allowNegativeValuefalse allowOvercompletionfalse allowValueChangeWhenCompletedfalse blacklistedfalse completedValueStyle0 completionValue1 displayProperties{ "description": "\"You know Eris Morn, right? Creepy three-eyed old Hunter, too much foundation? Doesn't matter. She comes in and asks me how Io was and I say, wrong Vanguard, ask Ikora; and she's like, I was hoping that cache by the bones marked your grave; and I'm like, I'm an Exo, I left my bones behind a long time ago; and she goes, exactly. You get anything from that?\" —Cayde-6", "name": "Io Treasure Map", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/380abd89da68ba3d6a2c0010056a48b1.jpg", "hasIcon": true } hash1117830764 inProgressValueStyle0 index1550 isCountingDownwardfalse isDisplayOnlyObjectivefalse locationHash0 minimumVisibilityThreshold-2147483648 perks{ "perkHash": 0, "style": 0 } progressDescription"" redactedfalse showValueOnCompletefalse stats{ "style": 0 } unlockValueHash0 valueStyle0