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1186The Drifter has rolled into town with his Gambit: a high-stakes competition between fireteams and the enemies of Humanity. But something about his cavalier attitude is a little unsavory…You've got moves, and you've got swagger. The Drifter knew he could count on you. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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1205The Tower is buzzing with gossip about what actually went down at the top of the Watchtower. If you really did pull the trigger… then you're the apple of the Drifter's eye and a perfect fit for his Gambit.Drifter has rolled into town with his Gambit: a high-stakes competition between fireteams and the enemies of Humanity. But something about his cavalier attitude is a little unsavory… flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
2117here are a lot of rumors circulating about your part in Uldren's demise. The Drifter wants to talk to you about the's a new Guardian in town. Says he's looking for open-minded Guardians. You should talk to him. hasIcontrue icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/801c07dc080b79c7da99ac4f59db1f66.jpg" name"The Drifter" instructions"" interactionIndex1 interactionType1 questlineItemHash0 replies[ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ] rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType2716011929 vendorCategoryIndex-1 10
1127You've defeated a particularly powerful Primeval in Gambit and taken its heart. Drifter might find it valuable. Take it to him."Hey, I see you. I know what you're about. Come to the Tower. A Guardian like you should get to know a fella like me. The benefits would be… mutual." —The Drifter flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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Hopefully, the trust you've placed in the Drifter will lead to new understandings.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "The Draw", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" } 12{ "interactionIndex": 12, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2791741089, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "You found a component part of some kind of weapon at Callum's grave. It must be what he stole from the Drifter. He'd probably like it back.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Darkness in the Light", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" } 13{ "interactionIndex": 13, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2819937365, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Drifter thinks the tainted artifact you've uncovered may be tied to the Hive's fabled Weapons of Sorrow. He is eager to help you unlock its secrets… and its power. He is offering you stolen pages from a dark Book to help further your understanding.\n\nRestore the tainted artifact to its original state by defeating Hive and gathering items the Drifter needs.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "The Draw", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" } 14{ "interactionIndex": 14, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2819937365, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Drifter has set you on a dark path, but insists you are doing the right thing, regardless of the danger. After all, what better way to stand against Darkness than to embrace it?\n\nThe cleansed artifact hungers for Light. Defeat your fellow Guardians to feed it.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "The Draw", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" } 15{ "interactionIndex": 15, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2819937365, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The ritual you disrupted on Titan intrigues the Drifter. He believes that a certain Hive Wizard was behind the twisted ceremony. She was betrothed to a Hive weapon master, and the two were responsible for the creation of new Weapons of Sorrow.\n\nIt's time for a ritual of your own.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "The Draw", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" } 16{ "interactionIndex": 16, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2819937365, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Drifter has helped you track a dangerous Hive warrior tied to the infamous Weapons of Sorrow. The fight won't be easy. You will be outgunned and alone, but you've come this far and there's no turning back.\n\nIt's high noon, Guardian. Gun down the Hive weapons expert before his diseased arsenal can spread.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "You gathered all you needed for a ritual of your own.", "name": "The Draw", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" } 17{ "interactionIndex": 17, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2791741089, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "You've defeated a particularly powerful Primeval in Gambit and taken its heart. Drifter might find it valuable. Take it to him.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Darkness in the Light", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" } 2
1198The Drifter encourages you to shake off your grief about Cayde. Somewhere, someone out there has a bullet with your name on it. So did Cayde. So does he. Nothing you can do but go out on your termsTower is buzzing with gossip about what actually went down at the top of the Watchtower. If you really did pull the trigger… then you're the apple of the Drifter's eye and a perfect fit for his Gambit. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
179The Drifter has a unique perspective on death and Hunters. Touch base with hire are a lot of rumors circulating about your part in Uldren's demise. The Drifter wants to talk to you about them. hasIcontrue icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/801c07dc080b79c7da99ac4f59db1f66.jpg" name"The Drifter" instructions"" interactionIndex2 interactionType1 questlineItemHash0 replies[ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ] rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType2716011929 vendorCategoryIndex-1 3
9163ter sees something special in you. You're not like the other Guardians. You're fiercer, stronger, maybe even a little meaner… and the Drifter's got his eye on youencourages you to shake off your grief about Cayde. Somewhere, someone out there has a bullet with your name on it. So did Cayde. So does he. Nothing you can do but go out on your terms. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
182You've been working hard. Why not check in with the man behind all that hard work?The Drifter has a unique perspective on death and Hunters. Touch base with him. hasIcontrue icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/801c07dc080b79c7da99ac4f59db1f66.jpg" name"The Drifter" instructions"" interactionIndex3 interactionType1 questlineItemHash0 replies[ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ] rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType2716011929 vendorCategoryIndex-1 4
9203ter commends you for all your hard work. He warns that his old enemy, the Man with the Golden Gun, may come looking for you. You're not just guilty by association. You're guilty by action… a new Dredgensees something special in you. You're not like the other Guardians. You're fiercer, stronger, maybe even a little meaner… and the Drifter's got his eye on you. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
196The Drifter wants to give you a little something in commemoration of your hard-fought victories.You've been working hard. Why not check in with the man behind all that hard work? hasIcontrue icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/801c07dc080b79c7da99ac4f59db1f66.jpg" name"The Drifter" instructions"" interactionIndex4 interactionType1 questlineItemHash0 replies[ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ] rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType2716011929 vendorCategoryIndex-1 5
1162"Hey, I see you. I know what you're about. Come to the Tower. A Guardian like you should get to know a fella like me. The benefits would be… mutual." —The DrifterThe Drifter commends you for all your hard work. He warns that his old enemy, the Man with the Golden Gun, may come looking for you. You're not just guilty by association. You're guilty by action… a new Dredgen. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
113Talk to the D 48Drifter wants to give you a little something in commemoration of your hard-fought victories. hasIcontrue icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/9551565f609e622dda6f9147174f8c58.png" name"Gambit""The Drifter" instructions"Accept""" interactionIndex5 interactionType1 questlineItemHash23889373810 replies
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1255You've been at Gambit for a while now. You've met the enemies of Humanity head-on and made them pay. The Drifter has rewarded you handsomely for the Motes of Dark you've collected. Now it's time to see the culmination of your partnership with the Drifter haven't told the Drifter of your success, but he seems to already know. He tosses a reward your way. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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478've got moves, and you've got swagger. The Drifter knew he could count onbeen at Gambit for a while now. You've met the enemies of Humanity head-on and made them pay. The Drifter has rewarded you handsomely for the Motes of Dark you've collected. Now it's time to see the culmination of your partnership with the Drifter. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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1174Sometimes it's not what you win—it's how you win. The Drifter wants you to dress your best and cause a scene. Win a Gambit match wearing a full set of Season 4 Gambit armorDrifter's smile never falters as he accepts the delicious chocolate treats. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"Acting Bad, Looking Good""" hasIcontrue icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/9551565f609e622dda6f9147174f8c58.png" name"Acting Bad, Looking Good""Dawning Delivery" instructions"Accept""Give Gift" interactionIndex8 interactionType1 questlineItemHash29267365140 replies
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1139You found a component part of some kind of weapon at Callum's grave. It must be what he stole from the Drifter. He'd probably like it backSometimes it's not what you win—it's how you win. The Drifter wants you to dress your best and cause a scene. Win a Gambit match wearing a full set of Season 4 Gambit armor. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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07 18 inventoryBucketHash13454595881498876634 itemHash2376255826324382200 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex69 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope43 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex24 visibilityScope03 weight0 25
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07 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash23762558273564089590 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex6 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope4 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex25 visibilityScope04 weight0 26
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07 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash2376255824286192928 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex6 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope4 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex26 visibilityScope04 weight0 27
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07 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash23762558252169515393 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex6 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope4 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex27 visibilityScope04 weight0 28
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07 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash23762558302169515412 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex6 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope4 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex28 visibilityScope04 weight0 29
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07 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash23762558311206865288 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex6 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope4 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex29 visibilityScope04 weight0 30
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07 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash23762558282416487888 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex6 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope4 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex30 visibilityScope04 weight0 31
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07 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash23762558293898454159 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex6 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope4 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex31 visibilityScope04 weight0 32
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07 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash23762558342179275514 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex6 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope4 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex32 visibilityScope04 weight0 33
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07 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash23762558352398854157 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex6 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope4 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex33 visibilityScope04 weight0 34
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07 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash12459001853130957805 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex6 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope4 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex34 visibilityScope04 weight0 35
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09 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash37123805841503460395 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex76 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex35 visibilityScope04 weight0 36
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09 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash37123805852398854156 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex76 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex36 visibilityScope04 weight0 37
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09 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash37123805861704828370 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex76 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex37 visibilityScope04 weight0 38
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09 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash37123805872398854155 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex76 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex38 visibilityScope04 weight0 39
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09 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash37123805882261409832 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex76 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex39 visibilityScope04 weight0 40
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09 18 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash3712380589767759986 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex76 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex40 visibilityScope04 weight0 41
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09 18 110 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash37123805902376255826 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex710 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex41 visibilityScope0 weight0 42
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09 18 110 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash37123805912376255827 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex710 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex42 visibilityScope0 weight0 43
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09 18 110 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash37123805762376255824 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex710 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex43 visibilityScope0 weight0 44
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09 18 110 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash37123805772376255825 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex710 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex44 visibilityScope0 weight0 45
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09 18 110 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash42761062992376255830 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex710 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex45 visibilityScope0 weight0 46
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09 18 110 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash42761062982376255831 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex710 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex46 visibilityScope0 weight0 47
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09 18 110 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash42761062972376255828 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex710 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex47 visibilityScope0 weight0 48
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09 18 110 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash42761062962376255829 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex710 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex48 visibilityScope0 weight0 49
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09 18 110 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash42761063032376255834 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex710 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex49 visibilityScope0 weight0 50
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09 18 110 inventoryBucketHash1345459588 itemHash42761063022376255835 licenseUnlockHash0 maximumLevel0 minimumLevel0 originalCategoryIndex710 priceOverrideEnabledfalse purchasableScope64 quantity1 redirectToSaleIndexes[] refundPolicy0 refundTimeLimit0 rewardAdjustorPointerHash0 seedOverride0 socketOverrides[] sortValue0 vendorItemIndex50 visibilityScope0 weight0 51
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You're guilty by action… a new Dredgen.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "The Drifter wants to give you a little something in commemoration of your hard-fought victories.", "name": "The Drifter", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/801c07dc080b79c7da99ac4f59db1f66.jpg", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 6, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 9, "questlineItemHash": 799683368, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 1, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "You haven't told the Drifter of your success, but he seems to already know. 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Now it's time to see the culmination of your partnership with the Drifter.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Darkness in the Light", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/de1b32324753cb958ff3c6e119eaea77.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "ACCEPT REWARD:" }, { "interactionIndex": 8, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 8, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 1, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Drifter's smile never falters as he accepts the delicious chocolate treats.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Dawning Delivery", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/ebcc5e1553aff11faeaa6c5bab4dc6bd.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "Give Gift" }, { "interactionIndex": 9, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 7, "questlineItemHash": 2926736514, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 1, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Sometimes it's not what you win—it's how you win. The Drifter wants you to dress your best and cause a scene.\n\nWin a Gambit match wearing a full set of Season 4 Gambit armor.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "Acting Bad, Looking Good", "name": "Acting Bad, Looking Good", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/de1b32324753cb958ff3c6e119eaea77.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "Accept" }, { "interactionIndex": 10, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 4, "questlineItemHash": 2388937381, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 1, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Hey, I see you. I know what you're about. Come to the Tower. A Guardian like you should get to know a fella like me. The benefits would be… mutual.\" —The Drifter", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "Talk to the Drifter", "name": "Gambit", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/de1b32324753cb958ff3c6e119eaea77.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "Accept" }, { "interactionIndex": 11, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2819937365, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 1, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Drifter is disturbed seeing the Last Word in your hand, but he is endlessly intrigued by the Hive weapon you uncovered. He offers a quick warning about trust, then brushes it all off with a laugh.\n\nThere is still much to learn about the Weapons of Sorrow. Hopefully, the trust you've placed in the Drifter will lead to new understandings.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "The Draw", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/de1b32324753cb958ff3c6e119eaea77.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 12, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2791741089, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "You found a component part of some kind of weapon at Callum's grave. It must be what he stole from the Drifter. He'd probably like it back.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Darkness in the Light", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/de1b32324753cb958ff3c6e119eaea77.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 13, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2819937365, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Drifter thinks the tainted artifact you've uncovered may be tied to the Hive's fabled Weapons of Sorrow. He is eager to help you unlock its secrets… and its power. He is offering you stolen pages from a dark Book to help further your understanding.\n\nRestore the tainted artifact to its original state by defeating Hive and gathering items the Drifter needs.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "The Draw", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/de1b32324753cb958ff3c6e119eaea77.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 14, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2819937365, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Drifter has set you on a dark path, but insists you are doing the right thing, regardless of the danger. After all, what better way to stand against Darkness than to embrace it?\n\nThe cleansed artifact hungers for Light. Defeat your fellow Guardians to feed it.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "The Draw", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/de1b32324753cb958ff3c6e119eaea77.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 15, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2819937365, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The ritual you disrupted on Titan intrigues the Drifter. He believes that a certain Hive Wizard was behind the twisted ceremony. She was betrothed to a Hive weapon master, and the two were responsible for the creation of new Weapons of Sorrow.\n\nIt's time for a ritual of your own.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "The Draw", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/de1b32324753cb958ff3c6e119eaea77.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 16, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2819937365, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Drifter has helped you track a dangerous Hive warrior tied to the infamous Weapons of Sorrow. The fight won't be easy. You will be outgunned and alone, but you've come this far and there's no turning back.\n\nIt's high noon, Guardian. Gun down the Hive weapons expert before his diseased arsenal can spread.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "You gathered all you needed for a ritual of your own.", "name": "The Draw", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/de1b32324753cb958ff3c6e119eaea77.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 17, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2791741089, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "You've defeated a particularly powerful Primeval in Gambit and taken its heart. Drifter might find it valuable. 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