists


Adaptives Gehäuse

Adaptives Gehäuse

Ein abgerundeter Griff, zuverlässig und robust.


Damage Falloff  
Reload Time  
Effektivität in der Luft
Feuerrate 450
Magazin 48
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Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

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* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Der Ehre verpflichtet.

Zavala starrte aus dem Sichtfenster der H.E.L.M. Die Leviathan lauerte in der Ferne, ein Makel inmitten der Sterne. Der Commander stützte sich auf den Strategietisch, als blaues Licht aus dem Holoprojektor flackerte und Bilder von Caiatl und Saladin für die geplante Besprechung erschienen.

„Wir stoßen weiter auf heftigen Widerstand“, sagte Zavala ohne Umschweife. Er konnte die Müdigkeit in seiner Stimme hören.

„Wie wir erwartet haben“, brummte Caiatl. „Die Soldaten meines Vaters werden bis zu ihrem letzten Atemzug für ihn kämpfen.“

„Und wenn sie fallen, nehmen andere ihren Platz ein“, fügte Saladin hinzu.

Zavala seufzte und sein Blick suchte die Leviathan. „Er befiehlt ihnen, für nichts zu sterben. Wie kann er sich selbst einen Anführer nennen …“

Die Worte blieben ihm fast im Hals stecken und er musste sich kurz sammeln. Caiatl und Saladin schwiegen, ihre Blicke waren unergründlich.

„Führung ist eine Last“, erklärte Caiatl, „für diejenigen, die den wahren Wert ihrer Aufgabe verstehen.“

„In der Tat“, sagte Zavala.

Er wandte sich dem Holoprojektor zu und richtete sich auf. „Die Vorhut wird weiterhin an Bord der Leviathan operieren. Wir werden euch über unsere Fortschritte auf dem Laufenden halten.“

Caiatl und Saladin nickten und ihre Holoprojektionen verschwanden. Als er allein auf der Brücke war, richtete Zavala seinen Blick wieder auf das Sichtfenster. Selten hatte er das Gewicht seiner Rüstung so deutlich gespürt.

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Season 17 Icon
In PvE it has good utility or grenade-focused build synergy. It actually does some quite unique stuff among Machine Guns:
- the second MG with Demo/Junkie combo (after Corrective Measure, which is much more difficult to get),
- the first MG with Osmosis,
- the first MG with Adaptive Munitions.
The Demo/Junkie is always interesting, and the two other perks make it a pretty good gun for a Divinity user, general support build or any Match Game activity, and it's only elevated by the S17 MG buff.
In PvP nope unless you really need a MG and don't have anything better. Just doesn't have good perks for it.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Pretty nice in PvE. It can break any shield, while still maintaining a damage perk. If you carry a high damage special, this is a decent choice for high-end content.
PvP, nothing special. At least it has high-cal and a cool scope.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Osmosis on any weapon alongside Demolitionist is always good, and on a heavy weapon it's very fun. Reload is a little slow, but it's a machine gun so that's expected. In PVP it's not great, but in PVE it's good.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Like Reckless Endangerment was last season, Chain of Command is a good flexible option for entry level players, but if you've been on the grind for a while you probably have better LMGs sitting in your vault.

Osmosis is very interesting since it makes this the first legendary heavy weapon and stasis weapon that can change its' elemental damage type. While that's a cool gimmick for playing into subclass elemental synergies, Osmosis on Chain of Command basically turns the gun into a more accessible version of any of Corrective Measure, Fixed Odds, Commemoration, or A Fine Memorial that only has one functional perk: either Demolitionist or Adaptive Munitions.

Adaptive Munitions is useful for dealing with endgame content with Match Game active, but I can't think of many scenarios where I wouldn't rather run either Arbalest (which is still S-Tier post-nerf) or one of the many craftable primary or secondary weapons with Adaptive Munitions to deal with shields.

Adrenaline Junkie has very good synergy with Demolitionist, but based on my experience with LMGs this season, damage perks are pretty overkill against trash mobs. LMGs feel like they're primarily supposed to fill an add-clear role, but with how powerful buildcrafting is with both Void and Solar 3.0 I can clear enemy waves fast enough using an SMG and some nades. And despite the damage buffs against bosses I can't say that you're better off using any LMG instead of a good Linear Fusion Rifle or Rocket Launcher, and the kill-stuff trigger condition for Adrenaline Junkie makes it less desirable than lower-percentage passive damage perks (like Firing Line on Fixed Odds or Seventh Seraph SAW) in boss fights anyways.

It's not a bad gun because of its flexibility and potential endgame utility, but there are better LMGs out there to chase and better options for your heavy slot in most content.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Decent gun overall imo, Osmosis and Adaptive Munitions makes it a pretty versatile weapon in numerous situations and for lower end PvE the Adrenaline Junkie + Demo or Osmosis + Demo rolls can be really fun too. It may not win any medals but it'll serve you well if the perks fit your playstyle. :-)
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 21 Icon
For PvP it is a pretty basic machine gun. It does a overall decent job at killing stuff in Crucible and Gambit but there are better options out there. Same thing goes for PvE as the damage output is not amazing, even with shield breaking trait.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Very good in PvE. In pvp, it's nothing special
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
While its perks are good for grenade builds or a anti shield role with osmosis and adaptive munitions. It seems only useable for those two rolls. Stat wise and general perk choice availability id rather use a Timelost Corrective Measure. It has better stats and overall better perk options and as a flat out MG would go Corrective Measure every time.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
These weapons aren’t supposed to be best in slot, Salvagers was overpowered enough for Bungie to admit that it was a mistake to give it those perks, and Null Composure is overshadowed by quite a few other fusions so I think it’s good as is.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago