Einfach / Class Ability

Stoße zum Boden hinab und erzeuge eine Solar-Licht-Salve, die Verbündete in der Nähe heilt.

Wenn Hitzewelle aktiv ist, erhältst du während des Sturzflugs Wiederherstellung und versengst bei der Landung Ziele.

Community Research

Only usable while airborne.

Performs a dive to the ground in the direction of your movement input. Not inputting a movement direction results in a vertical downward dive.

Applies Cure x2 to you and allies within 9 meters upon landing.

Grants additional benefits if Heat Rises is active:
• Grants you Restoration x2 for 3 seconds (4.5 with Ember of Solace) instantly upon activation.
• Deals 100 Damage and applies 40 Scorch Stacks (60 with Ember of Ashes) to enemies within 5 meters upon landing.
Last Updated 2024-08-11
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