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Schlagkraft | 21 | ||||
Reichweite | 45 | ||||
• Damage Falloff | |||||
Stabilität | 48 | ||||
Handhabung | 82 | ||||
Nachladetempo | 68 | ||||
• Reload Time | |||||
Zielhilfe | 68 | ||||
Inventargröße | 54 | ||||
Zoom | 16 | ||||
Effektivität in der Luft | 19 | ||||
Rückstoßrichtung | 85 | ||||
Feuerrate | 600 | ||||
Magazin | 44 | ||||
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It's a new season! Popularity ranks can change rapidly at the start of a new season, especially on new weapons.
Be careful jumping to conclusions for a week or so as the meta starts to shake out.
TIP: Popularity Ranks
The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations
The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.Learn More
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„Er ist fast so etwas wie ein Sohn für mich.“
An Bord des Flaggschiffs der Kaiserin Caiatl – der Eligos Lex V – gibt es in einem umfunktionierten Hangar-Dock einen Gemeinschaftsraum mit bunten Stoffbannern und feierlicher Stille. In der Mitte dieses Bereiches befindet sich ein Stück Land, das aus dem königlichen Garten gesammelt wurde: ein Stück Heimat der Kabale, das am Tag des Untergangs von Torobatl hastig herausgeschnitten wurde. Drei knorrige Bäume, ein Moos-Bett mit vereinzelten Flecken aus hohen Gräsern.
„Wir läuten Operation Ahamkara ein.“
Als Commander Zavalas Stimme über den Funk dröhnt, unterbricht Kaiserin Caiatl ihre Meditation auf heimischem Boden, erhebt sich von ihrem Platz aus Moos und stampft an knorrigem Holz vorbei. Sie steigt schnell die felsigen Stufen hinab, die in die Seite ihrer brüchigen Welt gehauen sind, vorbei an zahlreichen handgeschriebenen Nachrichten ihres Volkes, die an sich windende Wurzeln gebunden sind, welche aus der Erde herausragen. Nachrichten von jenen, die zurückgelassen wurden. Bitten um Vergebung und Racheversprechen.
„Kaiserin.“ Valus Forge Stimme ist spürbar angespannt, als er, vorbei an Caiatls Ehrengarde mit Stoßzähnen, in den Hangar eilt.
„Ich habe es schon gehört“, antwortet Caiatl. „Wir machen unsere Flotte für das Signal zur Abreise bereit. Als Valus führst du unsere Schiffe in die Bresche, sobald der Kommandant das Signal gibt.“
Saladin Forge zögert. Sein Blick wandert zum Boden und Caiatl erkennt eine fremdartige Verletzlichkeit in ihm. Einen Augenblick lang hört Saladin, wie Türen zufallen. Sieht, wie Lady Jolders Gesicht vom Feuer verzehrt wird. Caiatl stellt sich neben Saladin, Seite an Seite, doch sie sieht ihn nicht an. Auch sie zögert kurz. Dann klopft sie ihm mit ihrer riesigen Hand behutsam auf die Schulter.
„Ich habe ihn erneut gehen lassen.“
Caiatl spürt die Schwere in Saladins Stimme. Der Schatten von Zavalas Vergangenheit hängt über diesem Augenblick, obwohl die Albträume, die an Bord der Leviathan passierten, schon lange zurückliegen.
„Ich war nicht für ihn da, als Hakim gestorben ist“, fügt Saladin leise hinzu. Caiatl beobachtet ihn, als er diese Worte ausspricht, schaut ihm in die Augen, sieht ihn. Sie versteht ihn.
„Zavala hielt an dieser Schuld wie an einer blutenden Wunde fest“, unterbreitet sie ihm. „Wenn er fallen sollte, wiederhole seine Fehler nicht. Du würdest dich nicht schuldig fühlen. Für dich wäre es eine Kampfstandarte, die du emporhältst, damit das ganze Universum sie sehen kann.“
Saladins Blick weicht dem von Caiatl nicht. Sie sieht ihn. „Ich will nicht, dass dieser Tag je kommt.“
„Ich weiß.“
Physic and Circle of Life are both new perks that look insane both by themselves and together. Adding these already great perks with a new frame that heals allies as well and you have an insane solar build all in one gun.
And if you don't want to play as a bottom, excuse me, welllock (/j) you have solid perks ammo economy perks in Subsistence and overflow in 3rd column, and great damage perks in Desperate Measures, surrounded and frenzy or Incandescent for add clear in 4th.
But lets get to the build for this gun.
Class/Subclass: Warlock, Well of radiance.
Roll of Gun: Physic, Circle of Life
Exotics:Speaker's Sight & DPS kinetic (Wither Hoard, Conditional Finality, Izanagi)
Abilities:Player choices but I personly like Dive, Burst Glide, celestial Fire, Healing grenade. Healing nade is the only important part.
Aspects: Heat Rises ant Touch of flame
Fragments:Ember of Benevolence, Empyrean, Torches, Solace
Game plan: Spam healing nade turrent to get tons of procs of Physic while keeping them topped off with No Hesitations. Empyrean lets you keep restoration up as long as possible while Solace makes it easier in higher end content.
P.S. The tracking on the bullets is kinda bonkers, like Striga level tracking. If this gun had even half decent PvP perks it could easily become a monster.
Excuse me we're called service top/bottoms :^)
If No Hesitation has ten fans, then I am one of them.
If No Hesitation has only one fan then that is me.
If No Hesitation has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth.
If the world is against No Hesitation, then I am against the world.
Also, I love this gun so much!
The Developers themselves called this a don't die gun, and I don't die-sagree with them. This thing has heals for days, and can do damage too.
First, the two new perks exclusive to this frame type. Physic is the standout, offering Restoration to you and allies for rapid healing. A definite must have, as the survivability boost of Restorations regen, even at x1, is invaluable. Circle of Life is the other, boosting your damage for rapid heals. Of course, the gun has oodles of other options for you, and you can't really go wrong with anything on this list. Standouts include Demolitionist for Grenade builds, Subsistence for avoiding reloads altogether, Incandescent for that classic Solar synergy and ability to frag out, and Frenzy for all around benefits and the easiest damage perk available.
As for PvP... I don't think it'll be that great comparatively. The fact its bullets have a travel time is already a bit of a downer, but TTKs are fast enough that your healing will likely only do so much to keep your allies in the fight - an Ubercharge this probably is not. Also, there aren't any real PvP centric perks in this pool, so its clearly geared towards PvE. Regardless, you can probably make some people on the enemy team both baffled and mad by denying them their kills with a suitable support build. Just be sure to glue your not-medigun to the person with the fanciest drip and you'll be right at home.
Overall, embrace your inner TF2 Medic, slap this thing on, and then feel weird when you don't have people shouting "MEDIC!" in your ear 24/7.
this is the best healing source in the entire game AND gives Restoration x2 in PVP
100% taking this into the raid
Mega bonkers. Love this
I only wish there was a medal, or you got an assist or something for healing people and them getting a kill because of it
+10 MW Range Support Frame | Extended Barrell | Tactical Mag | Enhanced Physic | Enhanced Incandescent | Backup Mag in the mod slot
This weapon has been an absolute blast to use and it is extremely reliable, if you're running solar warlock (like me) with fire sprite buffing fragments in your subclass you are invincible with radiant buff and restoration/cure buffs. Not to mention your team support gets drastically increased with restoration x2 for you and your allies with enhanced physic. Lastly, with heat rises being able to consistently have melee energy (paired with sunbracers ofc) you have a ton of free grenades and can quite literally fly around the map spamming melee, grenades, and support heals for you and your team. You can make some seriously OP solar builds in general with this craft, but i wanted to briefly mention mine, this weapon pairs amazingly.
Third column perks of interest are overflow, subsistence, demo and the newly added perk physic. Out of these perks, physic is BY FAR the best option. This turns the gun from a purely support weapon to both a hybrid support/survivability monster. Physic requires you to "rapidly heal allies" to gain its effect. While this is true, it doesn't mention that rapidly healing allies is counted as shooting a full health teammate, meaning if a teammate is out of the line of fire from enemies but you yourself are hurt, shooting the full health teammate will grant you five whole seconds of restoration. (Currently, the enhanced version isn't functioning correctly and grants x2 restoration for 5 seconds when it should be granting longer periods of restoration capped at x1. Enjoy this while you can)
Fourth column has pretty useful perks, surrounded, frenzy, desperate measures and circle of life all fall under the damage perk category and help this weapon a lot, although circle of life is a bit difficult to keep active constantly unless you're going out of your way to heal teammates every 10 seconds for a 25% damage buff. Maybe if you're fully speccing into a support build with the new Warlock Speaker's Helm exotic this perk might be a lot more useful, but personally I have not yet obtained said Exotic.. Incandescent is easily my favourite fourth column perk, making this thing a Frankenstein's monster, featuring support, survivability and crowd control in one simple weapon.
Please craft this thing as soon as possible, I cannot express enough how fun and genuinely useful this thing is.
This is glued to my speakers sight warlock for life
I have never dismantled a gun as fast as I dismantled Lumina.
PvE reasons are obvious between things like Demo/Strategist/Subsistence + Incandescent or even Attrition Orbs to lean more into it's origin trait and getting your super faster. It has no bad options here.
PvP however I think many are overlooking several things with this. First off the rounds that fire, although slow, do track similarly to Osteo Striga. It's not nearly as sticky from initial use (no A-B testing) but it's enough to reliably peak shoot with relative ease. I've had plenty of times where I've peak shot and got the kill almost a second after having dipped back into cover. It makes it harder for the opponent to peak shoot back as well due to the slower rounds being "alive" in the air for much longer.
But what really makes this weapon shine is the Physic + Circle of Life medic build. You only need a few hits to fill your bar completely which doesn't deplete that quickly. Honestly, this might be nerfed in PvP but we'll see. With this you now have on-demand Restoration on top of healing your ally and you get yourself a damage buff. That damage buff? It's pretty significant. In PvP precision hits did 30. With Circle of Life? That bumped up to 38. Your TTK get's pretty stupid. I think it's about a 20% buff? In PvP? For just healing your teammates and not requiring any kills to activate?
Yeah, that's stupid. But this is just a rambling of a lowly fetus so please go try it out for yourself. The playstyle asks you to really lean into that battle medic playstyle. Shoot, get hits, fill bar and heal allies, get restoration and a 25% (I think) damage buff, then mow down a lane. It's pretty absurd.
edit: Ok so some additional things. The support frame itself gives you I believe 6 seconds of a 10% buff and Circle of Life gives you 10 seconds of a 25% buff. Not sure how PvP is scaled but for PvE this can get you to a total of a 37.5% damage boost for 6 seconds, then it drops to a 25% buff for the last 3-4 seconds. Obviously won't mean much if you're mainly solo but in any content with a Fireteam, this is the go-to. I think I'll be keeping a Strategist + Incan for my Hunter in more solo focused activities and a Physic + CoL for everything else.
First roll I got is a traditional demo-frenzy roll. Decent mag size, effective firepower, nice appearence and healing projectile. Very capable even if you discount the healing part while playing solo and my chosen energy weapon for the moment.
It however cannot heal npcs.
- ease of use projectiles that slightly track to targets basically a smart auto rifle and its so easy to use as well in crucible
- does higher damage than most auto rifle frames and with incandescent its a incendiary auto rifle
- having the physic perk on just makes you extremely tanky both healing your teammates and yourself
- and last but least its extremely satisfying to use with its sound and weapon design
If you activate hellion, the damage the solar orb does fills the healing charge of no hesitation, allowing you to constantly heal your team.