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Exotisch / Intrinsic

Zeigt beim Zielen ein Radar. Radarauflösung verbessert, wenn man sich duckt. Markiert Ziele visuell. Verursacht bei Zielen mit geringer Gesundheit mehr Schaden. Gewährt einen kleinen Vorteil für den „Effektivität in der Luft“-Statwert von allen Waffen.

Community Research

Passively grants 20 Airborne Effectiveness and Radar remains active while Aiming Down Sights.

Crouching grants Enhanced Radar (6⁠🠚⁠12 sectors).

Damaging a PVE Combatant or breaking a Player's Shields marks them for 3 seconds. Marks are visible through walls.

If an Enemy is below 30% Health:
Increases all outgoing damage against them by 1% for every percentage point below 30%.
(10% Health left 🠚 20% increased damage)

PVE Combatant and Player Shields do not count as Health.
Last Updated 2024-12-19


Upgraded Sensor Pack

Upgraded Sensor Pack

Provides radar while you're aiming and marks targets, increasing damage to low-health marked targets.
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