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1153The Iron Lord is wary of Rasputin's motives, and encourages you to return to the Iron Banner and hone your skills in preparation for the coming conflict.Lord Saladin congratulates you on a job well done. You've shown your opponents the importance of being prepared for anything. "They've seen what it takes to win," he says. "Now show them how to keep winning." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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Heh… Perhaps.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Forgeborne", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } 15{ "interactionIndex": 15, "replies": [], "vendorCategoryIndex": 2, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3087415484, "interactionType": 4, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Complete Iron Banner matches to obtain Iron Banner tokens and earn rewards from this faction.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Faction Reward", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } 16{ "interactionIndex": 16, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 0, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3169029842, "interactionType": 6, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Show Lord Saladin proof of your deeds in the Iron Banner.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Increase Reputation", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "Present Tokens" } 17{ "interactionIndex": 17, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3528844168, "interactionType": 5, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Your reputation in the Iron Banner precedes you. 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1110Saladin advises against trusting Osiris, and encourages you to test your newfound "Young Wolf. You've been reckless." Lord Saladin measures your presence, up and down. "You and Zavala both know better." He scoffs at you. "Is the City so desperate for allies that you've forgotten the Light? Forgotten what I have taught you?" He shakes his head. "Look upon the Traveler. It is the only ally you will ever need." The Iron Lord's frustration propels his every word. "Your scoundrel friend says nothing kills a Guardian faster than a Guardian. He's not wrong." Saladin is stern and unyielding. "Hubris toppled the Warmind where we failed. It pilfered our land as we huddled listrength in the Iron Banner.ing to static." Saladin leans forward and growls, "Take care you don't fall prey to it, or the Darkness won't be who comes for you." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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1366"I once saw grief as an enemy," Saladin says as you approach. "Which, once it atLord Saladin is impressed with your ability to tacked, could return at any time, paralyzing its victims. Always around the corner." He looks around at the decorations. "I see things differently now." He is silent, thinking, and then looks at you again. "Enjoy the Festival, Guardian. Honor your lost. But don't neglect your dutiesntrol of a fight. He hopes his new recruits are paying close attention, and he has another lesson for you to teach. "Some new Guardians are shy about using their Light," he says. "Show them a better way." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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1101The Red Legion has been laid low. You've done"You've shown your opponents what it means to truly wiell. Now, the time is right for the Iron Banner tod the Light," Lord Saladin says when you ret 102155rn. Sh"Now me you can triumph in battles of Light versus Light, and I will reward you with relics from the Dark Age: the armor and weapons of the Iron Lordsake them work harder." Some new recruits seem too reliant on their favorite weapons. He wants you to show your fellow Guardians that it pays to be well-rounded. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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1114Fought like a Lord of Iron. You've earned this. This City needs more Guardians like you: purveyors of the old wayLord Saladin thanks you for your hard work. You've set a strong example for Guardians who wish to follow in the footsteps of the Iron Lords. He asks that you carry these lessons forward, even after the Iron Banner has ended. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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112Lord Saladin cong 10108din congratulates you on your performance in the Iron Banner, and offers a reward worthy of such a championplaces a weapon in your hands. "Arm yourself for the wars to come," he says. He smiles, but there is no warmth in his eyes. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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18Show Lord Sal 15200din congratulates you on a job well done. You've shown your opponents the importance of being prepared for anything. "They've seen what it takes to win," he says. "Now show them how to keep winning."proof of your deeds in the Iron Banner. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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1182"Your reverence for the old ways makes them new again. Your heart is strong and your will, iron. Continue your dominance in the Iron Banner, and you will reap rewards." —Lord SaladinComplete Iron Banner matches to obtain Iron Banner tokens and earn rewards from this faction. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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Heh… Perhaps.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Forgeborne", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } _15{ "interactionIndex": 15, "replies": [], "vendorCategoryIndex": 2, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3087415484, "interactionType": 4, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Complete Iron Banner matches to obtain Iron Banner tokens and earn rewards from this faction.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Faction Reward", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" } _16{ "interactionIndex": 16, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 0, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3169029842, "interactionType": 6, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Show Lord Saladin proof of your deeds in the Iron Banner.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Increase Reputation", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "Present Tokens" } _17{ "interactionIndex": 17, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3528844168, "interactionType": 5, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Your reputation in the Iron Banner precedes you. 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It is the only ally you will ever need.\"\n\nThe Iron Lord's frustration propels his every word.\n\n\"Your scoundrel friend says nothing kills a Guardian faster than a Guardian. He's not wrong.\" Saladin is stern and unyielding. \"Hubris toppled the Warmind where we failed. 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