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Verursache innerhalb kurzer Zeit mit allen ausgerüsteten Waffen Schaden, um dieser Waffe einen Schadensbonus zu verleihen.

Community Research

Dealing damage with a weapon starts a 7 second timer. Dealing additional weapon damage resets the timer to 7 seconds.

Dealing damage with all 3 of your weapons without letting the timer run out grants you 'Bait and Switch' for 10 seconds, granting 30% increased damage.

Timer is disabled while Bait and Switch is active, requiring a full activation sequence once the buff expires.
Last Updated 2024-11-07
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Season 16 Icon
Edit: In update 4.0.1 the damage buff was increased from 20% to 35%, which makes this perk in many situations a LOT better than any other damage perk on Cataclysmic LFR. On other weapons the improvement is not as massive, but still significant. Keep that in mind reading the original review below.

Basically it's either 1 or 4 stars depending on the weapon, and viable mainly against champions.
On a Heavy weapon (only Cataclysmic LFR) this perk is quite underrated. For boss damage you might do better with Focused Fury, but for champions it's easier and faster to proc (especially with damage over time effects like Le Monarque or Witherhoard paired with anti-champion Primary) while giving the same 20% damage buff. Additional inconvenience is that you can't refresh the duration while it's active, but for champion's it doesn't really matter.
On Special it would be good, but it requires you to use Heavy weapon somewhat often which makes it a lot worse for anything except champions and maybe boss damage, both of which you do rather occasionally on the weapons that can roll this perk (Deliverance FR, Forbearance GL and Lubrae's Ruin Glaive).
On Primary weapons just skip it and take OFA, Frenzy or sth like that instead.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Now an S+++ tier perk on heavy weapons after the recent update, right now only available for Cataclysmic. 35% extra damage, up from 20%. Get to crafting, boyos.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
With the recent TWAB, it's been confirmed to be buffed to 35%, which is significantly better than the previous 20%. It's still a little more tedious to proc than other perks like Focused Fury or Firing Line, but this perk might be redeemed. Rolls best on weapons suited for DPS, such as Cataclysmic.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Makes Cataclysmic into a competitive monster. Lasts 11 seconds enhanced. Not ideal, but does actually make a difference in leeway, so you don't miss out on a shot with the buff before reloading on a FTTC roll.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 19 Icon
Very True but Unless Using Auto Loading holster mods for LFR (Would need 2 otherwise it’s 4 Seconds to activate) then the swap animation to cataclysmic itself and ready bringing it to about 4.6 seconds (this is assuming you’re other 2 guns are 90-100 handling) plus charge time 5.1 seconds before it can fire again after Emptying mag that’s 10 Shots at 500 Charge Speed and if you don’t and manual reload then swap to the other guns we’re talking 7.9 -8-5 seconds easy. (16 shots at that low end)
Manual Reload for my Cat is 3.5 (Rally can shorten it to 2.5 plus wind up 3.1 seconds so that’s 6 shots dropped between reload cycles with FTTC and FF 6 Vs 10 For auto loading B&S and getting other 2 guns out or 16 for manual reloads with B&S the 35% dosent compensate for that big of a discrepancy on a prolonged damage encounter. My reign of fire can shorten that to 1.8 before another shot is fired that’s a 8-18 shot discrepancy
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
The buff is 30% rather than 35%, was changed March 5th
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
For everyone saying that this perk isn’t great on a special, let me introduce you to Dragon’s Breath.
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago
Season 19 Icon
Mathematically speaking unless you have handling specifically built into you’re other 2 weapons and the other 2 weapons are wither and like an opening shot sniper maybe Izzy then as far as consistent damage output on a boss with a div cage or easy crit spot for example it still gets outclassed by 10-25% (depending on the user and the other 2 guns) by FTTC and FF Although it will eat more ammo with FTTC FF (on cataclysmic that is) but the last person I broke it down to as far as raw math goes didn’t get it so I won’t try to explain it here just wanted to make sure possibly one open minded person might run the numbers himself.
Anyways great burst damage perk I use it for champs on Masters and GM’s and love it mow some adds special for stun and Burst DPS non Over 1 Mill HP targets it’s the go to pick.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Worst perk in the game? Hyperbole. It's fine. Very useful for solo content on heavy, more reliable than firing line. Needs a buff to last longer or do more damage considering how fussy and specific it is to proc, but it's hardly useless being able to bump your damage by 20% on your own.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 19 Icon
(Edit: “more reliable then firing line in solo content” XD I’m dying here)
They buffed it to 35% now so in the right hands it’s arguably the best Burst damage perk (Minus The S19 Explosive Light buff especially on GLs) not reliable for boss dps though The handling Stat causes you to loose way too many shots to swapping While FTTC and FF gets to take 5-6 shots off during the swap animations and shots required to re proc it on most Meta guns used in combination with it at least (on you’re mark helps but still losing 3-4 shots it would have to be 25% greater then FF DMG buff to overcome that obstacle)
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago