Schlagkraft | 84 | ||||
Reichweite | 45 | ||||
• Damage Falloff | |||||
Stabilität | 54 | ||||
Handhabung | 42 | ||||
Nachladetempo | 47 | ||||
• Reload Time | |||||
Zielhilfe | 77 | ||||
Inventargröße | 58 | ||||
Zoom | 14 | ||||
Effektivität in der Luft | 18 | ||||
Rückstoßrichtung | 88 | ||||
Feuerrate | 140 | ||||
Magazin | 9 | ||||
Selected Perks | |||||
Popularity: Overall | Select 4 perks to see their popularity. | ||||
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Popularity: Trait Combo | |||||
Popularity: MW Bonus |
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TIP: Popularity Ranks
The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations
The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.Learn More
Color Icon Game Mode Blue PVE Red PVP Gold PVE & PVP
TIP: API Perk Swap
The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.
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T.V.O. (Meister)
„Osiris sagte, dass er begann, die Rotlegion zu bemitleiden, wie sie hier so bis in alle Ewigkeit gefangen sind. Ich finde, sie bekommen genau das, was sie verdienen.“ —Sagira
An die Belegschaft von Valus Thuun, Commander
Von Rotlegion-Fraktur 8
Taktische Ergebnisanalyse
I. Aufzeichnungen, Materialien und Zuschreibungen
Skala 3 / Brücke / Maß 2
- Einnahme der Endlospfad-Knoten 332, 334, 335, 336
- Einheit ist auf Hüter-Einsatztrupp gestoßen. Alle Einheiten haben überlebt. Koloss berichtet, Hüter liefen an Kampfeinheiten vorbei, ohne anzugreifen. Gladiator berichtet, Hüter wurden durch Momentum-Beschleunigungsmaschinen hunderte Meter über die Planetenoberfläche katapultiert.
II: Analyse
Bis auf einen, sind alle Überlebendenberichte identisch mit denen vorheriger Gefechte. Die Moral sinkt, doch noch ist niemand zum Feind übergelaufen. Vorprüfung~~~~~~~
An die Belegschaft von Valus Thuun, Commander
Von Rotlegion-Fraktur 8
Taktische Ergebnisanalyse
I. Aufzeichnungen, Materialien und Zuschreibungen
Skala 3 / Brücke / Maß 2
- Einnahme der Endlospfad-Knoten 333, 335, 336, 337
- Einheit ist auf Hüter-Einsatztrupp gestoßen. Alle Einheiten haben überlebt. Koloss berichtet, Hüter liefen an Kampfeinheiten vorbei, ohne anzugreifen. Psion berichtet, Hüter wurden durch Momentum-Beschleunigungsmaschinen hunderte Meter über die Planetenoberfläche katapultiert.
II: Analyse
Bis auf einen, sind alle Überlebendenberichte identisch mit denen vorheriger Gefechte. Die Moral sinkt, doch noch ist niemand zum Feind übergelaufen. Vorprüfung~~~~~~~
An die Belegschaft von Valus Thuun, Commander
Von Rotlegion-Fraktur 8
Taktische Ergebnisanalyse
I. Aufzeichnungen, Materialien und Zuschreibungen
Skala 3 / Brücke / Maß 2
- Einnahme der Endlospfad-Knoten 331, 332, 334, 335
- Einheit ist auf Hüter-Einsatztrupp gestoßen. Alle Einheiten haben überlebt. Psion berichtet, Hüter liefen an Kampfeinheiten vorbei, ohne anzugreifen. Koloss berichtet, Hüter wurden durch Momentum-Beschleunigungsmaschinen hunderte Meter über die Planetenoberfläche katapultiert.
II: Analyse
Bis auf einen, sind alle Überlebendenberichte identisch mit denen vorheriger Gefechte. Die Moral sinkt, doch noch ist niemand zum Feind übergelaufen. Vorprüfung~~~~~~~
Strictly comparing kinetic 140s, the only current competition for D.F.A. is Fatebringer (FB), as it's the only other 140 HC that can take adept mods and get those delicious extra MW stats. When MW'ed, the only thing D.F.A. has over FB is greater Airborne Effectiveness and better Reload Speed (by 1 point!). Statistically, it is inferior, plain and simple. Even comparing to the craftable Austringer, at base, the D.F.A. is better by just a skosh, in range, handling, and aim assist. Statistically, it is upper middle of the hand cannon pack, but not the best.
D.F.A. doesn't have much going for it in perks, either. While capable of rolling the classic Outlaw + Rampage, even this damage combo is *strictly* worse than FB's Explosive Payload + Kill Clip. FB gets the extra mile in having Explosive Payload in the left column, a perk which adds roughly 10.3% extra damage to every (precision) hit. In the right column, FB has damage perks like Kill Clip (+33%), Frenzy (+20%), and even Adrenaline Junky (up to +33%). To add fuel to the FB fire, EVERY SINGLE Timelost FB has Explosive Payload + Firefly curated in columns 3 & 4. Looking back at D.F.A., there are 4 damage options, Vorpal (+20% against yellow bars and above), Rampage (up to +33%), Focused Fury (+20% when landing crits), and lastly Timed Payload (+10.9%). D.F.A. gets no additional damage perk in its left column, so even in best case scenario (Outlaw + Rampage) is still worse than FB with Explosive + Kill Clip (10% + 33%).
Despite all of those negatives, D.F.A. does have a few things going for it. All D.F.A.'s roll with Vanguard Foundry perks, which is a tidy 7 HP back per kill (or recovery on champion stun). While nothing can really beat the ease of use of FB's Frenzy as a damage perk, Rampage, Focused Fury, Vorpal, and Timed Payload are super easy damage perks to keep active, compared to FB's Kill Clip without a reload perk, which a few points in D.F.A.'s favor, though not getting double perks in its column 4 stings a bit. And, as others have mentioned, Timed Payload is great against champions
Finally, and I will happily admit my bias from having 5000+ kills on my sunset D.F.A., the D.F.A. feels bloody great. The recoil, while theoretically worse than FB, is exceptionally consistent, and the gun feel is FIRE. The gun bounce *feels* snappier than FB, and D.F.A. feels easier to track my crosshair as it resettles after shots, which let's me place my follow-up headshots more accurately nearly every time (though the stat package means those bullets, despite their placement, don't always magically go where they 'should'). It rises and settles smoothly, which makes it feel better than FB. Even the sound design packs more punch than FB or Palindrome (did you know those two share the same sound?), with greater oomph to each bullet. There are no weird lights on the barrel (looking at you, FB) that distract your eye from the crosshair, and its shape on the screen when ADS is dark and small - it gets out of the way of its crosshair, which keeps your brain just that "little bit" more focused on your targets.
In PvE, the perks are all 'decent' and up to user choice. Chase those damage perks, and try to pair them with Outlaw, each of them have consistent use cases that are flexible to nearly all content. Something to be aware of, however, is D.F.A.'s anti-synergy between Outlaw and Timed Payload - if a precision shot doesn't kill but the delayed explosion does, you won't get Outlaw. Big sad. For stats, in PvE, anything goes, though pushing Stability helps reduce flinch in harder content. You aren't as strictly bound by the need for range or stability as in PvP. If you're aiming for a Focused Fury roll, try to get an even magazine (Tac Mag or Ext Mag), for that one extra shot with the buff active, and again, Outlaw will be your friend in those situations (though Triple Tap can be helpful for the extra shots to maintain uptime).
Ultimately, this is a gun that will either be replaced immediately by a Timelost FB, or act as a staple in your inventory, and it all comes down to your opinion on the gun feel. It's something that can only be felt, so try a Lost Sector with DFA, then FB to compare and decide.
For that, 4/5 stars in PvE.