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Legendär / Energiewaffe / Hand Cannon

„Es ist ein Wunder, dass wir noch hier sind. Sorg dafür, dass es so bleibt.“ —Osiris

Quelle: Saison der Tiefe


Adaptives Gehäuse

Adaptives Gehäuse

Ein abgerundeter Griff, zuverlässig und robust.


Damage Falloff  
Reload Time  
Effektivität in der Luft
Feuerrate 140
Magazin 11
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Popularity: MW Bonus  

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* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Epochale Integration

„Es ist ein Wunder, dass wir noch hier sind. Sorg dafür, dass es so bleibt.“ —Osiris

Die Wissenschaftler des Ischtar-Kollektivs kannten keine Grenzen: Inmitten eines Meers aus Daten fand ich Baupläne für eine Waffe, die das parakausale Feld des Schleiers als zusätzliche Kraftquelle nutzte. Allerdings wurde das Waffenprojekt allem Anschein nach frühzeitig verworfen. Ich hatte gehofft, dass ich beenden könnte, was sie begonnen haben, und daher teile ich die Früchte meiner Arbeit mit dir, Hüter.

Ich musste viel herumexperimentieren, um Designs aus dem Goldenen Zeitalter den heutigen Bedürfnissen anzupassen, was noch dadurch verschlimmert wurde, dass wir keinen bestehenden Prototyp hatten. Ich habe mir beim originalen Bauplan einige Freiheiten bezüglich dessen erlaubt, was ich beibehalte, was ich verwerfe und wie ich die Elemente in Einklang bringe, zwischen denen Jahrhunderte liegen.

Als ich die ersten angefertigten Teile zusammensetzte, wurde das Abstrakte real. Aber es war nicht das, was ich mir vorgestellt hatte. Es war zu kalt, zu unpersönlich und zweckorientiert.

Ich gebe zu, ich war kurz davor, alles zu verwerfen und von vorn zu beginnen. Doch ich wusste, wenn ich diesem altbekannten Impuls nachgäbe, würden die Stunden zu Tagen und die Tage zu Monaten werden, während ich verzweifelt nach dem sich immer weiter entfernenden Ziel der Perfektion greife.

Letztendlich habe ich den Heiligen gefragt, ob er Vorschläge in Bezug auf die Feinschliffe hätte. Es war seine Idee, ein Muster in den Stahl einzugravieren. In solchen Sachen hat er mein volles Vertrauen; ästhetische Schnörkel gehören nicht zu meinen Stärken.

Diese Waffe ist das Ergebnis: eine Synthese ungleicher Elemente, die in unerwarteter Form zusammengefügt wurden. Ich freue mich darauf, zu sehen, was du daraus machen wirst, Hüter.


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Season 21 Icon
This shit is Bananas! B A N A N A S.

Can I get an F in chat for Zaolis Bane. Ok Guardians listen up. This is the gun you didnt know you wanted until its thrown at you and you immediately put all your other legendary hand cannons on the back burner. This gun is basically we have Sunshot at home, but fucking CRACKED. Incandescent, Stats for All, Accurized, and Small Bore alone is a pretty good roll. What makes this my new go to is the fact that you can run this gun with Harmonic Resonance. Pair it with Conditional Finality, and Koraxis Distress and holy fuck do you have one heck of an ad clearing setup. Not a fan of Conditional Finality's current reload speed? Use this setup and smack that bitch three times back into action.

Proc incandescent once and you can get 3 kills on a group of adds which immediately procs stats for all for a much better feeling reload speed. You also get to keep your exotic slot for something else to take out champions if for some reason you really don't want to run Conditional Finality. Take out red bars with this gun, swap to Conditional Finality for Yellow Bars, and take out a Boss with Koraxis Distress/Conditional Finality is my recommendation.

Might not be a meta pick for GM content. But my god is this a fun weapon. I actually can whole heartedly say that this gun is as fun to use as Forbearance is with Chain Reaction. Yes you can get Zaolis Bane for the same effect with Explosive Payload. However, this gun comes cracked right out of the box and doesnt require you to craft it or do a raid. Plus it looks sick as fuck and has clean sights.

I have not PvPd with this weapon yet but I imagine it is probably pretty good with the similar setup I mentioned. The sights are really clean on this gun so I can imagine in PvP Hand Cannon players might use it, especially with Eye of the Storm and Keep Away. Could have a bit more range for PvP but Im not gonna judge it until I try it out. Currently you are looking at a 29.5 meter range.

I tried out Nanotech Rockets in PvE but it felt sort of meh to me. This gun should not be used to kill Yellow bars so you cant really use the Nanotech Rockets to your advantage. I threw on Targeting Adjuster with a friends suggestion to land more headshots. Honestly though you could go with Minor Spec, Taken Spec, or Counterbalance Stock if you really want the 100 recoil deviation. I personally dont think it needs it. I suppose Nanotech Rockets with Major Spec might make the gun feel better at taking out yellow bars, but this gun is most fun when you are popping off red bars to watch the fodder explode.

I should mention I didn't use any of the artifact perks that improve the origin traits. So maybe there's some hope for Nanotech Rockets. But now that I'm looking at them my goodness what a combo you can do. Unstoppable Hand Cannon, Deeper Origin, Overcharged Armory, and Counter Charge. Pull this out against an unstoppable and shoot a single round to get an armour charge. Admittedly with this season being arc focused, there's probably some more important mods to choose from. But I highly recommend everyone give this a shot.

Oh and did I mention that it looks sick and can use glowing shaders like Photo Finish to change the flames colour? Yeah this gun is the whole package.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Didn't even read 3 sentences, but you get my upvote regardless for the enthusiasm. This is the version of a D2 Reddit piece, with a sprinkle of wholesomeness.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Try Photo Finish on this, won’t be disappointed. Dare I say this feels better than crafted Zaoul’s too.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Overall solid. Lack of rangefinder hurts it for pvp, but this feels like a pve weapon first and foremost. Stats for all + incandescent is a great combo for any solar build. I think it does get outclassed by Zaouli's overall between enhanced incan and explosive payload, but it is very nice to have a reload that doesn't take 4.5 years. In the wider range of solar weapons, I think it does get outclassed by mida mini tool and the new bug out bag. Arguably drang as well. The plus for this is that this is a)currently obtainable and b) takes barely any time if you've done the lightfall campaign. It took me like 2 hours (since I had to do unfinished business quest as well) which sure beats 5 weeks of kings fall if unlucky or praying to rngsus for that bug out bag.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Other reviewers have already discussed this weapon's traits and base stats, so I won't touch much on that. This is solid as a medium-range PvE option on its own. I am going to go more in depth on its origin trait, Harmonic Resonance.

Previously, only the Root of Nightmares raid weapons came with Harmonic Resonance. Both primaries from that raid were in the kinetic slot, so you were limited in your loadouts for stacking Harmonic Resonance. Now, players can choose an energy primary to go with their power weapon.

But what then about the kinetic slot? "To get Harmonic Resonance x2, you need double primaries!" WRONG. the raid exotic, Conditional Finality, counts towards the stacks of Harmonic Resonance (though does not benefit itself.) You can now run Conditional Finality and Epochal Integration for Harmonic Resonance x1 on the hand cannon (a solid reload and handling increase), or throw one of the Power weapons for a full loadout.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Conditional Finality does benefit from Harmonic Resonance. It just doesn't show up as a buff on the left side of your screen. I believe this is because on Conditional Finality Harmonic Resonance is a hidden perk. If you equip both Epochal Integration, and a Koraxis's Distress you will notice that Conditional Finality reloads and handles MUCH faster. This is further exaggerated by the current artifact perks.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
This in not only one of the most consistent feeling hand cannons, it has some of the best customization with shaders, easily a great hand cannon overall
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
PVE: for a solo player who has always wanted to have a fatebringer this is godsend
PVP: I dont know im not john pvp
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Looks good , feels good, what more do you want?
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Sunshot and Round Robin put into one clean af looking glorious legendary hand cannon

It feels great with honestly a great PVE roll and PVP roll out the box, tried it out in the new seasonal activity, nightfalls, and comp just gotta swap the perks and its fire.
Does lack range in PVP, but Keep Away does help not make you feel useless in long range fights (had an 8.0 KD first game with it)
Incandescant on a hand cannon is always fun.

AND PHOTO FINISH CHANGES THE FIRE for aesthetics alone this is now my go to meta (and shit is BANANAS)
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
This thing is a ton of fun and feels really smooth and consistent. However, it is a hand cannon in pve and they are currently not the best option you could choose. I'd still recommend using it and trying the RGB shader on it because it is beautiful.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
A good choice for Solar builds. Incandescent + Stats for All work together, so that an explosion can quickly activate Stats for all. The appearance of this weapon is unique, considering that it is beautifully painted with shaders.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 22 Icon
Simple, stylish, VERY fun to handle. It's never leaving my solar titan :)

I also highly recommend shading it with Scarlet Semblance. The red heartbeat pulse on the feathers looks so damn cool
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Epochal integration, while not as good as originally thought when it dropped, is still a solid option overall. It does decently with a full harmonic setup but realistically, just craft a Zaouli's. In pvp it is also solid.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Pretty neat, Bulldozes quite literally everything. Im a Malfeasance stan so i really enjoy this and so imma use this as my daily driver for a good while. Good for quite literally any solar build especially with something like Verity's Brow.

3rd perk slot "stats for all" is meh but you oneshot all red borders so it ends up procing no matter what.

idk the pvp meta nor do i care cuz i play the pvp for fun (surprising) but i heard its mid.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 24 Icon
This one is the one!
I love it so much!! I’m just here showing her some love because she surely deserves it for firing them beautiful homing micro missiles as well as Scorching everyone close by upon death! ☠️
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 21 Icon
Honestly, this is exactly what I wanted from this hand cannon. I can see why some people are a bit disappointed though. It'd be nice if they gave it random rolls.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
The shader Oiled Gunmetal is way better than Photo Finish. That's all I got.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Have you tried Skele-ghaul?
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
this is the Zaouli's bane we have at home
Reply      Report Posted a year ago