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1340"I got a special relationship with loss. You know that." Banshee looks down at the gun he's polishing. "It's not easy, keeping spirits up during a holiday that's all about remembering." He pauses, then looks up. "But those memories are in there somewhere. Deep down, maybe. So I try to honor them best I can, especially this time of year."Banshee-44 blinks and stares at the gift, then takes it before you can question him. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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1158"Good start. That's a good start. Need more details, though. Ins and outs. Lots of Scouts run on MIDA principles. Crack them open. We'll see what we can fAlmost got it. Still need. Huh. Kind of a strange one. Still need some more data. For the tracker. Keep an open mind. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
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1249"Let's see," Banshee says, leaning against the counter. "I think I could give this weapon a boost for you. Something to help you out in the field." He nods. "But first, I need to see how you handle it. Get me some data, and I'll see what I can do."Riskrunner's a real piece of work. Having a gun that gets aggressive when you're in a bad spot's a life saver. Sure, it may hurt a bit, but once that beauty gets humming, your enemies better watch out." Your Riskrunner is complete. Use it on your journey to help shift the odds in your favor when the going gets tough. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"New Enhancements""Visit Banshee-44" instructions"" interactionIndex18 interactionType3 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection0 reply"Continue""Complete" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType1897987959 vendorCategoryIndex-1 19
1320"Riskrunner's a real piece of work. Having a gun that gets aggressive whenIt takes a moment for Banshee to remember why you're in a bad spot's a life saver. Sure, it may hurt a bit, but once that beauty gets hve come to him with a more-or-less-functional key generator, but after a bit of kind prompting from Ghost, he gets there. "Right, right," he mutters, rummaging, your enemies better watch out." Your Riskrunner is complete. Use it on your journey to help shift the odds in your favor when the going gets tough through a pile of ammo cases and weapon parts on his work bench. He finds a small device which he uses to digitally sign your generator, and just like that, you've got a simple little program that can spit out a code that should open that case. "Go see if it works," Banshee says gruffly. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Visit Banshee-44""Applied Cryptosecurity" instructions"" interactionIndex19 interactionType3 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection0 reply"Complete""Continue" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType1897987959 vendorCategoryIndex-1 2
198"Guardian. I found something I thought you'd find useful. Set it aside somewhere here. Let's see…This should help you get that extra edge I was talkin' about," Banshee says. "Not that you need it." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Finishing Touches""Well Earned" instructions"" interactionIndex2 interactionType2 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection1 reply"Continue""Complete" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType2716011929 vendorCategoryIndex3739 20
1553Banshee's pleased that you want the heavy Bow in his workshop. "Good," he says. "Real good. Uh. Problem is, though, lock on that c"Not bad. Reminds me of a time I was tangling with this Vandal… or wase is real secure. Haven't opened it since we won the war against Ghaul. Not sure I even know where the keycodes are." He contemplates a moment. "Well. That's all right. We can reverse engineer 'em. I'd say crack the glass, but…" He trails off. There is an omint a Hive Knight?" Banshee's voice trails off. After a brief pause, he shakes his head. "Cayde would probably remember better than me, he was there. Anyway, hope yous look in his eyes. "I don't recommend crackin' the glass." He gives Ghost a number of diagnostics to generate a new keycode, and then sends you on your wayearned something, Guardian." You can find additional finishers at the Eververse store. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Where Are the Keys, Sir?""Eight Count" instructions"" interactionIndex20 interactionType3 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection0 reply"Continue""Complete" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType1897987959 vendorCategoryIndex-1 21
1326"Not bad. Reminds me of a time I was tangling with this Vandal… or was it a Hive Knight?" Banshee's voice trails off. After a brief pause, he shakes his head. "Cayde would probably remember better than me, he was there. Anyway, hope you learned something, Guardian." You can find additional finishers at the Eververse storeComplete activities to prove your mastery of Eriana's Vow and Banshee will reward you with an Exotic weapon catalyst. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Eight Count""An Education" instructions"" interactionIndex21 interactionType3 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection0 reply"Complete""Continue" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType1897987959 vendorCategoryIndex-1 22
1500It takes a moment for Banshee to remember why you've come to him with a more-or-less-functional key generator, but after a bit of kind prompting from Ghost, he gets there. "Right, right," he mutters, rummagingBanshee's pleased that you want the heavy Bow in his workshop. "Good," he says. "Real good. Uh. Problem is, through a pile of ammo cases and weapon parts on his work bench. He finds a small device which he uses to digitally sign your generator, and just like that, you've got a simple little program that can spit out a code that should open that case. "Go see if it works," Banshee says gruffl, lock on that case is real secure. Haven't opened it since we won the war against Ghaul. Not sure I even know where the keycodes are." He contemplates a moment. "Well. That's all right. We can reverse engineer 'em. I'd say crack the glass, but…" He trails off. There is an ominous look in his eyes. "I don't recommend crackin' the glass." He gives Ghost a number of diagnostics to generate a new keycode, and then sends you on your way. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Applied Cryptosecurity""Where Are the Keys, Sir?" instructions"" interactionIndex22 interactionType3 questlineItemHash0 replies[ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ] rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType1897987959 vendorCategoryIndex-1 23
1123Banshee-44 forged Cayde's favorite gun, the Ace of Spades. He can't bear the thought of that prized piece in Uldren's hand."Let's see," Banshee says, leaning against the counter. "I think I could give this weapon a boost for you. Something to help you out in the field." He nods. "But first, I need to see how you handle it. Get me some data, and I'll see what I can do." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
1123Banshee-44 forged Cayde's favorite gun, the Ace of Spades. He can't bear the thought of that prized piece in Uldren's hand. hasIconfalse name"Cayde's Will""New Enhancements" instructions"Accept Reward""" interactionIndex23 interactionType73 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection10 reply"""Continue" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType37848647401897987959 vendorCategoryIndex12-1 24
5516hee looks up from his work as you approach. "Hey," he says. "Heard about the Moon. Nightmares. Vex." He shakes his head. "You're gonna want some, uh... Some real firepowthinks he can help boost your weapon's per for that." His gaze loses focus for a moment, then he goes on. "Got somethin' in my workshop that I want you to have. Ain't a gun. Big Bow. It'll chew up those Vex real good. You go on up to my workshop, take a look at it. See if you like it. Cayde'll tell ya where the secret entrance is." Another customer queues behind you. Best get goingmance, but he needs you to do some work in the field first. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Make Bows, Not War""Speak with Banshee" instructions"" interactionIndex24 interactionType73 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection10 reply"ACCEPT REWARD:""Continue" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType37848647401897987959 vendorCategoryIndex34-1 25
1211Banshee-44's eyes burn brightly as he speaks of repairing the Ace of Spades. But he can't do it alone. He'll need some biorhythmic data from you—and some parts from the secret caches Cayde hid across the system"Got a weapon frame here you might like, but its pain matrix is on the fritz. Seems like trouble. Hmm… "Had a friend who'd say 'trouble's the point.' He had a chicken and a sense of humor. Anyway... "Have your Ghost track the thresholds of the punishment you take out in the wilds so we can fine-tune its systems to channel and redirect your, uhh… discomfort." Follow the quest steps to complete the objectives as Banshee-44 helps you construct a powerful Exotic weapon. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
1211Banshee-44's eyes burn brightly as he speaks of repairing the Ace of Spades. But he can't do it alone. He'll need some biorhythmic data from you—and some parts from the secret caches Cayde hid across the system. hasIconfalse name"Cayde's Will""Pain and Gain" instructions"Accept Reward""" interactionIndex25 interactionType7 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection1 reply"""ACCEPT REWARD:" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType3784864740 vendorCategoryIndex1331 26
1473"Got a weapon frame here you might like, but its pain matrix is on the fritz. Seems like trouble. Hmm… "Had a friend who'd say 'trouble's the point.' He had a chicken and a sense of humor. Anyway... "Have your Ghost track the thresholds of the punishment you take out in the wilds so we can fine-tune its systems to channel and redirect your, uhh… discomfort." Follow the quest steps to complete the objectives as Banshee-44 helps you construct a powerful Exotic weaponBanshee-44 forged Cayde's favorite gun, the Ace of Spades. He can't bear the thought of that prized piece in Uldren's hand. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
00Banshee-44 forged Cayde's favorite gun, the Ace of Spades. He can't bear the thought of that prized piece in Uldren's hand. hasIconfalse name"Pain and Gain""Cayde's Will" instructions"""Accept Reward" interactionIndex26 interactionType7 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection1 reply"ACCEPT REWARD:""" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType3784864740 vendorCategoryIndex3112 27{ "interactionIndex": 27, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 27, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3784864740, "interactionType": 7, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"MIDA. MIDA. Old name. Almost as old as me. Lost a bunch of my schematics when the Tower went down. Could recreate one for you. If that's the kind of thing you're into.\" —Banshee-44", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Sight, Shoot, Repeat", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "ACCEPT REWARD:" } 28
1341"Eriana went to the Moon. Many did. None came back. Well… Eris did. But that wasn't 'til later. And she came back… different. "My point's not aboBanshee-44's eyes burn brightly as he speaks of repairing the Ace of Spades. But the loss though. Point is they went. Despite the odds. Despite the unknown. "Eriana may be gone, but that gun means she's still with us. Still able to teach Guardians lessons worth learnin'."can't do it alone. He'll need some biorhythmic data from you—and some parts from the secret caches Cayde hid across the system. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
00Banshee-44's eyes burn brightly as he speaks of repairing the Ace of Spades. But he can't do it alone. He'll need some biorhythmic data from you—and some parts from the secret caches Cayde hid across the system. hasIconfalse name"The Vow""Cayde's Will" instructions"""Accept Reward" interactionIndex28 interactionType7 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection1 reply"ACCEPT REWARD:""" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType3784864740 vendorCategoryIndex3613 29
1258"Don't let this gig fool you; I like the feel of a trigger under my finger, but sometimes ammo's shortBanshee looks up from his work as you approach. "Hey," he says. "Heard about the Moon. Nightmares. Vex." He shakes his head. "You're gonna want some, uh... Some real firepower for that." His gaze loses focus for a moment, then he goes on. "Gotta find other ways to get the job done. Make sure you're prepared somethin' in my workshop that I want you to have. Ain't a gun. Big Bow. It'll chew up those Vex real good. You go on up to my workshop, take a look at it. See if you like it. Cayde'll tell ya when that time comes." Banshee encourages you to defeat enemies usingre the secret entrance is." Another customer queues behind your finisher. Best get going. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Technical Knockout""Make Bows, Not War" instructions"" interactionIndex29 interactionType7 questlineItemHash0 replies[ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "ACCEPT REWARD:", "replyType": 2 } ] rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType3784864740 vendorCategoryIndex3834 3
1341"Never liked the Moon. Too many memories. Too many lost friends. Hate to see you end up the same… And I know you've walked where most wouldn't dare, but there's always lessons to learn, Guardian. Even some you think you already know." Heed Banshee's words. Do as he asks, and earn an Exotic weapon catalyst for the Eriana's Vow Hand Cannon.Guardian. I found something I thought you'd find useful. Set it aside somewhere here. Let's see…" flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Remembrance""Finishing Touches" instructions"" interactionIndex3 interactionType2 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection1 reply"Complete""Continue" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType2716011929 vendorCategoryIndex3537 30
1214Banshee takes a look at your gun and nods his approval. "I like the look of this one," he says. "But I bet I can help you kick it up a notch." He leans back and crosses his arms. "Let me know if you want my help"Eriana went to the Moon. Many did. None came back. Well… Eris did. But that wasn't 'til later. And she came back… different. "My point's not about the loss though. Point is they went. Despite the odds. Despite the unknown. "Eriana may be gone, but that gun means she's still with us. Still able to teach Guardians lessons worth learnin'." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Symmetry Remastered""The Vow" instructions"" interactionIndex30 interactionType7 questlineItemHash0 replies[ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "ACCEPT REWARD:", "replyType": 2 } ] rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType3784864740 vendorCategoryIndex4036 31
194Dismantle Rare or Legendary gear to get Gunsmith Materials and earn rewards from the Gunsmith"Don't let this gig fool you; I like the feel of a trigger under my finger, but sometimes ammo's short. Gotta find other ways to get the job done. Make sure you're prepared when that time comes." Banshee encourages you to defeat enemies using your finisher. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Faction Reward""Technical Knockout" instructions"" interactionIndex31 interactionType47 questlineItemHash0 replies
0{ "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "ACCEPT REWARD:", "replyType": 2 } rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType30874154843784864740 vendorCategoryIndex938 32
195Your reputation with the Gunsmiths precedes you. Take this reward in recognition of your deeds.Banshee takes a look at your gun and nods his approval. "I like the look of this one," he says. "But I bet I can help you kick it up a notch." He leans back and crosses his arms. "Let me know if you want my help." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Faction Reward""Symmetry Remastered" instructions"Accept Reward""" interactionIndex32 interactionType57 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection1 reply"""ACCEPT REWARD:" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType35288441683784864740 vendorCategoryIndex840 33
159Show the Gunsmith proof of your enthusiasm for destructionBanshee offers to help you improve your new Auto Rifle, Tommy's Matchbook. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Increase Reputation""A Good Match" instructions"Present Tokens""" interactionIndex33 interactionType67 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection1 reply"""ACCEPT REWARD:" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType31690298423784864740 vendorCategoryIndex742 34
143Increase your level to claim these rewardsDismantle Rare or Legendary gear to get Gunsmith Materials and earn rewards from the Gunsmith. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Reach Level 20""Faction Reward" instructions"Unclaimed Rewards""" interactionIndex34 interactionType54 questlineItemHash0 replies
0{ "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType35288441683087415484 vendorCategoryIndex89 35{ "interactionIndex": 35, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 8, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3528844168, "interactionType": 5, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Your reputation with the Gunsmiths precedes you. Take this reward in recognition of your deeds.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Faction Reward", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "Accept Reward" } 36{ "interactionIndex": 36, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 8, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3528844168, "interactionType": 5, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Increase your level to claim these rewards.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Reach Level 20", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "Unclaimed Rewards" } 37{ "interactionIndex": 37, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 7, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3169029842, "interactionType": 6, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Show the Gunsmith proof of your enthusiasm for destruction.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Increase Reputation", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "Present Tokens" } 4
1422"Look… I'm not gonna tell ya there are weapons out there more complex… more deadly than the greatest gunsmiths could design. But there's rumors of an outbreak on Titan and a worm on Io that packs more punch than a Titan on a bad day. Don't take my word for it. Ask around." Incredible weapons exist in the wilds beyond the City. Follow cluesNever liked the Moon. Too many memories. Too many lost friends. Hate to see you end up the same… And I know you've walked where most wouldn't dare, but there's always lessons to learn, Guardian. Even some you think you already know." Heed Banshee's words. Do as he asks, and learn from your fellow Guardians to discover what is myth and what is realan Exotic weapon catalyst for the Eriana's Vow Hand Cannon. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Impossible Rumors""Remembrance" instructions"" interactionIndex4 interactionType2 questlineItemHash0 replies
itemRewardsSelection1 reply"Continue""Complete" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType2716011929 vendorCategoryIndex3335 5{ "interactionIndex": 5, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 11, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Gunsmith has a delivery for you: an experimental prototype weapon from Omolon foundry.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Experimental Weapon", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "Accept Weapon" } 6
1282"It's always nice to meet a new Guardian. As a welcome to the Tower, here… take this weapon. Trust me. It's an upgrade." Banshee-44 is the Tower's Gunsmith. He offers bounties, gear mods, and special rewards. Hover over the weapon icon bLook… I'm not gonna tell ya there are weapons out there more complex… more deadly than the greatest gunsmiths could design. But there's rumors of an outbreak on Titan and a worm on Io that packs more punch than a Titan on a bad day. Don't take my word for it. Ask around." Incredible weapons exist in the wilds beyond the City. Follow clues and learn from your fellow, and select it with . ACQUIRE WEAPON Guardians to discover what is myth and what is real. flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIconfalse name"Meet Banshee-44""Impossible Rumors" instructions"" interactionIndex6 interactionType2 questlineItemHash0 replies[ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ] rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType2716011929 vendorCategoryIndex3233 7
1161Banshee eyes you with a skeptical stare. "Huh? I don't remember asking you to do this…" He shrugs. "Oh, well. Everything helps, I guess. Thanks for your work.""It's always nice to meet a new Guardian. As a welcome to the Tower, here… take this weapon. Trust me. It's an upgrade." Banshee-44 is the Tower's Gunsmith. He offers bounties, gear mods, and special rewards. Hover over the weapon icon below, and select it with . ACQUIRE WEAPON flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIcontruefalse icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/d9c71aaf3dda2f320e6a05b847a0ae21.png" name"Spare Parts""Meet Banshee-44" instructions"" interactionIndex7 interactionType2 questlineItemHash14138137470 replies
itemRewardsSelection01 reply"Complete""Continue" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType2716011929 vendorCategoryIndex-132 8
1191Banshee's old hands rove over the Ace of Spades, sliding new pieces into place, clos"I got a special relationship with loss. You know that." Banshee looks down at the gun he's polishing. "It's not easy, keeping spirits up during a polished unscored chassis over its perfectly tuned mechanisms. It's done. The Ace of Spades is yours.holiday that's all about remembering." He pauses, then looks up. "But those memories are in there somewhere. Deep down, maybe. So I try to honor them best I can, especially this time of year." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIcontruefalse icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/d9c71aaf3dda2f320e6a05b847a0ae21.png" name"Cayde's Will""Banshee-44" instructions"Complete""" interactionIndex8 interactionType2 questlineItemHash38725987810 replies
itemRewardsSelection10 reply"Complete""" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType2716011929 vendorCategoryIndex14-1 9
481shee-44 blinks and stares at the gift, then takes it be eyes you with a skeptical stare. "Huh? I don't remember asking you to do this…" He shrugs. "Oh, well. Everything helps, I guess. Thanks fore you can question him.r work." flavorLineTwo"" headerDisplayProperties
description"" hasIcontrue icon"/common/destiny2_content/icons/318b1f68a260a0d78e72eb4d5f2aba83.png" name"Dawning Delivery""Spare Parts" instructions"Give Gift""" interactionIndex9 interactionType2 questlineItemHash01413813747 replies
itemRewardsSelection10 reply"""Complete" replyType2 rewardSiteHash0 rewardBlockLabel"" rewardVendorCategoryIndex-1 sackInteractionList[] uiInteractionType2716011929 vendorCategoryIndex6-1 inventoryFlyouts[] itemList
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I found something I thought you'd find useful. Set it aside somewhere here. Let's see…\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Finishing Touches", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 4, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 35, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Never liked the Moon. Too many memories. Too many lost friends. Hate to see you end up the same… And I know you've walked where most wouldn't dare, but there's always lessons to learn, Guardian. Even some you think you already know.\"\n\nHeed Banshee's words. Do as he asks, and earn an Exotic weapon catalyst for the Eriana's Vow Hand Cannon.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Remembrance", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 5, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 11, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "The Gunsmith has a delivery for you: an experimental prototype weapon from Omolon foundry.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Experimental Weapon", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "Accept Weapon" }, { "interactionIndex": 6, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 33, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Look… I'm not gonna tell ya there are weapons out there more complex… more deadly than the greatest gunsmiths could design. But there's rumors of an outbreak on Titan and a worm on Io that packs more punch than a Titan on a bad day. Don't take my word for it. Ask around.\"\n\nIncredible weapons exist in the wilds beyond the City. Follow clues and learn from your fellow Guardians to discover what is myth and what is real.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Impossible Rumors", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 7, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 32, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"It's always nice to meet a new Guardian. As a welcome to the Tower, here… take this weapon. Trust me. It's an upgrade.\"\n\nBanshee-44 is the Tower's Gunsmith. He offers bounties, gear mods, and special rewards.\n\nHover over the weapon icon below, and select it with .\n\n\nACQUIRE WEAPON", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Meet Banshee-44", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 8, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"I got a special relationship with loss. You know that.\" Banshee looks down at the gun he's polishing. \"It's not easy, keeping spirits up during a holiday that's all about remembering.\"\n\nHe pauses, then looks up. \"But those memories are in there somewhere. Deep down, maybe. So I try to honor them best I can, especially this time of year.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Banshee-44", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 9, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 1413813747, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Banshee eyes you with a skeptical stare.\n\n\"Huh? I don't remember asking you to do this…\"\n\nHe shrugs. \"Oh, well. Everything helps, I guess. Thanks for your work.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Spare Parts", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/d9c71aaf3dda2f320e6a05b847a0ae21.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 10, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 28, "questlineItemHash": 3773368881, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Banshee looks like he recognizes what you've brought him, but you can't be sure. There's no mistaking the gratitude in his eyes, though.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Dawning's Gift: Banshee-44", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/d9c71aaf3dda2f320e6a05b847a0ae21.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "Select" }, { "interactionIndex": 11, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 25, "questlineItemHash": 2081553940, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"That's it. Had to pare down some of the weirder features. Still works as a stellar sextant, cable splitter, avionics trawl, pneumatic drill, compass aligner... anyway. Enjoy the gun part.\" —Banshee-44", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "The Fall Will Kill You", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/d9c71aaf3dda2f320e6a05b847a0ae21.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "ACCEPT REWARD:" }, { "interactionIndex": 12, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 14, "questlineItemHash": 3872598781, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 2716011929, "interactionType": 2, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Banshee's old hands rove over the Ace of Spades, sliding new pieces into place, closing a polished unscored chassis over its perfectly tuned mechanisms. It's done. The Ace of Spades is yours.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Cayde's Will", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/d9c71aaf3dda2f320e6a05b847a0ae21.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "Complete" }, { "interactionIndex": 13, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 29, "questlineItemHash": 3101788837, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/d9c71aaf3dda2f320e6a05b847a0ae21.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 14, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 3872598781, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Banshee-44's eyes burn brightly as he speaks of repairing the Ace of Spades. But he can't do it alone. He'll need some biorhythmic data from you—and some parts from the secret caches Cayde hid across the system.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Cayde's Will", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/d9c71aaf3dda2f320e6a05b847a0ae21.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 15, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2081553940, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Almost got it. Still need. Huh. Kind of a strange one. Still need some more data. For the tracker. Keep an open mind.\" —Banshee-44", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "The Fall Will Kill You", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/d9c71aaf3dda2f320e6a05b847a0ae21.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 16, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 19, "questlineItemHash": 3080875461, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Banshee is quiet for a while, then he says, \"Say. I don't mind lookin' at this for you, but I'm gonna have to tell Ikora about it, all right?\"\n\nYou nod. \"You might as well throw this away and start from scratch,\" Banshee mumbles. \"But… If you're really determined…\"\n\nBy the time he sends you on your way with a detailed shopping list, he's forgotten the conversation entirely.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Independent Study", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/d9c71aaf3dda2f320e6a05b847a0ae21.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "Accept" }, { "interactionIndex": 17, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 2081553940, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Good start. That's a good start. Need more details, though. Ins and outs. Lots of Scouts run on MIDA principles. Crack them open. We'll see what we can find.\" —Banshee-44", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Under the Hood", "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/d9c71aaf3dda2f320e6a05b847a0ae21.png", "hasIcon": true }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 18, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Riskrunner's a real piece of work. Having a gun that gets aggressive when you're in a bad spot's a life saver. Sure, it may hurt a bit, but once that beauty gets humming, your enemies better watch out.\"\n\nYour Riskrunner is complete. Use it on your journey to help shift the odds in your favor when the going gets tough.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Visit Banshee-44", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 19, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "It takes a moment for Banshee to remember why you've come to him with a more-or-less-functional key generator, but after a bit of kind prompting from Ghost, he gets there.\n\n\"Right, right,\" he mutters, rummaging through a pile of ammo cases and weapon parts on his work bench. He finds a small device which he uses to digitally sign your generator, and just like that, you've got a simple little program that can spit out a code that should open that case.\n\n\"Go see if it works,\" Banshee says gruffly.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Applied Cryptosecurity", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 20, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Complete", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Not bad. Reminds me of a time I was tangling with this Vandal… or was it a Hive Knight?\" Banshee's voice trails off. After a brief pause, he shakes his head.\n\n\"Cayde would probably remember better than me, he was there. Anyway, hope you learned something, Guardian.\"\n\nYou can find additional finishers at the Eververse store.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Eight Count", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 21, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Complete activities to prove your mastery of Eriana's Vow and Banshee will reward you with an Exotic weapon catalyst.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "An Education", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 22, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Banshee's pleased that you want the heavy Bow in his workshop. \"Good,\" he says. \"Real good. Uh. Problem is, though, lock on that case is real secure. Haven't opened it since we won the war against Ghaul. Not sure I even know where the keycodes are.\"\n\nHe contemplates a moment. \"Well. That's all right. We can reverse engineer 'em. I'd say crack the glass, but…\" He trails off. There is an ominous look in his eyes. \"I don't recommend crackin' the glass.\"\n\nHe gives Ghost a number of diagnostics to generate a new keycode, and then sends you on your way.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Where Are the Keys, Sir?", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 23, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Let's see,\" Banshee says, leaning against the counter. \"I think I could give this weapon a boost for you. Something to help you out in the field.\"\n\nHe nods. \"But first, I need to see how you handle it. Get me some data, and I'll see what I can do.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "New Enhancements", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 24, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 0, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "Continue", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": -1, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 1897987959, "interactionType": 3, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Banshee thinks he can help boost your weapon's performance, but he needs you to do some work in the field first.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Speak with Banshee", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 25, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "ACCEPT REWARD:", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 31, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3784864740, "interactionType": 7, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Got a weapon frame here you might like, but its pain matrix is on the fritz. Seems like trouble. Hmm…\n\n\"Had a friend who'd say 'trouble's the point.' He had a chicken and a sense of humor. Anyway...\n\n\"Have your Ghost track the thresholds of the punishment you take out in the wilds so we can fine-tune its systems to channel and redirect your, uhh… discomfort.\"\n\nFollow the quest steps to complete the objectives as Banshee-44 helps you construct a powerful Exotic weapon.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Pain and Gain", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 26, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 12, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3784864740, "interactionType": 7, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Banshee-44 forged Cayde's favorite gun, the Ace of Spades. He can't bear the thought of that prized piece in Uldren's hand.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "Banshee-44 forged Cayde's favorite gun, the Ace of Spades. He can't bear the thought of that prized piece in Uldren's hand.", "name": "Cayde's Will", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "Accept Reward" }, { "interactionIndex": 27, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 27, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3784864740, "interactionType": 7, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"MIDA. MIDA. Old name. Almost as old as me. Lost a bunch of my schematics when the Tower went down. Could recreate one for you. If that's the kind of thing you're into.\" —Banshee-44", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Sight, Shoot, Repeat", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "ACCEPT REWARD:" }, { "interactionIndex": 28, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 13, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3784864740, "interactionType": 7, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Banshee-44's eyes burn brightly as he speaks of repairing the Ace of Spades. But he can't do it alone. He'll need some biorhythmic data from you—and some parts from the secret caches Cayde hid across the system.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "Banshee-44's eyes burn brightly as he speaks of repairing the Ace of Spades. But he can't do it alone. He'll need some biorhythmic data from you—and some parts from the secret caches Cayde hid across the system.", "name": "Cayde's Will", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "Accept Reward" }, { "interactionIndex": 29, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "ACCEPT REWARD:", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 34, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3784864740, "interactionType": 7, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Banshee looks up from his work as you approach. \"Hey,\" he says. \"Heard about the Moon. Nightmares. Vex.\" He shakes his head. \"You're gonna want some, uh... Some real firepower for that.\"\n\nHis gaze loses focus for a moment, then he goes on. \"Got somethin' in my workshop that I want you to have. Ain't a gun. Big Bow. It'll chew up those Vex real good. You go on up to my workshop, take a look at it. See if you like it. Cayde'll tell ya where the secret entrance is.\"\n\nAnother customer queues behind you. Best get going.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Make Bows, Not War", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 30, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "ACCEPT REWARD:", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 36, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3784864740, "interactionType": 7, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Eriana went to the Moon. Many did. None came back. Well… Eris did. But that wasn't 'til later. And she came back… different.\n\n\"My point's not about the loss though. Point is they went. Despite the odds. Despite the unknown.\n\n\"Eriana may be gone, but that gun means she's still with us. Still able to teach Guardians lessons worth learnin'.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "The Vow", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 31, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "ACCEPT REWARD:", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 38, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3784864740, "interactionType": 7, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "\"Don't let this gig fool you; I like the feel of a trigger under my finger, but sometimes ammo's short. Gotta find other ways to get the job done. Make sure you're prepared when that time comes.\"\n\nBanshee encourages you to defeat enemies using your finisher.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Technical Knockout", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 32, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "ACCEPT REWARD:", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 40, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3784864740, "interactionType": 7, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Banshee takes a look at your gun and nods his approval. \"I like the look of this one,\" he says. \"But I bet I can help you kick it up a notch.\"\n\nHe leans back and crosses his arms. \"Let me know if you want my help.\"", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Symmetry Remastered", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 33, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "ACCEPT REWARD:", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 42, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3784864740, "interactionType": 7, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Banshee offers to help you improve your new Auto Rifle, Tommy's Matchbook.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "A Good Match", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 34, "replies": [], "vendorCategoryIndex": 9, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3087415484, "interactionType": 4, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Dismantle Rare or Legendary gear to get Gunsmith Materials and earn rewards from the Gunsmith.", "flavorLineTwo": "", "headerDisplayProperties": { "description": "", "name": "Faction Reward", "hasIcon": false }, "instructions": "" }, { "interactionIndex": 35, "replies": [ { "itemRewardsSelection": 1, "rewardSiteHash": 0, "reply": "", "replyType": 2 } ], "vendorCategoryIndex": 8, "questlineItemHash": 0, "sackInteractionList": [], "uiInteractionType": 3528844168, "interactionType": 5, "rewardBlockLabel": "", "rewardVendorCategoryIndex": -1, "flavorLineOne": "Your reputation with the Gunsmiths precedes you. 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