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Exotisch / Powerwaffe / Rocket Launcher

Lass die Welt in Flammen aufgehen. Verbrenne alles.

Quelle: Saisonpass-Belohnung

Exotic Perks



Raketen bleiben an getroffenen Zielen haften und stoßen regelmäßig brennenden Treibstoff aus, der Versengen verursacht. Je länger diese Waffe nicht abgefeuert wird, desto mehr Treibstoff enthält die nächste Rakete.


Ziele in der Nähe zu entzünden füllt den Brennstoff teilweise wieder auf. Diese Waffe füllt sich selbst aus den Reserven auf, wenn sie den maximalen Brennstoff erreicht hat.


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Feuerrate 15
Magazin 1
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Lass die Welt in Flammen aufgehen. Verbrenne alles.

„Willst du es haben?“, fragt die gelangweilte Verkäuferin.

Ariadne hört nicht zu. Sie starrt finster auf den Schaukasten. „Sieh dir dieses Ding an, Enoch. Das soll ein Drachen sein? Das ist doch nicht einmal ein Hai. Crux hätte das Haiatem nennen sollen.“

„Haiatem klingt nicht bedrohlich. Außer du bist unter Wasser, würde ich sagen“, merkt Enloch an. Neben ihm mustert Marcus den Schaukasten.

„Ganz genau! Mein Drache wurde dagegen rechtmäßig als cool anerkannt.“ Ariadne zeigt auf den schimmernden, blutroten Drachen, der neben ihren Sparrow gemalt ist. „Unbestritten.“

„Man könnte daraus einen Wettkampf machen“, sagt Marcus. Er sieht zur Verkäuferin. „Gibt es Probestücke?“

Ariadnes Augen leuchten auf.

Zwanzig Minuten später am Stadtrand und mit unterschriebener Verzichtserklärung, hebt Enoch den Raketenwerfer auf seine Schulter. Sein Haigesicht grinst Ariadne entgegen.

„Du schaffst das“, sagt Didi. Sie und ihr Geist weichen der Gruppe nicht von der Seite und sind bereit, alles aufzunehmen.

„Ari, du bekommst fünf Sekunden Vorsprung, also, gib besser Gas“, sagt Marcus. „Und … los!“

Ariadnes Sparrow quietscht los, während Enoch zählt, feuert und den Raketenwerfer senkt.

„Glaubst du wirklich, dass Gris bei diesem Wettrennen gewinnen kann?“, fragt Enoch. Die Rakete erhellt den Himmel und fliegt auf sie zu.

Marcus beugt sich vor und klopft ihm auf die Schulter.

„Keine Chan…“

Ein Feuerball erhebt sich über die Landschaft, als die Rakete auf den Sparrow prallt.

„Das ist echtes Kino“, sagt Didi zufrieden.

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Season 23 Icon
The Dragon Returns, and its really, really good.

The spreading fire definitely makes it solid as an add clear weapon, particularly after the catalyst lets it make firesprites (on top of any firesprites you might be making from your solar subclass). It can do that while stuck in a boss as well to boot. As for damage, bursting an enemy with the gun certainly works well for DPS, since the chain ignitions can stagger the shit out of certain bosses and repeatedly firing x3 Fuel Stacks does decently damage wise.

But this guns real strength? Its Anarchy 2: Electric Boogaloo. Fire a x5 shot and start DPSing with other weapons like Controlled Burst Eremite and watch those damage numbers climb. The amount of total damage you can squeeze out of this thing is great, especially on Solar builds which can set off extra Ignitions to build it to full faster. Just don't have more than one person using it - the Ignition damage doesn't like to share when it comes to multiple people, so your average DPS will probably suffer doing that.

All in all, a truly incredible glow up from D1 and an excellent weapon. It might not top the DPS charts compared to other Rockets, but with the right setup? You can make this beauty ROAR.

Oh, right, PvP. Uh, not that great, there are cheaper ways of area denial like Witherhoard and rockets have poor ammo to kills economy. Use a Legendary Grenade Laucnher or Machine Gun instead, or an Eager Edge Sword.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
This is what Vex and RoF are, made for each other. This exotic is amazing with Dawn Chorus, with max stacks, I was able to get at least 2 ignitions on a boss. The damage potential of this weapon is crazy. Though probably not the absolute meta, it can cover both Boss DPS and ad clear very well. This was an absolute glow up from D1
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
I love this weapon. ignitions everywhere and it has so pretty good DPS with max fuel
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
This is, uh... this is good. REALLY good. Probably--no, DEFINITELY the best solo DPS exotic in the game.

Even without a Solar build, this thing has absurd total damage: if I'm not wrong, it has the highest total damage out of any Heavy in the game. Of course, that's if you're using it correctly: it's meant to be used as a DPS swap, and it is absurdly good at that job. Eats solo dungeons for breakfast.

With a Solar build, though? It's on an entirely different level of good. Constant ignitions equals constant auto-loads, and if you pair this thing with Sunbracers... oh man, you're going to have a good time.

You're going to want the catalyst, though. Yeah, I know, 50 strikes even with the 4x catalyst boost from the season pass is a lot to ask (and, in my opinion, far too much to ask when considering how low the kill requirement for the same quest step is), but it's well worth it. It cuts the passive regen time for Composite Fuel in half, meaning faster auto-loads for even more DPS.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
Haha, funny rocket go* BOOM BOOM* *IGNITES* *AUTO RELOAD, REPEAT*
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
does anyone know how much better this gets with Dawn Chorus?
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
I say this with nearly 10 years of experience in destiny under my belt. I have spent hours upon hours in this game, and I have done most of the high level content that exists.

I am confident that this is quite possibly the best heavy weapon currently in the game for pve.

It's not necessarily the best at damage, nor is it the best at ad clear, nor is it the most ammo efficient, but it does all of these things without really sacrificing in any area.

Effectively, this rocket launcher is a solar anarchy that auto loads itself. Use it that way and you won't be disappointed. Ad clear, damage, champion kills, dragon's breath will do whatever you need it to.

Don't try using it in pvp though. This thing is terrible there.
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Witherhoards angry pyromaniac brother.
Good area denial good dps good looking. This gun did my taxes, fed my dog, and solved world hunger. This gun is great in pve, until an enemy charges you screaming Valhalla! with a rocket firmly planted in its forehead and nukes the ever loving Jesus out of you. Shockingly good in pvp as kills pop up into the feed 17 years after you fire.
Reply      Report Posted 7 days ago
Season 24 Icon
I love this weapon so much. You want to spread fire everywhere? Dragon's Breath. Constant ignitions on a BEEFY target? Dragon's Breath. A weapon to constantly switch to with your other weapons? Dragon's Breath. It's an amazing jack of all trades weapon, just with one downside. It does a shit ton of self damage when it's on its last explosion and will kill you if you're not careful. Still, as a guardian, you're job is to burn the world.
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 23 Icon
Dragon's Breath is outstanding! Even without building into it, it's excellent for ad clear and for boss damage, and when you build into Solar 3.0 (especially with Dawn Chorus) and pair it with a good Controlled Burst fusion rifle, you have a nasty form of damage output. Like others have said though, it really only helps for boss damage if one person is using it, which can kinda suck since so many people have it and want to use it.
That being said though, it's truly an excellent weapon. Scorch has a lot of uses within the Solar subclass, the ignition damage is always super good (plus it automatically fills the fuel stacks), and the fact that it can effectively do ad clearing AND champion/boss damage is truly exceptional. Even further, the catalyst grants faster fuel charging (making it a little more forgiving if you can't get an ignition off for whatever reason), and it generates Firesprites on kills, which can be excellent as well.
I don't have any experience with it in PvP, so I can't really put a rating there, but I've seen others say it's not that efficient.
All in all, I love this weapon, and if it's sitting in your vault and collecting dust, I highly recommend dusting it off, because Dragon's Breath is amazing!
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 23 Icon
this is a best Exotic / Rocket Launcher PVE <3
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
my favourite exotic rocket launcher. good DPS
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
great for add clear and damage, with the catty doing a LOT to help it, in pvp though, good luck
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 24 Icon
it's good and all when your dps target doesn't move and eat all the fire, but as soon as they move, like an overlord champion, it renders the weapon completely useless
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago
Season 23 Icon
Excellent for both damage and ad clear in PvE, but sucks very hard in PvP due to not exploding on impact.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted a year ago