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Kridis's Armor Fragment
A fragment of Kridis's armor. Preventing the Priestess from resurrecting Eramis was no small feat. ...
Miniature Crux
A small Crux of Darkness. It hums with a quiet energy.
Perhaps a place can be found for it at the c...
Offering to the Oracle
A fragment of amethyst, offered in supplication to the mysterious Oracle Engine.
Penguin Figurine
A penguin souvenir, just like the ones Clovis Bray gave to the children of Eventide.
Perhaps a pla...
Photo of Ana and Elsie Bray
An old photo of Ana and Elsie. It took a lot of exploring to recover this.
Perhaps a place can be f...
Phylaks's Armor Fragment
A fragment of Phylaks's armor. Winning the battle against the Warrior was the first step in defeatin...
Praksis's Armor Fragment
A fragment of Praksis's armor. Deactivating the Technocrat was key in shutting down Eramis's whole e...
A strange device of tube, glass, and chitin. Fynch might be able to identify it.
Stasis Shard
A shard of Stasis. It wasn't easy mastering this power.
Perhaps a place can be found for it at the...
Taniks's Armor Fragment
A fragment of Taniks's armor. Maybe this time, he'll stay dead.
Perhaps a place can be found for it...
Vex Goblin Arm
A hologram of a Vex Goblin arm, just like the ones Clovis Bray tried grafting on the Humans in his s...
Unnamed Item #3639046080
Unnamed Item #3639046088
Unnamed Item #3655823796
Unnamed Item #3655823797
Unnamed Item #3655823800
Unnamed Item #3655823801
Unnamed Item #3655823802
Unnamed Item #3655823803
Unnamed Item #3655823804
Unnamed Item #3655823805
Unnamed Item #3655823806
Unnamed Item #3655823807
Unnamed Item #40549752
Unnamed Item #40549754
Unnamed Item #40549755
Unnamed Item #40549756
Unnamed Item #40549757
Unnamed Item #40549758
Unnamed Item #40549759
Unnamed Item #4133455809
Unnamed Item #4133455810
Unnamed Item #4133455811
Unnamed Item #4133455820
Unnamed Item #4133455821
Unnamed Item #4150233525
Unnamed Item #4150233526
Unnamed Item #4150233527
Unnamed Item #2863148329
Unnamed Item #1656278203
Essence of Dawning
Essence of Dawning can be used to bake gifts in Eva's Holiday Oven.
Find essence by engaging in act...
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