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167"It's as if the Dreaming City suffers with its prince." —Devi CasslMy sympathies." Petra turns to you. "I dreamt of their passing. The worlds. Those who remained… and the shadow that hung over them." "I'm afraid the Dreaming City hasn't fared well since the Darkness swept through our system. You can taste the difference in the air. It is as if there is a war being fought within smoke, bending around us and slipping through our hair, leaving nothing but scorched scent. I do not enjoy being left out of the loop, but we persevere." As you turn to leave, she stops you. "There's one more thing. A rumor." She considers for a moment before speaking. "The Prince lives." Petra's eyes scan your reaction. "Impossible, I know. But if it's more than a rumor, I don't want to hear it from a report." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
176The curse is gaining in strength again. Talk to Petra in the Divalian Mists. hasIcontruefalse icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png" iconSequences[ { "frames": [ "/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/6ff1e3003f1a894e6076759e9a7404bc.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/1d8a3975825241f08089dd8763a66165.png" ] } ] name"Talk to Petra""The Prince Lives" instructions"" interactionIndex0 interactionType2 questlineItemHash0 replies[ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ] rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType2716011929 vendorCategoryIndex-1 1
1103"This is our chance to answer the Queen's call. To avenge the prince. To protect our home." —Petra VenjDo you bring news on our rumor… or have you come to see how deep the cryptoliths have burrowed?" Petra hides the stress of command behind steely eyes. "I hear you're not the only Guardian running chores for Spider. I'd suggest caution, but you lot know what you're getting yourselves into." Petra slaps your shoulder. "Spider lackey or not, you're a welcome sight." Her humorous tone quickly fades to seriousness. "Xivu Arath's presence is strong here. I'm not keen on another Hive matron worming their way into Awoken territory." "Whatever terror she is sowing here," Petra says as if delivering an order, "burn it out." The Queen's Wrath straightens her shoulders. "We will hold back her abominations where we can, but my Corsairs are not impervious to her call. Nor am I." "I leave that to you." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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1171"In my dreams, I'm sailing on a pitch-black sea, beneYou set foot on hallowed ground, Guardian. Take care to remember that in your efforts here." Petra Venj watches you with a steely gaze from her uncovered eye. The knife levitating above her hand flips and twirls nonchalantly. "I swore an oath to aid my Queen, and loathe a sky of silver stars. The stars point the way toward home, but the waves are rough and unforgiving." —Kamala Riors I am to see this place tread upon by outsiders, I cannot refuse your help. The Taken and Scorn have run amok, and I don't have enough Corsairs to cover the territory." "Do what you can against the corruption, but keep your guard up. Dark forces are at play here." Complete public events, Lost Sectors, and bounties acquired from Petra Venj. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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But it's not too late for revenge.\n\nPetra gives you a Bow, handpicked from the Vestian armory.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "On the Trail", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } 15{ "interactionIndex": 15, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 17, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"I'd like you to have this: my sidearm, the Vestian Dynasty. It's the weapon that… well. You know. Nothing left to say about that.\n\n\"But please, take it. May it help you reach the Dreaming City.\" —Petra Venj", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Queen's Wrath", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } 16{ "interactionIndex": 16, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 16, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Loyalty to a dead Queen led Petra to the Tangled Shore. Now, that loyalty leads her to a new destination: the doorway at the top of the Watchtower—and beyond it, the Dreaming City. You're not ready to know the secrets that lie within this Awoken bastion… but Petra hopes you soon will be.\n\nShe hands you a fractured Awoken talisman and tells you to follow her into the Dreaming City by completing quest \"Key of Light and Darkness.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Queen's Wrath", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } 17{ "interactionIndex": 17, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 18, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"I see your curiosity remains strong. Good. There are mysteries yet to be uncovered by your mind—or your might.\"\n\nPetra and the Dreaming City are not done with you. Continue to explore the unknown and combat the enemies who threaten this wondrous place. Earn new rewards and XP as you overcome the challenges that await.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Visit Petra Venj", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } 18{ "interactionIndex": 18, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Uldren's plan is revealed: He thinks his sister, Queen Mara, is still alive and that she wants him to force open the door to the Dreaming City, a fabled Awoken stronghold. This isn't just about revenge anymore. It's about the survival of the Awoken people.\n\nStop Uldren from entering the Dreaming City and claim your revenge by completing mission \"Nothing Left to Say.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Talk to Petra", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } 19{ "interactionIndex": 19, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Barons got away, but the hunt isn't over. Petra has the Barons' rap sheets from their time in the prison. That information will help you track them down on the Tangled Shore and take them out one by one.\n\nIt's time to begin the Baron Hunt.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Talk to Petra", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } 2
158"The voices are gone… but at a terrible cost." —Petra VenjPetra is full of bitter regret: Cayde-6 is dead, and the Awoken are in tatters. But it's not too late for revenge. Petra gives you a Bow, handpicked from the Vestian armory. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
182Something strange is happening in the Dreaming City. Speak to Petra in the Strand. hasIcontruefalse icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png" iconSequences[ { "frames": [ "/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/6ff1e3003f1a894e6076759e9a7404bc.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/1d8a3975825241f08089dd8763a66165.png" ] } ] name"Talk to Petra""Legacy: Forsaken" instructions"" interactionIndex2 interactionType2 questlineItemHash0 replies
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1102"I'm sending you a permanent detatchment of Corsairs. Petra… I'm sorry for doubting you." —Kamala RiorYour help is appreciated, as much as I wish it wasn't necessary." Petra turns and gazes at the landscape around her, a wistful look in her eye. "Corruption tears at the fabric of this sacred place. It pains me to see it so…" "With your help, I am closer to cleansing this darkness, and for that, I thank you." Destinations offer a variety of activities and rewards. Keep exploring to discover them! flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
197Petra has found the source of the Dreaming City's corruption. Speak to her in the Divalian Mists. hasIcontruefalse icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png" iconSequences[ { "frames": [ "/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/6ff1e3003f1a894e6076759e9a7404bc.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/1d8a3975825241f08089dd8763a66165.png" ] } ] name"Talk to Petra""Restless Slumber" instructions"" interactionIndex3 interactionType2 questlineItemHash0 replies
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191"Tell me, cousins… since we arrived here, have your dreams become… more vivid?" —Petra VenjPetra may not remain in one place long enough to eat the cookies you've made, but she seems quite thankful nonetheless. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
194It's time to strike at the heart of the curse. Speak to Petra in Rheasilvia to develop a plan. hasIcontrue icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png" iconSequences[ { "frames": [ "/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/6ff1e3003f1a894e6076759e9a7404bc.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/1d8a3975825241f08089dd8763a66165.png" ] } ] name"Talk to Petra""Dawning Delivery" instructions"""Give Gift" interactionIndex4 interactionType2 questlineItemHash0 replies
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187"Leona, Hallam, Kamala, tell your people… the Dreaming City is safe again." —Petra VenjLoyalty to a dead Queen led Petra to the Tangled Shore. Now, that loyalty leads her to a new destination: the doorway at the top of the Watchtower—and beyond it, the Dreaming City. You're not ready to know the secrets that lie within this Awoken bastion… but Petra hopes you soon will be. She hands you a fractured Awoken talisman and tells you to follow her into the Dreaming City by completing quest "Key of Light and Darkness." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
174The curse has been vanquished! Return to Petra in Rheasilvia to celebrate. hasIcontruefalse icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png" iconSequences[ { "frames": [ "/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/6ff1e3003f1a894e6076759e9a7404bc.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/1d8a3975825241f08089dd8763a66165.png" ] } ] name"Talk to Petra""Legacy: Forsaken" instructions"" interactionIndex5 interactionType2 questlineItemHash0 replies
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184"Paladins, disregard my previous message. The Dreaming City is not safe. Not yetI'd like you to have this: my sidearm, the Vestian Dynasty. It's the weapon that… well. You know. Nothing left to say about that. "But please, take it. May it help you reach the Dreaming City." — flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
156The curse has returned. Confer with Petra in the Strand. hasIcontruefalse icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png" iconSequences[ { "frames": [ "/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/6ff1e3003f1a894e6076759e9a7404bc.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/1d8a3975825241f08089dd8763a66165.png" ] } ] name"Talk to Petra""Legacy: Forsaken" instructions"" interactionIndex6 interactionType2 questlineItemHash0 replies
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1113"I already pledged my Corsairs. Use them well. I know you will lead them to victory, Queen's Wrath." —Kamala RiorUldren's plan is revealed: He thinks his sister, Queen Mara, is still alive and that she wants him to force open the door to the Dreaming City, a fabled Awoken stronghold. This isn't just about revenge anymore. It's about the survival of the Awoken people. Stop Uldren from entering the Dreaming City and claim your revenge by completing mission "Nothing Left to Say." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
176The curse is gaining in strength again. Talk to Petra in the Divalian Mists. hasIcontruefalse icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png" iconSequences[ { "frames": [ "/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/6ff1e3003f1a894e6076759e9a7404bc.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/1d8a3975825241f08089dd8763a66165.png" ] } ] name"Talk to Petra""Legacy: Forsaken" instructions"" interactionIndex7 interactionType23 questlineItemHash0 replies
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168"The dreams… I understand now. I understand everything." —Petra VenjPetra will hunt down Uldren's location. Meanwhile, take out the Barons in mission "Scorned." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
189It's time to strike at the heart of the curse. Talk to Petra in the Chamber of Starlight. hasIcontruefalse icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png" iconSequences[ { "frames": [ "/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/6ff1e3003f1a894e6076759e9a7404bc.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/1d8a3975825241f08089dd8763a66165.png" ] } ] name"Talk to Petra""Legacy: Forsaken" instructions"" interactionIndex8 interactionType23 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection0 reply"""Continue" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType27160119291897987959 vendorCategoryIndex-1 9
1121"It doesn't matter where I'm from, what made me. WThe Barons got away, but the hunt isn't over. Petra has the Barons' rap sheets from their time in the prison. That matters is my choice. And I choose to fight the curse." —Petra Venjinformation will help you track them down on the Tangled Shore and take them out one by one. It's time to begin the Baron Hunt. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
175The curse is waning once again. Speak to Petra in the Chamber of Starlight. hasIcontruefalse icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png" iconSequences[ { "frames": [ "/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/6ff1e3003f1a894e6076759e9a7404bc.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/1d8a3975825241f08089dd8763a66165.png" ] } ] name"Talk to Petra""Legacy: Forsaken" instructions"" interactionIndex9 interactionType23 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection0 reply"""Continue" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType27160119291897987959 vendorCategoryIndex-1 _11{ "interactionIndex": 11, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 0, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Petra may not remain in one place long enough to eat the cookies you've made, but she seems quite thankful nonetheless.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Dawning Delivery", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "Give Gift" } _12{ "interactionIndex": 12, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"No matter how rough the seas get, we can make it… if we sail together.\" —Kamala Rior", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "It's time to strike at the heart of the curse. Talk to Petra in the Chamber of Starlight.", "name": "Talk to Petra", "iconSequences": [ { "frames": [ "/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/6ff1e3003f1a894e6076759e9a7404bc.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/1d8a3975825241f08089dd8763a66165.png" ] } ], "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" } _13{ "interactionIndex": 13, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"This is the fight we chose all those centuries ago. I couldn't ask for a nobler cause.\" —Petra Venj", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "The curse is waning… for now. Speak to Petra in the Chamber of Starlight.", "name": "Talk to Petra", "iconSequences": [ { "frames": [ "/common/destiny2_content/icons/96e73157745a654f820cc237d6749b5f.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/6ff1e3003f1a894e6076759e9a7404bc.png", "/common/destiny2_content/icons/1d8a3975825241f08089dd8763a66165.png" ] } ], "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" } _14{ "interactionIndex": 14, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 15, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Petra is full of bitter regret: Cayde-6 is dead, and the Awoken are in tatters. But it's not too late for revenge.\n\nPetra gives you a Bow, handpicked from the Vestian armory.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "On the Trail", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } _15{ "interactionIndex": 15, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 17, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"I'd like you to have this: my sidearm, the Vestian Dynasty. It's the weapon that… well. You know. Nothing left to say about that.\n\n\"But please, take it. May it help you reach the Dreaming City.\" —Petra Venj", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Queen's Wrath", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } _16{ "interactionIndex": 16, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 16, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Loyalty to a dead Queen led Petra to the Tangled Shore. Now, that loyalty leads her to a new destination: the doorway at the top of the Watchtower—and beyond it, the Dreaming City. You're not ready to know the secrets that lie within this Awoken bastion… but Petra hopes you soon will be.\n\nShe hands you a fractured Awoken talisman and tells you to follow her into the Dreaming City by completing quest \"Key of Light and Darkness.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Queen's Wrath", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } _17{ "interactionIndex": 17, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 18, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"I see your curiosity remains strong. Good. There are mysteries yet to be uncovered by your mind—or your might.\"\n\nPetra and the Dreaming City are not done with you. Continue to explore the unknown and combat the enemies who threaten this wondrous place. Earn new rewards and XP as you overcome the challenges that await.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Visit Petra Venj", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } _18{ "interactionIndex": 18, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Uldren's plan is revealed: He thinks his sister, Queen Mara, is still alive and that she wants him to force open the door to the Dreaming City, a fabled Awoken stronghold. This isn't just about revenge anymore. It's about the survival of the Awoken people.\n\nStop Uldren from entering the Dreaming City and claim your revenge by completing mission \"Nothing Left to Say.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Talk to Petra", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } _19{ "interactionIndex": 19, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Barons got away, but the hunt isn't over. Petra has the Barons' rap sheets from their time in the prison. That information will help you track them down on the Tangled Shore and take them out one by one.\n\nIt's time to begin the Baron Hunt.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Talk to Petra", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } _20{ "interactionIndex": 20, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Petra is glad to see you, as always. She takes the note you found in the Menagerie and puzzles over it.\n\n\"It's very odd,\" she says eventually. \"These are instructions to find an Earthmade Rocket Launcher hidden somewhere in the Prison of Elders. The grammar's not very good, though. It almost reminds me of Eliksni…\"\n\nShe translates the note for you, and then, with a weary apology, she returns to her endless field work.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "A Scrap of Paper", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } _21{ "interactionIndex": 21, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Petra will hunt down Uldren's location. Meanwhile, take out the Barons in mission \"Scorned.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Petra Venj", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } _22{ "interactionIndex": 22, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "ACCEPT REWARD:", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 19, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3784864740, "interactionType": 7, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Another new Guardian dares to explore the Dreaming City. There was a time your presence would've been an affront, but much has changed as our enemies have evolved.\"\n\nPetra Venj is an emissary of the Reef. She offers bounties, quests, and more to challenge and reward Guardians brave enough to explore the Dreaming City.\n\nYou will find wonders and horrors here. Unlock the mysteries of the Dreaming City, and your courage will be rewarded!", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Discover the Dreaming City", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } inventoryFlyouts[] itemList
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The worlds. Those who remained… and the shadow that hung over them.\"\n\n\"I'm afraid the Dreaming City hasn't fared well since the Darkness swept through our system. You can taste the difference in the air. It is as if there is a war being fought within smoke, bending around us and slipping through our hair, leaving nothing but scorched scent. I do not enjoy being left out of the loop, but we persevere.\"\n\nAs you turn to leave, she stops you.\n\n\"There's one more thing. A rumor.\"\n\nShe considers for a moment before speaking.\n\n\"The Prince lives.\" \n\nPetra's eyes scan your reaction.\n\n\"Impossible, I know. But if it's more than a rumor, I don't want to hear it from a report.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "The Prince Lives", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 1, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Do you bring news on our rumor… or have you come to see how deep the cryptoliths have burrowed?\" Petra hides the stress of command behind steely eyes.\n\n\"I hear you're not the only Guardian running chores for Spider. I'd suggest caution, but you lot know what you're getting yourselves into.\"\n\nPetra slaps your shoulder. \"Spider lackey or not, you're a welcome sight.\" Her humorous tone quickly fades to seriousness. \"Xivu Arath's presence is strong here. I'm not keen on another Hive matron worming their way into Awoken territory.\"\n\n\"Whatever terror she is sowing here,\" Petra says as if delivering an order, \"burn it out.\" The Queen's Wrath straightens her shoulders. \"We will hold back her abominations where we can, but my Corsairs are not impervious to her call. Nor am I.\"\n\n\"I leave that to you.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Burn It Out", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 2, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 15, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Petra is full of bitter regret: Cayde-6 is dead, and the Awoken are in tatters. But it's not too late for revenge.\n\nPetra gives you a Bow, handpicked from the Vestian armory.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Legacy: Forsaken", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 3, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 18, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Your help is appreciated, as much as I wish it wasn't necessary.\"\n\nPetra turns and gazes at the landscape around her, a wistful look in her eye.\n\n\"Corruption tears at the fabric of this sacred place. It pains me to see it so…\"\n\n\"With your help, I am closer to cleansing this darkness, and for that, I thank you.\"\n\nDestinations offer a variety of activities and rewards. Keep exploring to discover them!", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Restless Slumber", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 4, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 0, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Petra may not remain in one place long enough to eat the cookies you've made, but she seems quite thankful nonetheless.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Dawning Delivery", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/318b1f68a260a0d78e72eb4d5f2aba83.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "Give Gift" }, { "interactionIndex": 5, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 16, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Loyalty to a dead Queen led Petra to the Tangled Shore. Now, that loyalty leads her to a new destination: the doorway at the top of the Watchtower—and beyond it, the Dreaming City. You're not ready to know the secrets that lie within this Awoken bastion… but Petra hopes you soon will be.\n\nShe hands you a fractured Awoken talisman and tells you to follow her into the Dreaming City by completing quest \"Key of Light and Darkness.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Legacy: Forsaken", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 6, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 17, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"I'd like you to have this: my sidearm, the Vestian Dynasty. It's the weapon that… well. You know. Nothing left to say about that.\n\n\"But please, take it. May it help you reach the Dreaming City.\" —Petra Venj", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Legacy: Forsaken", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 7, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Uldren's plan is revealed: He thinks his sister, Queen Mara, is still alive and that she wants him to force open the door to the Dreaming City, a fabled Awoken stronghold. This isn't just about revenge anymore. It's about the survival of the Awoken people.\n\nStop Uldren from entering the Dreaming City and claim your revenge by completing mission \"Nothing Left to Say.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Legacy: Forsaken", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 8, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Petra will hunt down Uldren's location. Meanwhile, take out the Barons in mission \"Scorned.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Legacy: Forsaken", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 9, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Barons got away, but the hunt isn't over. Petra has the Barons' rap sheets from their time in the prison. That information will help you track them down on the Tangled Shore and take them out one by one.\n\nIt's time to begin the Baron Hunt.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Legacy: Forsaken", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 10, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "ACCEPT REWARD:", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 19, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3784864740, "interactionType": 7, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"You set foot on hallowed ground, Guardian. Take care to remember that in your efforts here.\"\n\nPetra Venj watches you with a steely gaze from her uncovered eye. The knife levitating above her hand flips and twirls nonchalantly.\n\n\"I swore an oath to aid my Queen, and loathe as I am to see this place tread upon by outsiders, I cannot refuse your help. The Taken and Scorn have run amok, and I don't have enough Corsairs to cover the territory.\"\n\n\"Do what you can against the corruption, but keep your guard up. Dark forces are at play here.\"\n\nComplete public events, Lost Sectors, and bounties acquired from Petra Venj.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Restless Slumber", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } ] inventoryFlyouts[] itemList[ { "vendorItemIndex": 0, "itemHash": 119290321, "quantity": 1, "failureIndexes": [], "priceOverrideEnabled": false, "currencies": [ { "scalarDenominator": 0, "itemHash": 4041767213, "quantity": 1 } ], "refundPolicy": 0, "refundTimeLimit": 0, "rewardAdjustorPointerHash": 0, "creationLevels": [ { "level": 0 } ], "displayCategoryIndex": 2, "seedOverride": 0, "categoryIndex": 0, "originalCategoryIndex": 0, "weight": 0, "minimumLevel": 0, "maximumLevel": 0, "licenseUnlockHash": 0, "action": { "executeSeconds": 0, "isPositive": false }, "displayCategory": "An Old Friend", "inventoryBucketHash": 2422292810, "visibilityScope": 3, "purchasableScope": 3, "exclusivity": -1, "sortValue": 0, "expirationTooltip": "", 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