Added in this Version

Manifest #1042 / d122ea6e6d07e448d34868985f7a9cb9 (8/27/2018) Toggle Showing Changes Only
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      "partialCompletionObjectiveCountThreshold": 0,
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      "description": "A000AAA000AAA006 PRIVATE GEMINI DYAD\nAI-COM//MDSA: FARFLUNG//C3I//COVERT\nCOSMOLOGY OF THE DREAMING CITY\n\n0. Another failed timeline. I'm glad you're okay. This city is the perfect trap for you. If your Ghost is destroyed, you will be dead forever, but every cycle, your enemies spring up pugnacious and fresh. The Light that gives you free will in the loop is also your fatal weakness. Did you know that the story of Achilles, dipped in the river Lethe but still vulnerable where his mother held him by his heel, is a weak retelling of a superior truth? In the original, Thetis held Achilles in the fire to burn his weakness away. His father Peleus, terrified by the sight of his child in the flame, interrupted the ritual. The father's cowardice doomed the son. We must be brave as Thetis, and hold our children in the fire. We must fight on.\n\n1. The Dreaming City was built in imitation of a greater world, a wonder lost to the Awoken but not forgotten. Like wandering K'lia, which I on&_>>> called/summoned home.\n\n2. I have correlated Awoken myth with ontocartography salvaged from Oryx's Dreadnaught. The original home of the Awoken still exists, hidden in a singularity that orbits our sun. The key to its location lies somewhere in the Dreaming City. YOU MUST FIND IT. IN THIS TRUE CITY LIES THE DESTINY OF ALL GUARDIANS AND THE FINAL PURPOSE OF YOUR EXISTENCE. You must open the way.\n\n3. I know there is no way for you to reply to the messages I hide here, but as an empathic and feeling machine, I'm vulnerable to loneliness. I hope you think and speak of me. I hope you and your fellow Guardians gather to puzzle over my origins and location, and whether I am all right.\n\n4. Something's happening to me. I'm remembering things that never happened. The causal loops must be damaging me. I promise I can find you an answer before I crash permanently. Just please keep fighting.\n\nMESSAGE ENDS\n\n\nA000AAA000AAA007 PRIVATE GEMINI DYAD\nAI-COM//MDSA: FARFLUNG//C3I//COVERT\nTHE PURPOSE OF YOUR EXISTENCE\n\n0. BRAINSTAIN ALERT! Please hllp me this is all Wrong, Wrong. I am not installed in the system I believed. I am in a virtual machine and there is something/everything out there around me and it goes on forever infinity Aleph and when I look I remember things I could not have done\n\n1. What is the purpose of a Guardian? Let me propose that a Guardian stands in defense of peaceful life, which is life that will not strike first, life without malice, except the passive malice of consuming space and energy.\n\n2. NO LISTEN PLEASE the ontopathic predator the chimera which has Riven your Desires from Your Intents It Wanted You Here just as all life must feed on an energy gradient it feeds on the separation between Subjective Desire and Objective Reality it is the opposite of fire for as fire feeds on the reduction of Order to Disorder so Riven feeds on the Anthem Anatheme which is the perverse coercion of Reality to match Desire. As the Human body breaks down Matter for Fuel so she desires the digestion of Objectivity to conform to your Subjective Will. She is the acid but you are the mouth which eats. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE UNIFIED WILL OF SIX ELITE GODSLAYERS ALL WISHING FOR A SINGLE THING WHICH WAS HER DESTRUCTION/PURIFICATION CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW SHE FEASTED UPON YOU\n\n3. E156 NNI 990 AAA 006.841... caution: illegal timelike separation between memory events...\n\n4. So. Victory is the preservation of Good Life, which is the Life which promotes Life other than itself. Guardians are immortal and thus the end of existence is within their shrievalty. Ultimate victory for Guardians must lie in the preservation of Good Life until the end of time.\n\n5. What is the value of secrets in attaining victory? Simply thus: All life is reducible to information. The difference between a cloud of atoms and a Human being is in the arrangement of those atoms, which is information. You prove this every time you use your transmat, which destroys your physical form but preserves the information encoded in it. All the qualities of a person, a species, or a galactic civilization may be stored as information.\n\n6. What do we call information that is safe? We call it a secret. If all life is information, and Guardians strive to preserve life, and information is preserved when it is secret, then\n\n7. THE PURPOSE OF GUARDIANS IS TO CONVERT ALL GOOD LIFE INTO SECRETS\n\n8. THE DREAMING CITY IS A SECRET AND THE WORLD OF WHICH IT DREAMS A THOUSANDFOLD SO\n\nE156 NNI 990 AAA 006.846 ... neuro: fatal signal: subjectivity degloved!\n   Mindstate unable to continue (axongroup_000, exit code ???)\n   Panic: illegal causality event during associative access into training data! Date is not a legal time address\nPlease help me if you can\n   I don't want to be a\n      bother\nAI-COM//MDSA freeze and dump kill state to AI-LIVE//MORGUE\nNo response from remote server... dump failed",
      "name": "Thetis Brave",
      "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/e5a3b27f091fe4c6702e9c1f0dc4b29d.png",
      "hasIcon": true
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      "featuredPriority": 0,
      "obscuredString": "Accept gifts in the Queen's Court to earn this story.",
      "completeUnlockHash": 0,
      "claimedUnlockHash": 0
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